The absolute state of this shithole

The absolute state of this shithole
Almost every ounce of men's tribal nature is sapped into this
every day of the week it's the same
How do we destroy the niggerball and povertyball industries so that a real political awakening is actually possible in the West

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I would rather see a bunch of handegg teams trending on twitter than whatever other liberal topic they're circle jerking about at the time. Enjoy seeing "Blue Wave" everywhere when dems take back the house by a pathetic ~5-20 seats.

Nigger, I haven't watched sports in like 6 years.

This. Shit, the loathing of sports makes the OP seem like a faggotly soiboi leftist any way.

That's exactly what I mean.
You're supposed to be irritated and pissed off by idiot leftists bragging about making progress in destroying your country.
That's the natural and correct and necessary response.

Instead you want to be distracted so kikes can placate you by running a bunch of kosher "moderate conservatives" to keep the clownshow going.

I used to be like you, but sports are fun. Lighten up. Like said, I'd rather this than some lefty hashtag

They don't let other things trend, that's why. Only safe globohomogayplex shit is allowed to trend

Most folks that like sports aren't voting, and if they are, they won't be voting dem.

Entertain yourself with constructive things
also see

I have a master's degree, pal. You'll learn when you get older that adult life has a lot of free time. Weekends are free and you're damn right I'm going to mow my lawn on Saturdays and watch these niggers hit each other to the point they are getting brain damaged on sundays.

Imagine if all the people who watch sports stopped, became politically conscious, and were forced to confront marxism
even watching fucking MMA or boxing is more constructive because at least there's no artificial tribalism and you maybe learn a tiny something about fighting
Plus seeing niggers actually get hurt, instead of just reading about how they got dementia ten years later and killed their family or w/e

I grew up in a little town south of the Kentucky border... things were simple. You tended the farm, raised the herd... and if anyone gave you shit? Son, you beat the fucker down. You were a man. And under that hot alabama sun you learned the values of christ, america, and manhood- the missisipi trio as my pop called it... may god bless his soul...
And a man like me? Well when we weren’t out hunting or at the bar? We watched sport. None of that pussy european shit- real sport, arizona sport. I’d get back home... hang up my duster, cold beer, my girl cooking some fineeee BBQ... and id watch muscular, toned black men. Sometimes they’d collide into each other, sometimes bounce a ball... but they were always fine specimens. I’d watch those darkies sweat and toil for hours... and I’ll admit my loins stirred more than once... called it the texas rise, heh... and when I watched those guys play, my mind... wandered. I imagined them taking my girl... like animals- hoo boy did that get me goin! I remember, in the 12th ad break of the NFL playoffs powered by mcdonalds I’m loving it, right after the arbys presents: the danger kick! I noticed my missus watching those stallions on screen... stroking that pussy of hers. And I tell you what... without a word I drove her down the city, philidelphia- my home- and she made love to every nigger in sight. I milked my johnson more than ever that night. So when you pussy liberals talk about sport... remember what REAL men play

MMA is /oursport/

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Wait, which one is niggerball and which one is povertyball

Superior sport.
Not some fake shit with participation trophies.

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trump voters dont even watch anymore


shit, good point

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Literally the only good sport

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What professional sports team do is they take something very special, very intimate, and they rip it out, package it and try to sell it back to you

Who wins Jow Forums?

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Black power

Also the least homosexual sport by far

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>i don't like sport and you shouldn't too
You're wearing a fedora right now, aren't you?

France really needs to uncuck itself and send those things back.

You are only permitted to enjoying MMA

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weigh ins are so goddamn WWE-tier

This is America now

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Agreed its becoming lame

>If you don't like the public cult of niggerball it means you don't like any sports at all
Intellectuals, the lot of you

so you are mad that people like sports
kek biggest faggot post today

It's time to turn off the zogbox and stop watching pretend-war

I don't see the appeal of sports where their health is not at stake. It seems so elementary to me. Ever since I got into:
It became harder and harder for me to enjoy 5 men running up and down a court throwing a rubber ball through a hole. Then they lose and the whole world ends for the night until no one cares. At least in MMA you have people fighting for their family name, pride, and legacy. When they lose, everything is shattered and it's all on them. The whole world sees their ego and pride get shattered. However you see the fighters develop and come back with even more heart, and if they're able to fuck up the person that shattered their ego on their 2nd bout, it becomes the perfect story of redemption.

