Trump the con man

>I'm going to drain the swamp
>clinton not in jail
>clinton foundation not getting investigated
>no wall
>no infrastructure plan
>no lower class tax cut
>gave a tax cut to corporations and billionaires
>keeps fucking with foreign countries and syria
>barely any deportations
>Muh 55k indictments went nowhere
>Sessions is a joke

How did this guy get away with it? Even tricking the entire internet into thinking he was legit?

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Lets have a honest discussion of Trumps failures.
Everyone still vote for the GoP come tuesday, but we cant ignore Trumps bias towards Israel and his approval of send 38 billion of our tax dollars to israel in the form of military aid over 10 years. Idk about you but i could think of alot of things we could do with 38 billion. Like forgive student loan debt (fun fact: student loan debt can only be forgiven in bankruptcy if you are children of a Congressman.

>you are losing bigly

Its extremely funny to watch

Bump. The_Donald locusts are a scurge on /pol

>oy vey, don't vote goy
I'll still be voting red on tuesday, you disgusting paid shill

Idk if anybody really falls for your tactics, because even the lower iq people realize that voting red is better than not voting, let alone voting blue which is akin to treason at this point

If that's winning, yikes. Doing as much as a libertarian politician aka doing jack shit.

>look at the list of things Trump dosen't have the authority to change or is being obstructed form doing
Why should I care, again?

>funded by zionist billionaire Sheldon Adelson
>appoints zionist neocon warhawk Bolton
>backs Kavanaugh (the man that backed the patriot act)
>moved embassy to Jerusalem
>kept alive by jewish bankers because he was and I quote Trump worth 'more alive to us than dead'
>married his kids off to jews
>is going to make anti semitism illegal lol

MIGA! lol

The Democrats absolutely refuse to be the party of the middle class. They've decided that they must destroy the middle class in order for them to be reliant on the government, giving them more power. Since this is a two party system; it leaves everyone with one choice.

It is a very sad state of affairs and you should feel ashamed for helping destroy this country and the families it once housed, the future families it will not be able to house, and the stability of the world it will not be able to shield from the imperialistic east.


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>enjoys hookers pissing on him
>rapes a pornstar with his mushroom penis while his pregnant wife is sleeping next to him
>supports nazis and white supremacists
>colluded with russia
>calls black people niggers when he knows he's not being recorded
>has dementia
>is an israeli puppet
>enjoys killing immigrants and foreigners
>is a coward
>all his supporters are neonazi incels

Pay debts you fucking took out the pay.

So now niggers are people and we care about dead setbacks? Fuck you.

Impressive you fit all of his lies into one OP
You'd need multiple threads to list every other candidates lies and crimes
best of the worst

> backed by jewsus kike cultists
> jews took him out of bankrupcy several times
Yep, he is full of shit and created a boomer cult around him. Hillary is shit and she has a SJW cult too. Burgers are fucked with this third world government.

> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> go to church every Sunday
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> former KKK senior member
> routinely beat up spics, faggots, and niggers in my youth
> still go out to rape a woman every week
> abused my pet cat and dogs until they ran away or died
> married my cousin, divorced her for my sister
> rev up my car whenever non-white people pass by, flip them the finger
> shoot up a synagogue every other weekend
> leave bacon at the doors of mosques
> write racist YouTube comments
> post NPC memes on twitter
> disowned my son when he "acted" like a faggot for "a laugh" once
> moderator on stormfront forums
> refuse to consume nigger-invented peanut butter
> Chick-fil-A regular
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary since the 90s
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

you are fabulating mutt, you elected a con get over it or enjoy but don't talk this bs

Trump’s like John the Baptist, he’s just getting us prepared for the real deal messiah.

The one thing I like to say when discussions go like this thread is-

If Hillary were president, do you think we would be in a better situation?

The answer is unquestionably no. Vote R. We need to reshape the party from within. People like us and Gen Z will help get people like steve king and those further right than him into higher positions of power in the future. Stop being a bunch of high-time-preference niggers and see the goal.

Worse of all there were people who unironically believed he would eliminate the deficit because of
>muh Laffer curve

What's your point?

Left or right, they're both sides of the same worthless fiat coin.

Drumpf hater here;
I fucking hate him but I do agree with his views. That's all I wanted to say.

