Kantbot vs thot

kantbot vs thot

anyone have the original tweet/post???

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Other urls found in this thread:

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

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Man, I fucking love Kantbot. He better make a video after Trump drains the swamp and brings full disclosure. Something like TRUMP HAS COMPLETED THE SYSTEM OF GERMAN IDEALISM.

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Here's a link to his Twitter for anyone who wants to follow him.

ok, this is epic

women, no matter how well educated or on what side of the political divide they fall, will always revert to one of two insults when cornered:

1) you are a loser
2) you can't get laid

it's uncanny how reliable this is. med-thot is no exception

my sides OP
roasties are so predictable

>a boyfriend
why is she on tinder?

still the best Jow Forums related video I've ever seen

Bump for kantbot

same and I think it's because at first it seems crazy and pure lunacy. Slowly but surely though what he said has been manifesting before our very eyes.

It's not you they are trying to convince with those insults, it's them. It's a way of avoiding unwanted attraction towards you. By framing you as a loser, your confrontionality and intellectual superiority will not turn them on. A woman knows that the minute she feels attracted to you, she will be on her way to losing the debate.

Ok. I checked her Instagram. Her bio says that she wants to give a voice to the voiceless (sounds some lefty bs) but also that she's a journalist and writes for Il Giornale, which is a right wing, kinda based and redpilled journal

at the end of the day, it does not matter your political opinions or your hobbies or what you do, you just have to be attractive and confident.

i shitpost on here most of the time or make shitty music in my room but i also work out and have good face/rich parents and girls think that's hot. it's incredibly easy if you're moderately attractive, you will realize hooking up with lots of random women is not really something to be proud of once you do it a few times

as an example, my dad sympathizes with hitler, and my mom is a christian philosemite who thinks israel is our greatest ally, but it worked out

>all of these Frogtwitter homos larping as TradCath-Enlightenment-Accelerationist-Lol-No-Homo-Esoteric-Nietzcheetos-Christian-Gaymers

For real, all the big names in the TradCath and Orthodox circles on Frogtwitter have posted content endorsing rape and murder and then have the audacity to pretend that God is on their side.


Many such cases.

>you will realize hooking up with lots of random women is not really something to be proud of once you do it a few times

Noob, I didn't even have to lose my virginity to realize this

Kantbot is just a dedicated shitposter.

Yeah, because the ancients never trolled.

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

Behold, the first shit post.
>II.3.10 (Pottery Shop or Bar of Nicanor; right of the door); 10070: Lesbianus, you defecate and you write, ‘Hello, everyone!’

She contradicted him somewhere. They've been cannibalizing what women do follow them for a while now. Despite it being a cliched fallback for a woman to use when she is losing an argument, most of these guys are fairly open about loathing women and and endorsing homoeroticism. The majority of @bronzeagemantis' posts are pictures of half naked guys from bodybuilding.com

Also note that the OP left out one of KantBot's messages where he compared himself to Jesus Christ. Let that sink in the next time any of these clowns claims to be capable of offering moral guidance, that they consider tweeting to own the libs equivalent to an act of perfect mercy.

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People who pollute the commons of discourse are Jews who will be driven from the temple. Many such cases.

yeah i saw the other thread, it was glorious

he's being a little over the top but his point still stands. men treading new ground are often shamed by women who are made uneasy by those who stray out of the bounds of decent society. success shaming and cocksmith shaming are the two most reliable weapons in their arsenal

Kant is a faggot, and anybody saying otherwise is a faggot. His entire theory of idealism is a massive troll to the point that it's hardly intelligible (there has never been a consensus on what exactly Kant's brand of idealism even meant), which makes it no wonder why a twitter troll would mention Kant in his handle.

Frankly, some twitterfags going at it through DMs will never be "epic" as claims, it just reeks of idiocy. Being a memelord and giggling while you claim that Jow Forums is an ancient society is cringeworthy, moreso than someone setting said memelord straight by stating that trolling as we know it is a relatively modern invention. Trying to drag someone else down because of their physical traits (eg, "You're a woman, therefore you're an idiot and you can't be an autistic troll") while trying to claim intellectual and moral superiority is laughably ridiculous and just down right lazy. There's no argumentation, there's no "artful trolling" here. It's just hamfisted insults being hurled back and forth by two people acting like monkeys.

