Why are you guys anti-intellectual?

do you guys resent smart people so much that you need to reject what they tell you, because of your ideological beliefs?

can't you realize that Jow Forums is a cesspool of brainlets and you could elevate yourselves immensely by just accepting scientific facts? why do you deny climate change? and why are so many of you "space is CGI"ers or "earth is flat" people?

is it because you are just fucking retarded and refuse to accept reality for what it is empirically?

Attached: Educationgraphic.png (1600x949, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


many of these are nigger on affirmative action and useless degrees
doesn't mean a thing
let's see by income, more successful people voted for trump

You do realize Republicans are smarter than Democrats

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one problem with that graph is it doesn't tell us what type of degrees. any degree that involves critical thinking like math and physics is going to be way more valuable than a phd in gender studies

what about trade jobs?

An hour on Jow Forums reveals its users to be overwhelmingly smarter and more informed than any social media platform I've seen.

>degree in math


Attached: degrees1.jpg (1080x880, 98K)

>I have a degree in gender studies and liberal arts
>I'm Educated(TM)

>Making the scale that bullshit and thinking people won't notice

i have one degree in math and two in physics, soon to be followed up by a third in physics.

just submitted my dissertation today

A college degree means literally nothing anymore unless it's STEM.

I graduated with honors from an engineering college. I saw through the bullshit. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Trump but I despised Clinton. So I voted for him and cheered when he won.

Sure you did

Libertarians are actually the smartest. Which is what many people's background here are/were.

>Highly educated=smart

This is due to niggers with sociology degrees. College educates whites went for trump.

try me

Brainlet Democrats on suicide watch

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How dare you imply my IQ. I'm literally shaking right now!

Men are way ahead of the curve. A college degree has become a complete joke and laidens you with an insurmountable debt.

Tell me some of fundamental principles of quantum mechanics.

at least we aren't stupid enough to carry all that debt.

Attached: student_debt_graph.jpg (600x371, 45K)

Women also hold the more college debt on average.

Attached: Deeper-in-Debt-Fig.-6.jpg (1111x669, 90K)

college grads are indoctrinated dumbfuck

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oh wow, what a great attempt.

fundamental principle of physics: particles and waves are one in the same, every particle is amenable to a wave description, and vice-versa.

this is intentionally vague because what you say is even more vague


Because intellectuals these days lack intelligence

People with extended advanced degrees went into debt for their gender studies education that pays shit in the real private world. So of course they want free gibs from democrats to forgive their student loans.

Fuck the left and their socialist gimme dat attitude


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>why are you guys anti-intellectual?
Intellectualism is the terminal stage of a dying civilization.
Things like feminism can only exist in it.

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Unless you are specialized that means jack shit. Learn something that increases your value and then get back to us.

Is that honestly the best you could do? That's 101 shit even a layman knows. The question was intentionally vague, so I could see what you would respond with and I'm not impressed. Keep LARPing though.

You're confusing education with intelligence which is a stupid thing to do. Your inability to consider even just a FEW of the factors as to why this might be is very telling of your superficial leftist programming NPC.

1. Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity know that American colleges are swinging violently to the left. To say they are a propaganda factory and nothing more is putting it too kindly.

2. People with degrees tend to be more centrally located in urban areas which tends to vote Democrat.

3. People that go to college now tend to suck the government tit and dick more so than in the past. They are in the system and now they support the system that sustains them...even though it's the very system that is looking to fuck them over seven ways from sunday in every facet of their lives. But that's NPCs for you.

You want an interesting and inconvenient correlation? Ya know, since you so into "smarts"...go check IQ by race...then voting tendencies of each race.

Don't report back...we'll just assume you blew yourself away after checking. BTFO.

