Starves millions of ukrainians to death to reorganize their land, didn't even consider forcing them off

>starves millions of ukrainians to death to reorganize their land, didn't even consider forcing them off
>sends anyone and everyone who not only opposes him, but so much as disagrees with him or walks the wrong way to life in the gulag
>allows his own son to die in a nazi prison camp
>threatens to send his own wife to the gulag, after she commits suicide after, doesn't attend her funeral
>routinely would torture members of the Bolsheviks by taking their wives and making them dance like monkeys, still sends them to gulag anyways, even his secret police were subjected to it
>went to symphonies, if you so much as played a single note wrong he would cringe and order the conductor's execution

Is there anyone in history more evil than this guy?

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Trotsky was way worse then Stalin.

The old Bolsheviks were prettymuch all psychos. After Stalin REALLY became dictator in 1937 mass murder massively decreased.

Beria his post terror head of the secret police was never even a real communist.

Forgot to add:

>corpses of political opponents such as Trosky would be found with visible signs of torture, eyes gouged out, their bodies dismembered, starved.

Stalin was the voice of moderation in the Bolsheviks. Trotsky wanted to run across Europe spreading Communism as early as 1920

ya, people like the New York Intellects who now run this country. Consider this, Stalin wasn't extreme enough for them. These people want nothing less than global communism and Stalion only being for national communism wasn't good enough.

There's no arguing he was a man of singular focus

He literally did nothing wrong, though.

doh, meant to say New York Intellectuals, I'm hungover.

He did lots of things wrong but given the alternatives within the communist party he was a lot better then any of them and he did get Russia ready for WWII...

He was a pretty extreme guy, but you are overdosing on propaganda.

Is trump no better??? Trump is worse

>annoyed grunt

Oh crap, the Putinbot threads have started up again!

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Look at all these pathetic communist shills. I hope you know the fate of the Ukrainians await you fat jewish fucks.

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Russia needs a new Stalin, Putin is a cocksucker.

You've been dreaming about some mythical "day of the rope" since forever. But in reality you are just sitting here on Jow Forums seeing your race and your world being erased. Enjoy the view!

This mere Jewish ideology, lad. It's dey nature!

I hate communism but Stalin literally had the vast majority of the old true believing communists executed when he really became dictator and then the terror mostly stopped.

I will be but not in such a basic way as these simple minded children Stalin is the perfect example of a simple minded child

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Absolutely based

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>Trotsky wanted to run across Europe spreading Communism as early as 1920

And got btfo by Poland like a cuck

>then the terror mostly stopped.
t. has not read a book

The terror only increased more. Of course there was a brief period of intermission after the great purge, but there always is you dumb fuck.

>starved billions of Ukrainians
I know one thing that if he was alive now Putin and his oligarch gang would hang a long time ago.

All the subsequent terrors were against ethnics Stalin didn't trust with the exception of the army purge.

If Stalin had let the REAL communists live it NEVER would have stopped.

Communism is the single biggest atrocity this world has ever seen, and proves the terrible nature of humans.

Hundreds of millions. Hundreds of millions gave up God, fought and died for "Mother Russia," served Stalin as their wife and children were put in the gulags, and renounced every last humanity they had, all for nothing.

Every communist should be interrogated, tortured, then executed in public.

>ill believe the disney villian comic about stalin doubt everything the same people tell me about hitler

stalin was a nice man who made the USSR great

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You mean to tell me that the millions of people sent to die in the Gulag were all Ethnics?

You're fucking retarded. I can see this thread has obviously triggered lots of shills since I've been arguing with only shills since I posted it.

You would not be spared, and your living conditions would be no better than a solid concrete condominium with no freedom, and all forms of what makes us human suppressed.

If not that, you would be sent to work tirelessly in labor camps until you collapsed and died, being buried in an unmarked grave with no attempts to call your loved ones who sold you out for that one joke you made.

ALL communists deserve an eternity in hellfire, roasting in the deepest pit of hell, and oh they will, oh they will. You will know your God, and you will fall down and worship Him.

Every single point of your image is a bold faced lie.

bread and circus

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I hate communism but the alternatives to Stalin (Trotsky etc) were all prettymuch worse. Its true Bukharin might have been better but the lower ranking Bolsheviks all hated him for being a "capitalist roader" and wanted forced collectivization. This is why Stalin was forced to go along with it and pretended like it was his own idea because he wasn't really dictator yet and if he opposed collectivation he would have ended up in the basement of the Lubyanka.

Russia became less insane once Stalin had most of the old Bolsheviks killed, then he was REALLY dictator the random terror mostly stopped at least when it came to Russians.

user step back for a moment. You hate communists.

Well judging by what Stalin did to the REAL communists (85+% all of whom Stalin had killed) so did Stalin is my point.

Are you sure of reality? Did all of this really happen?

It's not a matter of shilling. It's the difference between a band of pirates just murdering and raping at random, vs. having someone keep them in line.

This was a good thing. Trotsky was far worse. Here's your hint: who the fuck do people shill these days?

Attached: Mussolini vs Stalin.jpg (1600x1102, 922K)

It's the difference between a band of pirates just murdering and raping at random, vs. having someone keep them in line.

Sort of but its more like Stalin killed the original Bolsheviks (a band of murdering raping pirates who were impossible to keep in line) and replaced them with functionaries who didn't really believe in communism and WERE possible to keep in line.

Without Stalin the terror would have gone on until the Soviet Union collapsed.

100% bluepilled.

Although the effect is the same, I believe your recount is a bit oversimplified - it implies the modern zeitgeist bullshit that Stalin was somehow just an opportunist and not a true believer.

He legitimately believed in communism. He killed those brave enough to oppose him especially during/after the Ukraine famine. He took it personally that people would question his commitment given he was willing to go so far.

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Stalin believed (that was the problem and why Russia remained communist, Beria otoh truly NEVER believed in communism) but he believed the communist state needed actual orderly authority and law and not permanent revolution by a gang of murdering torturing maniacs going around and killing peasants at will.

Which is what the Soviet Union was like before 1937 (except for the interval of the NEP).

Toп кeк мoи тoвapищи.

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