Why is this entertaining to anyone?

Kantbot is even worse than Alessandra what an endless pit of pretentiouness

I didn't know there was another thread. Which means there's another user out there that knows their ancient shitposting. I go back every few years and reread some of them. There are some beautiful texts and some great shitposts.

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1824: Let everyone one in love come and see. I want to break Venus’ ribs with clubs and cripple the goddess’ loins. If she can strike through my soft chest, then why can’t I smash her head with a club?

Kek Kys

No, that's a legit point. Women just come off as pure cunts when they try to sit on some kind of high ground denigrating a man because he's not doing what she wants or thinks he should do.

I shit on that fat fuck, if he is so enlighted why is he so fat, read some Cícero to learn about discipline

>Reddit spacing
>cringe lord accusing trolls of being edgy
Why are you such a faggot?

Kantbot is a national treasure.

>you have a sad life, you are a virgin, you are gay, I pity you

Why does NPC model biocunt always repeats the same shit over and over? There are billions of them, and they always say the same words.


Women are objects and property that open their legs with the right key. Beats and moralfags that white knight to defend them are more pathetic then the worthless women are

Because the only power they have is the moist stink ridden hole between their legs. They are like jews they cannot self reflect it defies their biological drives

He could have a hormonal issue you uncompassionate fuck

Absolutely, but that wasn't his idea, it's just something he parrots to deflect blame for his speech. These guys are not going to lead us into anything except for Jewish joking-not-joking-or-am-I? irony and homoeroticism born of a loathing of women. Basically, they've just taken good ideas from other ideologies and made them young and cool by posting them next to frogs. That is the sum total of their contribution.

pretty cringe desu, you should delete this thread
unironically seems like a salty mgtow virgin

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>these guys aren’t going to lead us...
There is only one leader of Jow Forums leaf fag. Stay salty kike

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He’s a very staunch Protestant, and he’s wrong in that, but I like his content a lot.

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Twitter was born polluted. Stop overromanticizing it you underage fag


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It traditionally works. They don't deviate because they rarely have to.

Women are morally considerable, even if they are generally morally inferior. The essence of man is complementary to that of woman. Budding rapists such as yourself are apes in a moral vacuum who can dedicate themselves to nothing apart from their ego. Your use of the word "beta" here is functionally identical to this woman's use of the word "virgin." It's merely an expression of frustration that civilized people have confederated better than antisocial rapists.

Kantbot is a treasure. When the waterfalls of Atlantis flow again the system of German idealism will be complete.

Holy shit, this dude is scary as fugg... is the system actually being completed?

Check this out!


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>reddit spacing
I've never had a reddit account, and I've only ever casually browsed it when someone sent me a link. If you have a problem with the way I format my posts for legibility, that's not something I give a fuck about.

And I can't help but be a cringelord, I majored in philosophy and English in university. Judging by your posts though, you're just as much of a cringelord: an unabashed internet misogynist who thinks that because girls won't swipe right on him on Tinder that they're just the worst people in the world. Are women generally petty/self-absorbed/ridiculous/irrational? Yes, they are, and generally (in my experience) they have no problem admitting it if you actually engage them in conversation. But you clearly don't want to talk with them, you just want to insult them because you're saltier than the Dead Sea. Calm the fuck down, nobody cares whether or not you're a virgin. Sex isn't that fucking important (only boorish fuckwits would have you believe otherwise).

looks banned does he have a new @

This isn't even a coherent point. Hitler is dead, whereas these guys are a living movement. Calling me a kike isn't going to change the fact that I take after the truth, whereas you make use of the Jewish trick of slander to try and denigrate me without actually refuting what I am saying. My capacity to persecute people like you is limitless.

