I was on adderall at the age of 9

is it responsible to give a 14 year old child Vyvanse and SSRIs?

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Gf is on some for anxiety. Tips for stabilizing her and getting her off?

by the way, this same bullshit happened to me.
childhood IQ tests of 130IQ< and prescriptions for all sorts of pills. Never did work and dropped out at 16

I had to stop at 22
>effervescent magnesium
>vitamin C
>black room sleep for at least 10 hours
If you can't afford to lock yourself away for anywhere from a week to 2 months, it is pretty hard to quit

I'd be more worried about the SSRI. Fucking crazy they put kids on that shit.
The Vyvanse is probably fine so long as she never abuses it. People with legit ADD/ADHD don't experience the speedy effect at all with therapeutic doses.

I only tried it once and it was like a less gross adderall that made music sound better. I don't think a undeveloped brain should be exposed to any of this shit though

How do I convince her the anxiety is from societal factors not brain chemicals

the chemical imbalance meme isn't entirely incorrect. but the solution is
>restoration of mineral and vitamin balance
>relaxation and meditation through deep REM sleep
>quiting refined sugar
if you stack this with a good diet (there is no 1 good diet, many work) then you can fix the source of the problem, and generally fix serotonin imbalance.
>or you can go down a patch-fix route that is pills and which does not fix the root of the problem
My mother is a 4 decades long xanax addict and has panic attacks if she goes more than 8 hours without at least 1mg. Don't let your gf fall down the Pharma-jews, if she can be convinced that a chemical imbalance is causing her problems, then let her know that vitmains and minerals are chemicals as well and they might actually solve the problem in the long term

it only gets worse with the pills
it only gets better with fixing the actual chemical imbalance

sup with you burgers and extreme medicine consumption. poisoning your children with pills for every god damn thing. serious

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it's the jews
they took over medical journals about a century ago and started pushing Benzos and painkillers for everything.

their SSRI and amphetamine-derivative degeneracy drives came later, I think it started in the 80's.

It is psychotic mothers, really is.
>why is jimmy leaving the milk carton out after he pours himself a drink
>must be Asperger's
>time to stuff him with pills

typical shit. As a child literally everything you do is scrutinized to see if you have signs of a mental disability, and if they find one, you're stuffed with pills. Luckily my parents never did that, even though I was "diagnosed" with ADD and then was "cured" in the 8th grade for some reason.

Brain must be challenged to develop
Dumbing down public ed to lowest common denominator is horrific
Separate and challenge those that need it

that's the part that bothers me. i just dont get it that anyone can feed their own children with amphetamine what the fuck its a literal brain burner

moms are not to blame, of course they are retarded.
Doctors are to blame partially because they believe whatever medical journals tell them to believe (for the most part)

it is literally the jews fault if you trace the origins of the problem

I miss my childhood brain, I was just energetic. I did not deserve over a decade of legal meth as a developing brain.

my moms a pillhead though so its no wonder she fell for this nonsense

about a year ago my little sister was diagnosed with some "anxiety etc etc" bullshit, as soon as we came home me and parents just trashed those pills. talked with her sever times over few months gave advices. perfectly normal child nnow, but i guess it's easier to just drug your child then actually have a proper talk with them

hell, they had her on Xanax by the age of 15

>tfw on 20 mg Celexa 20 mg Vyvanse

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thats sad. i had my degenerate episode with amphetamines back in high school it's a fucking poison. wish it to noone, never same after

Whoa user, don't go bringing logic into the pharma-jew problem, having ideas is dangerous.

Stimulants CAUSE anxiety especially when coming off. Her dr should lower the dose and taper her off.

>130 IQ
That's literally high functioning retard on the internet, where the average is 165. My IQ is 185 (Tested at age 9, again at 21 when I applied to CERN, where I was rejected for being overqualified.) Get on my level brainlet.