You do realize that college education is getting worse

i am specialized. you can expect to see a publication that is authored by me in PRL in the next month or two

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>highly educated
this was why they had to turn education into a fake education, so they could claim this
there is nothing of thinking in college, it's just rote scholarship faggotry and everyone gets a prize
so they
CHANGED what education meant
they DISSUADED most people to go
they BRAINWASH people
these stats are meaningless
most college people are actually below avg, if you take ALL the colleges

well, then give a better question; one that is not easily countered by some vague argument from general theory

Subhumans don't count as intellectual just because the state paid for a sheboon to become a nurse to steal pills from her job to sell on the side before getting enough kids to leech off the system for life. If you look at only the human species you will see that it is mainly conservative with my image.

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Find a triangle of a given perimeter 2x which can be revolved about one of its sides to give the solid of greatest volume

i think i can interpret what you're saying as:
"i don't like fundamental research. those guys just collect gibs because the system thinks fundamental research is valuable, but it isn't."

so my simple counter-argument is: fundamental research is valuable. because it is. checkmate.

There's nothing wrong with the question. If you understand physics, you should be able to come up with several things and explain them succinctly. It's not difficult.

Now post the education level and income level charts next to each other.

But since you wont someone else should if it hasnt already been posted.

nice question. unfortunately i feel whatever "question" there was must have gotten lost in the back-and-forth. please state the question, and i'll be happy to give my thoughts on it.

>being this pedantic over my language choice
Confirmed LARP or possibly shill then. How much do they pay you?

they pay me jack shit.....
fuck, maybe i should leave acadmia.....

Except fundamental research does not support what you claim. At all. In the least bit. Not one bit. Idiot.

I gave you a first year calculus problem

I have a question. What makes you, as someone with degrees in physics and math, qualified to talk about politics any more than the average retard here?

Blind faith in "scientific rationalism" has made academics subordinate to the neoliberal establishment, allowing the destruction of the environment and political sovereignty. It is also a cornerstone of fascism, many fascist/nationalist movements are rooted in racial pseudoscience and bleak rationalism.


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>rooted in racial pseudoscience
You blew it commie

what am i claiming that is not an accepted fact? let me know

okay, you copypasted some head scratcher problem, which at first glance i think it completely ambiguous. should i go search /sci/ for the answer, or simply admit that it's too confusing for me to make heads or tails of?

this is a good comment. i don't claim to be qualified to talk about politics, any more than the average person.

i do disagree that science is a "tool" of particular political movements, because instead it has maintianed a "sovereignty" of its own -- and that is in the concrete world of objective facts. it has nothing to do with political ideologies like fascism or anything else

Find the sides of the triangle relative to the perimeter (2x)

phrenology, social darwinism, colonialism. people will always be coming up with new versions of "science told me its ok to be mean to black people". Charles Murray and Molymeme are no different

OP confirmed for larper. Libtards once again btfo.

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>different ethnic groups of people evolved in complete different environments separated from each other for thousands of years
>but they're all the same

>colonialism is science
user, I...

Still relevant

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>instead it has maintianed a "sovereignty" of its own
I wish that were true. Look at how long it takes scientists to gain any traction with global warming, how many have admitted they had to tone down the negative consequences to get funding. Look at medical research in the US (a country which supposedly has the most advanced medical care on earth), it now costs an average of $1 billion to get a research drug to market, because pharma and insurance have completely taken over regulation of their own industry.

It's not scientists' fault exactly, but by not speaking out constantly at every level, they have in effect been put under control of an unelected elite. The statistics have been there for decades, but its only in the past 16ish months have we heard that global warming is an existential threat.

>my racial psuedoscience isn't racial pseudoscience because I personally like how it excuses prejudice against nonwhites
a convincing argument, to be sure

Literally not an argument.

you just know these people FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE

>everything I don't like is pseudoscience

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Science is actually a colonialist, white supremacist and patriarchal institution systematically upholding white supremacy.

Decolonize your mind.