He posted (possibly retweeted, his account is private right now) that cover of the NYT near the time of the Kavanaugh trials where the statue of liberty is getting raped and captioned it "What women want." How he took that away from the Gospel, I will never know.

real women are a mistake

Anyone who does this kind of thing is a Jew in spirit. They don't care for the truth, and will lead us to catastrophe and excuse themselves from the results by implying they were only joking. This is the modus operandi of Judaism everywhere, learn it, know it, and do not shame your ancestors further.

Nm just saw you were a Finn so this is probably beyond your capacities as an Asiatic.

That's a hell of a contradiction or you've got a real twisted opinion.
>admits women are morally inferior
>says they're complementary
Okay, and do you have a problem with the idea that a man shouldn't generally, if ever, take moral advice or life advice from a morally inferior creature?

All I here is a whiney Reddit fag who didn’t put in his time lurking and thinks his moral platitudes have any bearing on our culture at all. Seriously Kys post to YouTube so we can all laugh

This is actually hilarious though.

I’m not sure, I don’t have twitter anymore, I liked it, but I’m in school now and don’t have time for it.
Oh, you’re one of those “Christians have to be perfect and super serious all the time” types. Can you post your fedora for me pls? My point was that he’s not “TradCath”, in fact I’ve argued with him about Doctrine before, he’s a typical Protestant in that he can cite verses of the Bible easily but still can’t read it correctly. I really respect him though.

No our use of the term “beta” here just like S O Y boy is to break down your your objective to beneficial or subversive. You wreak of a morally superior ego but fail in any realistic way to objectively back it up other then forcing other anons into your empty morality. Lurk moar nufag

I think this thread actually made me autistic.

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This is how you do it boys


This is incredible

>I’m a misogynist
Yea your right I am wtf are you going to do about brother then kvetch
>protip: you will do absolutely nothing
So fuck off

I didn't know Jow Forums was a cult. When do I get cult powers?

Why not make an argument instead of hurling insults like your apparent twitter hero did in the OP's pic? Name-calling has no effect on people here other than wasting our time because we read it. Are you trying to waste our time so that your secret Jewish cabal can have a few extra seconds to plot their nefarious schemes before we uncover them? Or are you just biding you time until $0.02 is deposited into your bank account so you can buy another dragon dildo?

Seriously though, make coherent posts. I know the rage is fueling your fingers, but please go back and read your posts before you post them. I can't understand what "No our use of the term “beta” here just like S O Y boy is to break down your your objective to beneficial or subversive." or "Yea your right I am wtf are you going to do about brother then kvetch" mean because your rage spiral makes the end of the sentence unintelligible. Wipe the frothing spittle from your chin and form coherent sentences so that we can all enjoy the elucidating effects of your wisdom.

I think I might be autistic now too. Now I can get gibmedats from my government though, so it's not a bad trade off I suppose.

The absolute state of roasties. They know they depend on it. If she was actually confident in that shit she would stop using her face. She uses her face to compensate for her political dissent, because she knows betas will follow it to the end, and no one will criticize a woman as harshly as a man.

>Types a paragraph in reply to single sentances
>I know the rage is fuelling your fingertips
OK there bud.

>autistic culture

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It's Twitter.

I'm actually having fun, pal. I've always been long-winded, my posts here usually don't break too much from my actual character.

Welcome brother.

You get unlimited access to the inner workings of the collective subconscious and a Guy Fawkes mask.

Kek what a faggot

life is about family and career, random coitus has relatively little to do with that path

>ancient mystery cult
>/a/ & /b/
u w0t m8? The rest I enjoyed. Roast beef sandwich got toasted. Kek.

>I studied political philosophy in some of the most prestigious universities in the world and regularly read the ancients, no bragging

>not understanding why BAP does handsome Thursday’s

You are an NPC

no consensus because the faggots who came after him ripped it all up. Kant is great, and everyone should read him, as long as your IQ is above 120

Why would I waste my time fighting In your ring, all I had to do was control what you think and your narrative of me and you have exposed yourself more then sitting here typing paragraphs trying to force you to yield to my logic could ever do. Now your playing in my ring and you couldn’t be losing any more pathetically. You should go donate to Alessandra’s patreon and keep convincing yourself of your own inadequate intellectual superiority

Not political. Reported

>muh aesthetics
Confirmed for visiting wine bar with GF.