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It's a lot better without that shit.
try my detox method or someone elses.
STOP listening to M.D.s

Solid advice

I don't take childhood IQ tests seriously. I doubt that i'm even 1 SD over the average

>My IQ is 185
That would make you among the top 10 highest IQs in the world, judging by your use of commas it's closer to 98.

grammar and punctuation are for brainlets if your iq was over 200 you would understand

Obviously not. I told my psychiatric mother this, but she countered with the research they have done. It's a blanket statement, because obviously she doesn't know the research by heart, nor could i understand it if i read it. However, these are some serious drugs, and children have growing brains.


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If you know what a standard deviation you're probably at least 1 standard deviation above average. The average person doesn't know what London is.

I guess your right
115 is Policeman tier
I'm at least 120


>grammar and punctuation are for brainlets
grammar and punctuation IS for brainlets

Most above 135 speak several languages fluently, you can't put a cohesive sentence together in 'muhrican

>"haha you take pills all the time lmao losers"
>takes the red/white/purple/black pill every day

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my child is not perfectly obedient, i need to know what drugs will fix this!
pls help!

>is it responsible to give a 14 year old child Vyvanse and SSRIs?
no. too young. brain still developing. my doc actually told me this in passing.

>speak 7 languages
>too much of a brainlet to not conform
Intellectuals will always be the cancer of the human race no matter how much they claim to be helping.

Microdose mushrooms

It really started when late stage boomers and Gen X started entering parenthood. Who has time for kids when both parents work 9-5 office jobs an hour commute away and focus all their time and effort on chasing that next big promotion? But they have kids anyway and when little Johnny isn't behaving quite right, it must be his mental state. So down to the doctor to get him diagnosed with ADHD and stuffed with Adderal. Meanwhile you have other parents who don't give a single fuck about anything and let their crotchspawn become tyrant little fucks who bully relentlessly. Combine all that with the changes in how teaching happens, and how teachers interact with students and the female oriented learning standards forced on boys, zero tolerance for violence, and standardized tests. Boys who learn a bit differently suffer.

Boys in the 90's and 2000's had to walk through a minefield where their next step could fuck them up for their entire lives. I often wonder if the way boys were treated then has anything to do with how fucked up Millennial men are. The growing rate of 'fashionable' transgenderism and 'different' sexuality.

Today, replace ADHD with Aspergers and Autism and you have the same fucking problem brewing and ultimately going to cause terrible things down the line.

I can't think of this subject and not thing of the song Jeremy. I think it's a great commentary on how wrong things can go when parents stop acting like parents.

weed and microdosing

LSD or mushroom microdosing is a very good idea if you can get access to the real thing and not some NBOME nonsense

Every kid I know of parents my age (31) has autism, or some behavioral/learning disordern Every single fucking one. Remember when we were kids, and there was always that one kid in class or the baseball team that was a complete spaz, and threw shrieking temper tantrums every time something disn't go their way? That's every fucking kid now.

And the GED is a laughable test that makes you question the stability of the education system

digits don't lie

also fuck people who make NBOME and fuck hiroshima nagasaki and his faggot word filters

I was on it when I was 7. I don't recommend it for kids. It helped me with school but as a 32 year old adult something went wrong along the way. I stopped using it in college and have had ill effects ever since.

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A couple months ago I started intermittent fasting for a couple of weeks, followed by a complete rework of my diet. I said goodbye to a lot of processed foods and have been eating mostly eggs, unsweetened Greek yogurt and peanut butter, sweet potatoes, turkey/chicken/some ham, lentils, and vegetables. It has definitely improved my resting mood and alertness but I am still depressed (although not as bad as previous episodes). I have never been medicated and I'm afraid it would make things worse.

Honestly, when I was acting like an ass, I was disciplined for it. I wasn't ever beaten, but I did get whipped on more than one occasion for doing something monumentally stupid. I learned pretty quick to not do things that were monumentally stupid. I had the discipline, as a kid, that I needed to become who I am today.