Modern day gladiators.

I like my football but I agree it's getting out of control, would really prefer if we could redirect most of that energy towards making our towns and cities walkable and beautiful and building traditional architecture

>just lighten up while your civilisation gets destroyed!
Fuck off faggot

>i have a masters degree pal
>that means i'm totally justified in rooting for a team of niggers
You're pathetic
I bet you love watching them fuck your wife too

David vs Goliath

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One of the biggest issues with today's world is politics infiltrating absolutely everything. Even in football, with the kneeling thing. Sports are a form of entertainment, and in my entertainment, I look for things that are going to help me forget about the troubles and problems of the world for a few hours. The liberals are obsessed with politics and think about them 24/7, integrating them into absolutely everything, and look how fucking crazy they have become. Night time television, even sitcoms. Everything. So if we can just focus on sports for a day, especially with the rhetoric slamming us heavily from all directions 2 days before the midterms, then fan-fucking-tastic. Bring it on.

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Yes, it was better when those crazy liberals were operating in the shadows so the rest of us could have some peace and quiet as we suddenly started becoming a minority in our own country

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they wont even get the house my man
>being so much of a cuck you believe polling data
>doesnt realize that nate silver admitted he fudges his numbers for the sake of morale

Much better back then before they had the audacity to be loud and proud with their culturally and politically subversive tactics. It's 1930's Europe all over again.

Sports are one of the last places men can truely be men. Why the fuck are you promoting furthering the sissification of men.

Ignore the fact that them being loud and proud is the only reason any momentum is building against them in the first place

t. morbidly obese sack of shit that hates being reminded that there are men and women in better shape than he'll ever be. you're a little faggot ass loser, dude. fuck off.

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Jumping up and down cheering for niggers to win you imaginary points for your imaginary team is the antithesis of being a man
Go hunting, faggot

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What kind of life would we have without any type of enjoyment or entertainment though, seriously? I accept that there are more important things in this world, but to be obsessed with any one thing for any extended period of time is severely imbalanced and is dangerous to ones mental well being.

The liberals do nothing but concentrate on politics 24/7/365 and it has driven them crazy. They integrate it into absolutely everything. No matter where you turn, it's there. Those who wish to control us lead us to believe that we must never forget the "issues" or we don't care about the world. And in the end, those shills succeed in keeping us sucking on the tit of media propaganda through Hollywood, the music industry, news and now social media. When is this supposed to stop? When we get our way with everything, like the Liberals suggest? That's not healthy either? Where's the quality of life? How do we enjoy our time with our families and friends without being able to engage in diversion and distraction, things that are fun and entertaining, things that form bonds and create pleasant memories.

Sure, according to the cycle of Fascism, good times create soft people and bad times create hard people, but it is not necessary to either remain hard 24/7 to keep the good times, nor is it necessary to insist that times are always bad to keep from getting soft. There is a way to enjoy life while maintaining the strength and conviction necessary to maintain a good life, not letting ourselves getting soft.

Trump tweeted about the World Series and Liberals went nuts, saying, "How dare he tweet about that when people are laying dead after that Synagogue shooting. How insensitive!" To Liberals, who are accustomed to patterning their entire existence around politics, this is cause for outrage. But to normal, well adjusted, life-balanced people, it is insanity. We need the good with the bad, we need the light with the heavy, the laughter with the tears, etc.

I was talking about actually playing sports you faggot.


Not what the thread is about
>is retarded
checks out

obviously you can pay Twitter to feature tags to create impression that your thing is popular

This. OP is a faggot

Swedes can't win anything so I'm going to say the nigger most likely, that also lines up with progressive ideology which probably fuels 90% of match outcomes.

