You didn't need to fit every modern creature on the Ark, just their origin species...
Why do people think Noah's Ark wasn't possible?
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You realize Noah's ark involved aliens and DNA vials you dumb fuck. God damn I hate christfucks. Not politics
>bible story
>origin species
Dude, you can't have it both ways
natural selection isn't unbiblical
there were doves and ravens on the ark. but animals like snakes, cats, birds of prey etc need only 1 ancestor animal.
look how different humans look after only 6000 years and animals breed at a much faster rate and they aren't monogamous so positive mutations spread fast.
You actually cant. If what OP claimed was true then from the best accepted date of noah's flood multiple variations of species would have had to erupted by the thousands every single day up until the present to account for every variation.
>look how different humans look after only 6000 years
What do you mean? 6000 years ago people looked mostly the same.
It would wipe all the food the herbivores needed and the predators would eat the herbivores from the ark and then starve to death.
>Noah's Ark
Last time I heard, they fucked up.
i mean niggers. look how quickly they went from noah aryan to nigger
Be it two of each animal or seven of each, that's not enough genetic diversity to have a viable breeding population in most species.
Yeah I'm sure Noah had an ark full of Dimetrodons that would have been a much more interesting story.
and where did they keep the fish hmmm?
so all that evolution happened in like 4k years or what ?
Meaning "Those that came from the sky"
Our progenitors were and still are ancient advanced human beings and they have been observing us to this day.
the ocean?
its very possible. cut throat environments mixed with fast sexual maturity and polygamy.
>its very possible
What makes more sense to you? that you have been lied to by an order that is in the social control business for 2000 years. Or that some random old fuck build an arch in 50 years on which he could put a par of all 1.7 million species of animals. Also how did he collect them all from all over the world, and how did the vegetarian survived being underwater that long?
They don't think it wasn't possible, they know it. Fucking grab a book retard, or look up this paper explaining why you're fucking retarded with thermodynamics and humidity:
Also riddle me this: Why is it that all cultures of earth didn't suddenly stop existing at the same time? Am I supposed to believe that the twelvish sons of whatshisname traveled to China, Egypt, México, Peru, Norway, and everywhere, and then they learned all the dead languages of those cultures and kept making writings and sculptures and buildings? You're a top tier retard if you believe this fairy tale.
all things are possible through logos
God cant creat pocket dimensions of space and time within the ark.....
You wont have enough mutations in four thousand years to created the current plethora of biodiversity.
The flood didn't occurr in Afirca, but Mediterranean area.
A boat of that size would break up, even of calm seas.
Jesus even subhuman catholic spics are more intelligent than Australian plebeians. the absolute state of Australia.
Who ever put the two niggers on the boat should have been thrown overboard
First of all, the strong evidence is that "Noah's Ark" is a just a retelling of the Tale of Gilgamesh. We have Google Earth now, there's no ark on Mt Ararat. Just a bunch of rock outcroppings and snow.
Second, when you speak of beliefs in gods and demons and angels and arks, you are leaving the realm of the possible for the imaginary - where everything is 'possible'.
Third, the "great flood" tales around the planet didn't happen at the same time - they were localized and thousands of years apart.
-The Black Sea flood from 9000 years ago coincides with Plato's Atlantis legend.
-The America's glaciation floods were around 8000 years ago.
-The Yellow River Great Flood was 4000 years ago.
Floods are fairly common, and their tales are plentiful. But a global flood? It did not happen during the lifetime of anyone in the Old Testament.
>implying Jow Forums has read Gilgamesh
They probably only know the blonde Fate character
It literally says the ark was built out of wood that Noah cut down himself lmao.
The flood happened. It was recorded in many cultures round the world. The rest is just a question of time. Nowhere in the bible does it say the earth is 6000 years old. Thats just an approximate based on geneologies
>all things are possible
All things seem possible when you have zero ability to think critically.
>The flood happened. It was recorded in many cultures round the world.
