Why are only American posters leading the Ethnostate movement?

Why are only American posters leading the Ethnostate movement?

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>Why are only American posters leading the Ethnostate movement?
Because only in America will you find the one viable group with the one viable plan to bring the White Ethnostate into being.


because only american politics matters.

Because Europeans have their own countries that are already effectively "ethnostates" under occupation. America is the only place where an "ethnostate" of whites of various ethnicities originally will happen.

because "we the white god-fearing people of rockridge" have the most experience dealing with shitskins and the like.

Because it makes them feel white

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>viable plan

i know its an unpopular opinion, but im fine with canada having lots of brown people. i just think immigration should slow down or take in more whites because long term with the birth rates of browns being so high we will lose white majority. if we lose white majority i believe multiculturalism will collapse since basically only whites even tolerate heavy multiculturalism. so im in favour of demographics based immigration that takes birth rates in mind to stabilize demographics for stability.

would have been nice to have a mostly white country, sure, but thats not going to be canada, its too late. meanwhile there are countries in europe where white people actually came from and for some of them its not too late to stay as a caucasian majority if they get ahold of their immigration now. but time is running out and being wasted by some on total ethnostate larps.

brown people are half the population now, and the vast majority of white people will not support a violent solution, and they wont leave because you asked them to. you dont even have enough boats to deport half of north america. its a larp. get ahold of your immgration and do your based to stabilize and even reverse demographics, thats all that can be done.