Is anyone else voting straight democrat / green party this election? I feel like we've got some great candidates who can get this country back on track and moving forward again! November 6th!!
Is anyone else voting straight democrat / green party this election...
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based af pic there fellow Dem
Tell your boss you need better material than this weak-ass shit, faggot.
Beto funded the caravan.... he is done.
>moving forward
please, op, in all sincerity, forwards towards what?
pretty obvious trump is funding the caravan. he's trying to run on it to win the midterms
Those Dems!
>he's trying to run on it to win the midterms
trump isn't running in this election.
Democrats elected the greatest president in American history. Barack Hussein Obama.
>Free shit and lower taxes
If you fuckwits believe this you deserve everything you get.
for republicans dumbass
it's so obvious they're funding the caravan, they're trying to use it to win the midterms
holy shit you shills are stupid
Before casting a vote this November. Watch these videos on the history of the Democratic Party. Why are you voting Democrat? What have they done for you past or present? If you believe in the "Great Switching of Sides" you really need to watch these and find out how you were convinced of this ridiculous falsehood.
Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?
The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
Dinesh D'Souza Destroys Liberal Professor On "The Switch"
Drop dead you faggot mother fucker
Hi there! Just a friendly reminder that Project Veritas is actually run by a convicted felon. Take their output with a grain of salt! :)
remember, you can't spell democrat without rat.
All dems must hang
You sure do when talking about supporting the military which is basically just a giant gibs program that's getting increasingly less white.
you need to stop posting this fucking minute, leaf.
you are in way over your head.
we do not speak of these matters until after the 6th.
Except the green party didn't make the ballot, so OP either didn't vote or not Texan. Either way OP is a fag.
Sounds based and redpilled
Voting straight D now, thanks
Voting straight republican here...we need to keep this country moviing forward in the right direction
>implying that democrats are inherently racist
>a good estimated 85% of the people on this board are self proclaimed right-wing neo-fascist white-supremacists
words change with time, user. democrat doesn't mean what it used to mean
>Attacking the source instead of the argument.
This is why the Left is losing.
mah niggas
I am
I'm tired of Republicans winning and funneling the state and federal governments' funds into their donors pockets while we get barely any of what we were promised
It's easier to work with Democrats instead of man children like Mcconnell who will shut down the government multiple times to get his way and then do nothing with full control of Congress for 2 years except pass permenant corporate tax cuts
>messing up my healthcare plan
>making more people get useless degrees without paying for them
>more taxes
I'll pass on this one and I hope you kys shill
>free stuff pic related
Bobby Kennedy wasn't trying to larp as a Mexican. he was proud of his potato nigger heritage.
so you're saying I should vote for the democrats??
o'keefe is our potato nigger. you guys are massive flaming faggots taking soros and comey money and spending it on illegal invading faggots. off yourselves.
>redit spacing
>Is anyone else voting straight democrat / green party this election?
I am. I'm an Accelerationist though. For me, voting far left is a punishment to the entire Recucklican Party who had 8 years to prepare and two years to execute a plan for a new America, and accomplished nothing. There isn't an excuse any of you can give me that will change my mind, because in truth: there are no excuses. Two words: Nuclear Option.
I'm interested to see how greedy white businessmen and their pet Recucklicans handle losing all of their power once the far left seizes control of everything. Best case scenario: the far left improves the country, worst case, we go full "John Galt." But the days of white male leadership are over. Probably permanently.
...I'm also very interested to see how much white male LARPing (that I've witnessed in the last 10 years) turns into actual action. (My guess: zero)
>greatest President
>hates this country
fuck off
Some people are openly racist.
Others try to hide it and manifest their racism is subtle ways.
>greedy white businessmen
Why LARP when it's so obvious you are LARPing?
Trolling is a artform user.
>da liberals are da reeel racists!
fuck no op what are you a faggot
Much like the 2016 election, people would rather have a wolf than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Beto is not cool and not going to win.
I'm sorry your feminine mind can't handle facts and truths. It's no wonder the far right keeps making the same mistakes for 2000 years straight.
Have a (you) for effort
>when the Kenyan flashes that CIA grin
I support all of those things. But the democratic party switched sides. If they still supported those things, I would vote for them.
The you should vote dem.