>look how different humans look after only 6000 years and animals breed at a much faster rate and they aren't monogamous so positive mutations spread fast.
You have no idea how evolution works and I'm going to point out your ignorance just for fun.
>look how different humans look after only 6000 years
Human populations are relatively isolated for at least 50k years.
>animals breed at a much faster rate
Elephants have a 22 month gestation period and they start breeding at ~20 years old and only produce a single offspring each 5-6 years.
>they aren't monogamous
That doesn't even affect anything, but there are literally hundreds of monogamous birds, fishes and mammals, like wolves, beavers, and etc.
>The flood happened.
Prove it.
>It was recorded in many cultures round the world.
Source now. Also explain why all those cultures kept creating records if they allegedly stopped existing.
>The rest is just a question of time.
No. You haven't even provided anything other than what you spoke out of your ass. Why are you trying to talk about "the rest", whatever that means? Prove that your fucking bullshit happened.
Who cares about some retarded book written by shepherds? Are you telling us that a global flood that killed everyone happened, but there's no evidence of it anywhere other than in a book where donkeys and snakes speak? Proof now or end your life.
>a book where donkeys and snakes speak?
Don't forget bushes
>and where did they keep the fish
I keep mine right there under the tartar sauce.
The ark was found on a mountain when researchers were going through frozen fissures.
Checked. God involved, not possible. What KEK
how old did this Noah live to?
And I bet you believe that the talking snake in the bible was a literal snake, and not a 6-7ft tall reptilian being.
Lol, this is what you inbred retards believe.
This proves religion is a silly fairy tale, lmao!
source you fucking faggot? you cant just claim shit without proof retard faggot
Saint Jow Forums earliest known ascended shitposter of peace
>white man
>arabian woman
Time just cant keep their race mixing fetish to themselves huh, their agenda is as far back as 2003
Wakey wakey user.
so at what point did noah wander out of the middle east? there are no tales of nordic frozen wastelands or the orient. no mention of the americas and the natives. if he doesnt leave the faggy desert then there is no way he put all the different animals on 1 boat
also the flood allegedly was to get rid of every one else but the caananites survived in the story. kind of ruins the entire point of doing it. noah builds the boat and god floods the earth but come the new testament canaanites are present and jesus talks shit to one of their women folk for a bit. yea beg for it you want your daughter to not be a crack whore doncha bitch
YOU are the ascending Saints. We need YOU
It was space wood
There were giant trees on the earth in Noah's time.
Because Jews don't do manual work
>a Kiwi being this stupid
For the love of God fella, stop fucking sheep and read a book that isn't the bible you utter retard.
>getting this triggered
It's all pretty obvious mate. Did you know Satan in the Garden of Eden walked on 2 feet? Nachash means upright shining one. Satan is a reptilian. Lots of clues hidden in the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls etc.
This is from the Legend of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg translated from a German manuscript in 1909. This comes from the Haggadah (Jewish legends). Reptilians are not a "psyop", they have been around for many many years! Ask me any questions you may have just ask nicely please
Yes because fucking aliens are so much more believable. Atheists and anti-theists like you are so far up your own assholes that you replaced your blind trust in God and the spiritual world with blind trust in science and aliens, as if any of the so called "evidence" of aliens existing is more corroborated than anything in the Bible.
Your being a snake right now user, how tall you?
>Not being a Gnostic in 2018 omegalul
Its utterly impossible to house and feed all the world's terrestrial animals in a boat 300×50×30 cubits (roughly 18 inches)in size for forty day and nights. Anyone who believes that bullshit is a complete moron. Also flooding the entire earth and 600 year old men are fantastical tall tales told by bronze age goat herders
>you replaced your blind trust in God and the spiritual world with blind trust in science and aliens
This is a yet another lie that mindless theists tell themselves as they circle jerk each other.
If the couple of kangaroos came down from the ark on Mount Ararat, how did they get to Australia?
The rode on a couple of Emus.