Although Gab is ran by a bunch of non techie people and I don't go on there, I'm happy to see them back online based on principle. They even decided to gas light by making the NPC Wojak the default avatar when you make a new account.
Leftist Are Losing Their Shit Now That Gab is Back Online
Other urls found in this thread:
best comeback thus far.
This is banter in its purest form.
oh shit, is gab our company?
Yeah and twitter is not happy. On top of that they are getting insane traffic right now.
that's some fucking great banter and good pr
Bump. Good to see.
>oh shit, is gab our company?
>fag flag
yes, its made for retards and faggots.
dont forget to donate to them, and the various other people begging for money.
good goy
funny how gab got derailed but racist Nazi Jow Forums didn't.
Why do you shill dicks use this "if they accept donations" they must be bad angle? It's fucking weak. Nearly all platforms have some sort of "go pro for $" method.
Juden wrote the script you're reading from but the script sucks.
I think their userbase is cringey too but the fact a competitor to twitter successfully survived after (((they))) tried to kill it is a good thing. The big tech monopoly has gotten so bad that there has to be more competition if free speech is to survive on the internet.
nice plebbit spacing. go back to your patreon begging boomer site plz
Jew 2: Jew Harder
Agreed. All of the idiots out there who yell 'well if you don't like Google/Twitter/Facebook then start your own durr' don't get that it's not that easy. These big tech companies have effectively instituted censorship.
Jow Forums is infamous for stalkers and 'hackers', people are always afraid to try to raid this website
>look we support this forced meme/directional psyop you like so much
>wtf! /ourguys/!!
The meme is already dead. Admit defeat and get started on whatever you've got planned next.
Jow Forums accepts donations too you jackass. It's the only way to ensure a sites policies are determined by the user base and not by corporate overlords.
Twitter is 100% of the market, and gab is manchildren. I think twitter will survive somehow.
Torba crowdfunded a million dollars and then spent 20% of it on a fucking domain name that he registered with GoDaddy. Everything is harder when you're stupid.
>Jow Forums accepts donations too you jackass
its not just the site itself, but the ocean of ecelebs and wannabe ecelebs begging for shekels from boomers.
but of course you knew that already. get off torbas cock.
orange man bad
This attitude by Jow Forums's admins have been the only thing stopping the constant demonization of the site by the media from successfully shutting it down.
that's funny how the newfag has a suggestion and doesn't know Jow Forums was deleted and then brought back because when it isn't here the ENTIRE site becomes right wing
The salt mines have runeth over
top fucking kek
We're the police, and the rest of the site get to be the happy ignorant citizens that we protect.
As much of a raging faggot that moot was you have to respect the fact that he gave "us" our own board even though he despised it. Even in the end as much as he hated Jow Forums he opted for Jow Forums harbor as one last "fuck you" rather than deleting it.
Faceburg and Twitter would be lucky to have an admin with even that little shred of principle.
someone is in a bad mood
Wtf people?
I failed to mention that when signing up you get this as your bio:
"Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others." - Charles Bukowski
They just miss us, user. They don't want to hang out here AND at their board too. We should be chomping at the bit to expand their worldview :)
Branding is important though, imagine being the pen guys who own the penisland domain
What's wrong with doggies?
Suck my dick, poorfag.
Thats that good shit
>Why didn't they air out plum island instead of moving all the bio weapons to a more expensive more secure facility further away from large population centers.
Can someone explain how these things work? Does someone own literally every single combination of words, letters, and numbers as available websites?
What does the host do? You use their servers and bandwidth? Can't Gab just "be online" if they have their own equipment? Is it too cost prohibitive to run a website free of and all those other companies?
Can anyone explain why the cloud flare error?
Fuck off and die you shill faggot.
those fucking monsters, god speed gab
Hot damn, look at dem tiddies!
The Streisand effect has become the Streisand Law
You lease your domain name from ICANN, or from a company that already did. Not all possible combinations are already leased, but most sensible word combinations were bought out by domain hosts, like Go Daddy, so that they could sit on the name and sell it for a profit when someone else wants to actually use it.
Refresh the page, they are getting a fuck ton of traffic now.
Smaller companies tend to rent server space before they have the funds and means to create their own data centers or server rooms. It is more cost effective since security, upkeep and upgrades are internally handled by the provider. I worked in a data center and even Google sometimes does this for certain site functions or when they are in the process of throwing up a new Googleplex.
this reads like a trump tweet
reminder gab is run by jews and you're getting honeypotted
Glad to see them back
10/10 face.
10/10 tits
Just need to see her ass now.
Name one form of mass media that isn't ran by Jews?