Why do I hate him: he is a fucking nepotist, arrogant baboon, a draft dodging pussy and above all, kike lover albino nigger.

Why do I agree with his policy: He is right.

>Flag: France

What did they mean by this?

Check the numbers
Again the numbers
>Triggers liberal, shill fags like (you)
Yep Winning

Don't forget the intact glass ceiling at the Javett center. KEK!

T_D kike mods shoah any posts that are critical of Israel. It's disgusting

>Bringing up Trumps lies means i'm a shill
>A good person would just happily take lie after lie without complaining!

You're wrong, but let's say you're right. What about DACA? It's just an EO. He can get rid of it whenever he feels like it. You know why he hasn't? His kike handlers told him not to.

why would trump jail the one person he's guaranteed to beat in 2020?

Trump's a neo-con like the rest, the difference being he's his own man, he doesn't the follow the line like other bought and payed for neo-cons, which drives the media insane.
Take the aftermath at Charlottesville for example: Where he rightfully condemned the leftist agitators, if a Bush, Cheney, Romney or any other GOP-con had been in office you wouldn't have heard that.

Of course looking up ANY bit of Trump's history shows just how much nigger and kike dick he's sucked thru the years. I'm honestly convinced Trump did do some shilling on Jow Forums, how the hell else did Jow Forums convince itself that Trump was going to end the jews?

You didn't even mention his cabinet, which is filled with the same people that have ruined our country.

Agreed, but you're not much better off with your jew president either.

>throwing away bargaining chips
Thats how you lose. He's already used it to humiliate the Dems already.

Check the numbers
>government spending
Again, check the numbers

Because he said he would.
Law and order is important.

But it turns out he's another lying politician like the rest.

>Law and order is important.
what about his fucking taxes? or "university" scam?

>2008 - 2016
>deficit and government spending
All good, shut the fuck up racist

>2016 - now
>deficit and government spending
Fucking terrible, shut the fuck up Nazi

>it's just 4D chess, goy

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Muh tax returns wasn't illegal and got irritating when they kept bringing it up desu, unless you mean something else. His university was a mill though of course.

I didn't mention everything but it's a few things.
This thread is probably getting slid right now, ptg spam thread constantly bumping legitimate things off the catalogue. They unironically post John Bolt on memes now.

Trust the plan

t. Q

>How did this guy get away with it?

His masterstroke is he knows the modern world operates on style over substance.

>All good, shut the fuck up racist
Obamas stimulus was shit but you still need to spend more when coming off a recession. Trump is spending almost the same as Obama but with no reason, just so he can artificially bulk up the numbers, that's why the fed has raised interest 2.5% in 2 years.

To be fair, Trump never ran as a fiscal conservative but it gets irritating to see 'small gubment conservatives' constantly defend this when they had nothing but scorn for Obama doing the exact same thing.


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Finally, Jow Forums is back.

You dont wonder why DACA isn't talked about anymore? You literally the first shill in forever to even mention it.

Not an argument.

What do you think changed in the last couple of months?

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>forgive debt
I demand other people pay for my bad decisions
>how about we remove gov guarantee for student loans and allow risk reward

He's the president, not the God-Emperor. Trump has done quite a lot for being a man on his own, in charge of 1 branch of government. There's only so much he can do without Congress supporting him. Republicans might come around if they win this election as Trump will have proven he has a winning brand.

Other problem is that he can't fire Jeff Sessions while this stupid "muh Russia" investigation is going on. But Sessions seems to be part of the swamp. It's his job to go after Hillary but he's not doing it and this Russia investigation gives him almost insurmountable job security. Presumably he knows it and this is why he's dragging it out.

The FBI is in Hillary's pocket still too. It has been drained a little bit but it's a big swamp.

I could have told you from the start that Trump will need 8 years to really progress here. You can't drain a swamp in 2 years.

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Because America is the stupidest and most cucked nation in history

Upvoted power level 9000
Remove gov guarantee and the ridiculous waste of admin g&a in bloated uni will cure itself

>Obamas stimulus was shit but you still need to spend more when coming off a recession.
>it gets irritating to see 'small gubment conservatives' constantly defend this
Then maybe it was a bad idea to make them not care.