Parents today don't want to be the bad mom or dad. They don't want to have to hit their kid and then have CPS breakdown their door. They want to be the kids friend, and act like the kid. That's not how parenting should work. Yeah, it's cool to be friends with your kids, to have fun together. But that should not happen in the stead of teaching them life lessons and giving them the discipline that the kid needs to succeed. So when little johnny acts out at school and hits another kid or the teacher, they refuse to consider that maybe the reason for the outburst is their bad parenting, but rather it's because he needs to be drugged up.

It really is fucked up, and I hope that it will change.

Get her a job on the back of a DPW garbage collection truck for five years and make her pay her own way for everything. Then make her pay your way too. She'll stop giving a shit about petty feminine anxiety bullshit real fast.

I ended up on a benzo and ssri from age 22 to 28. They both nearly ruined me and coming off was pure hell. IQ is in the 130 range. Giving these drugs to adults, much less kids, is criminal.

I've been on basically every ADHD medication under the sun since age 6. I'm not really sure what sparked this, but my psychologist wanted to put me on some antipsychotics when I was extremely young as well. Now here I am autistic as fuck. I'm also on 70mg of Vyvanse, 10mg Dextroamphetamine IR Tablets, and Strattera today. Works well and gives me enough motivation and numbs my anxiety enough for me to function somewhat successfully.

Vyvanse isn't really worth abusing desu. If one wanted to abuse dextroamphetamine, then Immediate-Release Dextroamphetamine tablets would be the way to go. I've only abused mine once, and it's tempting to do it again, but I would also be frying my reward circuitry and decreasing the effectiveness of my medication.

Every time I see a post about stimulants I post about how they fucked me up.

Presecribed them at 25 and it caused massive sexual dysfucntion. Stopped cuming as much, stopped getting erections, being horny, having morning wood. I started lifting during this time, lost weight, improved my diet/testosterone. Had a higher libido/stronger erections when I was obese/on blood pressure pills.

Think they fucked up my brain chemistry (dopamine/serotonin) because I also don't dream, fall asleep instantly (I used to have bad insomnia), my sense of smell is fucked and I can no longer multi-task. Also noticed that I no longer watch tv/movie/listen to music in the manner I did before the ritalin.

Be careful as fuck about this shit because it negatively affects some people and doctors don't give me a fuck. One doctor, upon being told I don't cum with the force nor amount I used to told me: "Men don't shoot far".

I was on adderal from age 9 to 15. I fountain weight because of and had no appetite. I was also on Zoloft from 14 to 17 because I mentioned i was depressed. Because of these meds, I was 17 with a low libido and no body hair and looked 12. I feel like these medications harmed my bodies ability to produce testosterone. After I got off the meds completely it was like I was going through puberty again and grew from 5'9 to 6'1 in two years and gained weight and had body hair like a normal spaghetti american.

*couldn't gain weight

forgot to mention the Zoloft made my hair very then but it thickened back up when I got off it

The solution is to skip the kid two grades. she functions best under stress, seeks active hobbies involving precise coordination and public performance, and is probably so bored of her classes that it is driving her up a wall.

Instead she'll be medicated, it wont help, and she'll grow up hating her parents, go to college despite her shit grades, and become a sorority slut because being slamfucked by chad is the first thing she'll encounter that is challenging enough to spark her interest.

Hey me too, and no, my children will not be taking add meds until THEY are at an age to decide what they want, and an age where it wont affect their developing brains, because of my own chlidhood of speed.

Serotonin imbalance is a meme. Numerous studies have shown you can have depression with high levels of serotonin, and vice versa. If the chemical imbalance theory was real, we should be able to come up with a model for a balanced neurochemistry, but we don't have one, because it's a shitty, outdated theory that's only used by pharma companies to push their shotgun approach lobotomizers in a pill.

What was that degenerate episode ? Im curious