That shill tactic doesn't work anymore
So there is no way to get onto the internet for free provided you have ALL of the equipment? You cannot just go and be online?
They're learning how to win.
complete non argument
company literally founded by 2 jews, bender
Wow, leftists really are losing their shit. Hey lady, you've never provided anyone a place online for discussions and this company isn't demanding payment. Nothing to hate unless you hate liberty.
we triggered at least 3 SJWs to suicide last time they tried, they know better than to try to shut us down again
go back to your boomer shekel begging site, and stop linking your fellow boomer jews to Jow Forums threads
>thank you for caring Jow Forums profit
Superior Japanese bants, folded 5000 times.
>t. shill
Still getting kinks out. Give it a day or 2 to get back to full speed.
not an argument and genuinely autistic response
>t. clicked link on (((gab))) to this thread
>calling others shills
they haven't learned a thing
>These are private companies, so freedom of speech doesn't apply. Build your own service if you hate
*Gab is created as a Twitter alternative*
>Why does this site exist? Shut it down! Shut it down!
What do they expect us to do? Build an entire secondary internet just so we can't get shutdown? Are we expected to build our own payment processing service as well? Why are they so unreasonable?
Fuck gab, that place is a fucking honeypot like the rest of the so called ‘freeze peach’ platforms
Shills on suicide watch
gab is an echo chamber desu
we need something more neutral so normies can get redpilled
Gab is completely neutral
>site threatens twitter
>it's a honeypot!
You're afraid.
>Use your eternal kikery to lock people out of starting their own platforms
What's the alternative? Just let the NAZI Leftists take away Free Speech and our rights?
>"Gore, Rape, FAT SHAMING"
The absolute mindstate you have to be in to equate that last one with the other two is just mind blowing, I can see why these people kill themselves.
This kills the torba
I got this one last time Twitter "raided" us.
There's so many steps via varying infrastructures to transmit data from servers to users that "building your own internet" would mean owning, operating and maintaining every step of it yourself.
I don't use the platform because the last place I want to hang out is twitter for boomer incels, but didn't gab have a warrant canary that they just removed? you faggots probably shouldn't go there either
The only thing wrong with was registering inside a TLD with hatespeech laws. Come to think of it that's a pretty fucking big mistake though, and it shows that Torba was never tall enough for this ride. It's still not a $200K mistake, that one was put in the wrong basket by Torba.
I wonder what his cash flow looks like at the moment. He no longer has that Turk webmaster to pay, so his runway increased substantially. All this negative press gives him an excuse to not do any development except in drawing new logos, so he won't be held to account for not getting basic features working.
They removed it months ago.
Impossible, once you stand for free speech you are no longer neutral. The liberal value of free speech is now right wing. Crazy shit.
All I want is a place to shitpost in peace, run by competent people.
so basically everybody still using or advocating for the website is a complete and utter retard. my suspicions confirmed
Essentially, that is correct.
The only thing you need to be accessible to another person is a public IP address. IP addresses are distributed by an ISP.
A domain name is an alias for your IP address which makes it easier for normal people to access you. It is not strictly necessary. For instance, if you type into your browser you will land on Google. But no one wants to memorize a bunch of numbers, so Google owns a domain name ( which a DNS (domain name server) will redirect to the IP address.
In practice, to be meaningfully accessible to your users you must purchase an IP from an ISP and a domain name from a domain service.
Then you must also have a server to handle incoming and outgoing traffic requests. You can own the server, or you can purchase that as a service as well.
There are niche ways to get around the ISP/DNS hurdle, primarily through peer-to-peer networking solutions, but good luck getting normies to make the plunge into a shitty, under-developed branch of theoretical internet architecture when all their favorite shit is still on the conventional internet.
I was once liberal for this prime reason, then I paid attention during Obungas second term and realized that Democrats are fucked
Not really. Where’s the warrant canary for Jow Forums?
It's true. We facilitated the firebombing of a syrian city just for fun
>that .webm
I have been looking for that .gif since 2014 when the dumb bitch tried to an hero. Thanks user.
If any newfags ever saw pic related with "1 thumb" included in the casualties, it's because that chick lost use of her thimb from that incident.
and there they go again... liberals targetting businesses with blackmail. Let's see if Epik inc. can resist their sleazy tactics. lets see if they are strong.
Me too. Votin red till dems remedy their insanity.
Wow. Services cost money and time. You low IQ mongoloid.
I, for one, am happy they are allowing the NPC's to portray their true identity to the world. Thank you Gab for giving the true NPC's of the world a platform where they allowed to speak and be heard.
Jow Forums raids itself daily.
It's not about spending money, it's about spending money wisely.
Gab doesn't do that.