>IQ of 59

Holy fuck negroes are literally retarded.

to be fair they suffer from parasites and malnourishment to varying degrees. Though considering that American nigs with European admixture max out at 85, its not going to be anywhere close to the European average.

It's called jealousy. Nobody likes people smarter than them.

IQ is an arbitrary measurement invented by Jewish academics in the 1920's, so you're off to a great start.

Second, there's a mountain of evidence that IQ is correlated to economic status, childhood health, etc. And there's so many studies that "correlate IQ" to a million different things, from race to eye color to how much meat you eat. It would be foolish to base IQ on any one factor, and even more foolish to base a political system around faulty scientific conclusions that are constantly changing anyway.

IQ is mostly inheritable. This has consistently been demonstrated time and time again. And as you concede in your own post, IQ Is correlated to many things that have real world consequences.

> smart

> college

Smart people realize college is bullshit

>IQ is an arbitrary measurement
you keep telling yourself that Tyrone

>there's a mountain of evidence that IQ is correlated to economic status
That's because smarter people tend to make more money.

>And there's so many studies that "correlate IQ" to a million different things
Yes, and this is not surprising in the least. Do you not understand what a correlation is?

but it's not bullshit, college is basic education in today's world....

the maps fucking color coordinated.



>the most highly programmed people support the globo satanic candidates

Color me fucking shocked

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IQ 147 reporting in.
It's the jews.
Holocaust didn't happen.
Trump is probably the greatest president in our country's history.
Tariff-less trade is the most retarded concept ever conceived.
Liberal elites unironically worship Moloch and engage in human sacrifice.
Pizzagate is real.

wow, pol, you guys have outdone yourselves

>Statistically black people tend to have lower IQs

Dang, maybe we should work towards more stable environments and education initia-
>nah lets just enslave them all or whatever

Oh give me a fucking break. America has bent over backwards for black people for the past half century and their communities are still shit.

Giving black people more handouts will only dumb them down. Natural Selection is constantly taking place, which leads me to wonder why we haven't killed them all yet, seeing how weak and stupid they all are. You exist because we allow it.


what is the Jow Forums consensus here? science deniers or no?

Yes we hate science because it disproves racism and threatens our white male privilege.

There are two kinds of college degrees:
1) Social Science crap
2) Practical degrees.
Generally, in fact I'd say in all cases, the practical degrees do not engage seriously with politics, so why should that be used to justify one sides supposed intellectual authority?
Then, the social science degrees have all been pozzed by Jews and Marxists. They haven't produced any serious thought, profound art, or revolutionary philosophy since the post-war era began. They're barely handling the issues of technology, and can't even figure out a way to solve the plummeting birth rate (other than importing 3rd worlders and calling everyone who protests a racist).
So really, what is this supposed to say? I value thinkers, I just don't see any value in university degrees.
The marriage rates for blacks was much higher before the 80's, but the income gap was about the same (I think it was 65% of what white Americans earned).
Also, there is no evidence that education raises lifetime achievment. Lower heritability at younger ages gives the false impression that progress is being made, but those benefits dissapear by late adolescence, and the genetic factor only increases with age.
The people who make high achievment were high achievers when they went in. School isn't an IQ factory, its a socialization center/daycare.

Yeah ok

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Republicans have a higher IQ than Democrats, even after normalizing for race. Libertarians have the highest IQ. Education is a meme. It’s largely just a way for employer’s to screen for abilities. Most people get jobs irrelevant to their degrees. After five years, people tend to forget most of what they learned in university that is not relevant to their daily lives. General problem solving abilities are largely unaffected (especially, when you encounter new problems) and any effect is transient. The last year and degree are worth more than other years. You can get educated for free; you just won’t be able to prove it. The most liberal parts of university are the least empirical, rigorous. Universities were not always a haven for liberal thought; it used to be a moderate institution and has moved to the left because of the march through the institutions in the 60s and the retirement of older, more moderate professors in the 90s (drastic change in the political views of professors during the 90s).