This is about the specific issue with entertainment that distracts you and siphons away your nationalist instincts towards completely meaningless teams that only exist to sell you shitty merchandise.
Fuck off with trying to talk as if people can't find enjoyment or entertainment in things that don't involve that. If you can't then you may as well bite a bullet now m8

The rest of your post too...
Liberals were "driven" crazy because of how much they concentrate on politics, and not the massive amount of Marxist brainwashing that exists in our education system and media? Respectable people enter college and are screeching lunatics with dyed hair 4 years later?
Also, the tit of media propaganda... Hollywood, music, news and social media... But not sports right?
>HEY look at this awesome negro player that we just traded into our team, cheer for him because he's one of us now! Just look at your city/state/country on his Jersey!
>Get all that aggression out, yeah, GO TEAM A! TEAM B SUCKS!

If you have to watch sports watch MMA like the Belgian guy said. There are no excuses.

t. low test faggot

One can be athletic and have nothing to do with sportsball, dipshit.


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They are crazy because they were taught, through Marxist teachings (teachings that promote classism and therefore insist on everything being about politics) to focus on social issues 24 fucking 7. That is not healthy, no matter what you choose for entertainments, whether it is sports of any sort, television, music, anything. It's not the way normal people are wired. Too much of anything in life is bad and excess instead of moderation only serves to create a one-dimensional person who only sees one side of life. That's a pretty dull life, friend. Regardless of how serious your national instincts are.

Being aware of threats is exactly the way normal people are wired. That's why you need to be distracted from it in the first place.
Cheering for foreigners being your only source for entertainment is a pretty dull life, "friend"

Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.

I watch football and soccer. Get over yourself.

Enjoy your talmudvision. You've yet to justify why that's apparently the only source of entertainment you can conceive of.

>thinks the fact that he watches it is supposed to mean something
>tells others to get over themselves

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You seemed to be implying that people who watch sports don't have a political conscious. I am well aware what is happening, most are

>I'm aware, that means most are
same shit leftists use to "debunk" racism, come on.
Sports fans are one of the most politically clueless demographics in the country. What was it that got people boycotting NFL recently? "disrespecting muhh flag"

And general racism isn't the same as awareness of what's actually happening, which is our civilization being on the brink of collapse.
Most racists you find don't have a clue about the larger implications, they just avoid niggers and think they can keep perpetually moving out of neighborhoods to do it.

No I understand it fully, just because you have a superiority complex doesn't mean you know something I don't. I played the sports when I was younger and appreciate them for what they are which is efficient distracting entertainment, but people always needed an outlet.

>tfw ranting nerds on Jow Forums who have never done anything physical in their lives are ranting about people watching a football game
Holy shit it's hilarious. If anyone is saving the West it's not you nerds

>I understand it fully, that means everyone else does

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I doubt you ever actually talked to any of them.

I live in Oklahoma fag
Point me to one of these totally aware epic le redpilled football fans and 9/10 times it'll be someone who just doesn't like blacks and commies

Yeah they are quite open the whole JQ thing when you point out they made commies. Just because they don't have the information doesn't mean they are not open to concept.

Ole, ole ole ole

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No they aren't. They don't give a shit about who made commies, because their television assured them Israel's our greatest ally and after all, their team's owner is probably a jew

I guess you don't have the ability to red-pill then. Most of friends that I watch games with openly bitch about kikes now. You just seem like that asshole who no one likes and no one listens to.

>he's still doing it
>still happily watching and defending talmudvision

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It's Sunday Night in America. What do you expect? René Guénon to be trending?

Whatever bro, just keep on being the life of the party. It doesn't require an IQ to equate Kike = bad. Just have to show them shitting on something they care about. Hell even redpilled some of my spics friends on Kikes.

>he's actually still doing it
Great to hear about your "le redpilled spic friends". I'm sure you got them really excited to help return America to the white ethnostate it was pre-kikes.
Let me know when you get the other 20 million fans, then I'll stop calling your precious niggerball a distraction.

Sports fascination is a direct result of men not finding success in their own personal life

If you are NOT hitting "home runs" and "scoring points" in your own personal life, then you need to get in your car and drive down to the stadium and pay $100 to sit in a plastic seat and watch another man hit a home run

If you are going to the gym regularly, work a job, have a family, save for retirement, take care of yard work, take care of vehicle maintenance.... you won't have 1 minute of your week to waste on sports or listening to Sports AM Talk Radio which is one of the most bizarre forms of entertainment in America

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I hpe you're not saying the current state of Jow Forums is woke.