If someone doesn't care about government spending then they're a dummy either way. Why do you need a blue or red sports team to tell you what your opinions should be?

He "got away with it" because the DNC is that bad. For example here, you're clearly a DNC spy but you're flying the RNC flag. You literally lied to us with your OP. We know you're a bunch liars and are exceptionally dangerous in large groups. Why would ANYONE trust you? Moving on...

The DNC wants to
use violence to gain power(luckily they're a bunch of idiots and pussies)
ban guns from law abiding citizens
grow the government
allow convicted felons to vote
blame The White Man for EVERYTHING under the sun
has no respect for human life (see abortion) which means possible future genocides
open boarders especially and give social(ism) programs to anyone who can make it here thus bankrupting the country.
also fight wars so they're not exactly the party of peace

Did I miss anything?

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>you're clearly a DNC spy
Interesting, given that I've not endorsed the Democrats even once and have said they're shit.

Sheeple always think if you don't like red then you like blue, this is known as a false dichotomy.

>Why do you need a blue or red sports team to tell you what your opinions should be?
I don't government spending is out of control, i just dont give a shit anymore since i was called a racist for bringing it up for 8 years straight.

Im betting your Canadian myself, irrelevant either way

uh huh. Sure you are. Right before election. Trying to cast doubt on Trump or his endorsements. Classic Divide and conquer tactics.
>if I could just get that 1% to flip
were onto you

I've been talking about this stuff for over a year now. If you want to rumble a shill network then start with ptg, the most inorganic general on the board.

Canadian confirmed

Not responding. Double confirmed

I am not from Canada. Why would talking about ptg mean that user?

Eat a dick, if you cucks weren't lapping up the neocon agenda (THEY TRIED TO STEAL THE NOMINATION FROM TRUMP) then more effective government could've implemented universal education and healthcare. I don't see the UK ever lose its shit over having either, sounds like you're all just fucking cucks for big business and want to work for $7 an hour while taking classes 50 hours a week.

Jesus Christ I want pepe nu-Jow Forums to leave

I agree, but that Aid is actually a gift to our weapons manufacturers who employ hundreds of thousands of American workers. The money comes back home in the end.

Ignore that cucked German. I'm surprised he had a free hand to type that considering he's getting all his holes filled by Somali and Turkish niggers

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I was Tea Party from 2005 to 2012, we couldn't get any o the mainstream Republicans to cut the size of government, balance the budget etc. Except for Rand Paul, they just wanted to plug the hot button and emotional issues and they didn't even do that. Gay marriage still got legalized, Immigration wasn't reeled in. The truth is corporate America runs both parties and oddly the Tea party got the same treatment as the Sander's Socialist although we are 180 degrees out of phase politically.

Until the lawyers and corporate globalist are out of American politics, corporate sweet heart deals and the welfare state will continue.

At least Trump has tried to balance the trade deficit and reform some taxes.

The tax reform was watered down a lot from where it began, even McCain was a huge fan of it. Really you'd have had that tax cut with any Republican.

Trump bringing back certain industry (or trying to) is a good thing, but the spending right now is excessive.

>Sessions is a joke
trumps only real mistake, so not bad over all.
the rest of the propaganda can be set at the feet of republicans and democrats and their retardation

We are still in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is nothing else though need to know to know Trump is either swamp or he has lost the fight to drain them.


>no X
>no Y
Weird, this list used to be much longer.

Easy to disprove, and it because Canadians are huge faggots and only a leaf would be be mad about ptg fun.

>ptg fun
>unironically posting John Bolton memes

Rename it to 'neocon general' then I'll stop complaining.

See how butthurt you are? Canadian.

>pointing out a neocon raid thread is considered a bad thing

>complaining about containment threads
I bet you're a "what happened to the place" faggot, too.

Nope, the alpha monkey can barely speak.

concern shill spotted. fuck off you obvious retard.

>Only a shill would dare point out Trump's lies!

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>Trump fighting a war
>every lost legislation meant "Trump was lying"

lol no

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which ones were 'lost legislation' that he had no control over???

>found it

Time to just give up. Who ever thought trump couldn't undo hundreds of years of subversion and social engineering in only a year?

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Nothing stopping him from building the wall with the military. He won't do it though because he does not care.