>muh morality isn't objective
Nietzsche's thesis is self-refuting and is for gays. If my morality is empty, there is only my capacity to conquer, and I will, in the name of righteousness or merely its facade. I've been lurking since before you could drive.

Ostensibly for optics (Osama's whole thing about preferring a strong horse), but mostly because they are all a little gay and don't even pretend not to be (but get flustered whenever someone points out that they're gay).

>the absolute state of bobs and Vagene poos

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Begone thot

lol are you actually policing dialogue on social media? you sound jealous that you have less attention and affinity, the only virtue in purely rhetorical medium is fluency of language and depth of knowledge; the only morality of twitter is ridiculing the self righteous

>"Christians have to be perfect and super serious all the time” types.
That was the general consensus prior to the advent of modernist protestant retards trying to compete with television, Jow Forums, and pornography.

Based and redpilled

> ... he who has not mastered the Kantian philosophy, whatever else he may have studied, is, as it were, in a state of innocence ; that is to say, he remains in the grasp of that natural and childish realism in which we are all born, and which fits us for everything possible, with the single exception of philosophy. Such a man then stands to the man who knows the Kantian philosophy as a minor to a man of full age.

Attached: kant magee tristan long.png (800x8398, 3.72M)

Strong point there leafanon.
You really need to cut that shit out. I'm half East Asian and I can understand it just fine. You faggots keep on overestimating yourselves while underestimating other anons. I can understand your animosity towards the Chinese because of where you are and how they are encroaching on your territory, but the broad brush being used for details involving small strokes shit really needs to stop. Be specific because that's what you would want if someone was generalizing incorrectly about you.

That is the general consensus of low intelligence boors across history, we must always ridicule and deny these swines; anyone with an enlightened sense of humour is welcome

You haven’t conquered though. You lost 3 posts ago and now your just doing damage control. You can’t beat somebody who transcends the ideals of your complete victory. You’ll always inevitably be a slave to their narrative and just like the new age cuck catholics belief systems you follow you don’t even realize your slave mentality is drilled into you to make you subservient to a set system not to allow you to conquer it. How would neitzches slave vs master system possibly inspire gay people just as the ultimate orators of (((logos))) have iterated fags are slaves that think they are masters just like you. Nietzsche makes a clear distinction that slaves adhere to set standards and masters set them. So tell me again that I’m a misogynist, or that I’m doing the jews work user. But why don’t you explain to us your position on racialism?

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>lol are you actually policing dialogue on social media?
No, I'm expressing my contempt of those who use Jewish models of discourse with no regard for the truth.

>you sound jealous that you have less attention and affinity
You sound like a pathologizing psychoanalytic chosenite.

>the only morality of twitter is ridiculing the self righteous
What does this even mean?

Honorary Aryan, but if you are being truthful you really must see that Asiatics are not particularly well known for having an affinity towards conformity-defying solar truth. Like, don't get me wrong, you're more a part of civilization than the Africans or the Muslims, but if you had to choose a place to live, it would be a white country.

Yes, men who read all day and night are just part of the herd, not like you, who read half of the Geneaology of Morals in between jacking it to Chinese cartoons.

Nobody cares about your mixed blood you stupid mutt. The Catholic fags really need to get their shit together your about 8 years late to the new age problems and the very same young men you put down as the buzz words that you do cleverly wield while objecting to when their used against. Keep embracing your slave status.

this is seriously autistic and is symptomatic of why philosophy in practice is dead, it was only ever a means of 1. entertainment and 2. meditation on epistemology for the aristocratic and stately class; Aristotle "knew" thousands of years earlier that all knowledge was based on faith, expressed it entirely differently and was relevant equally in his time for his milieu. Philosophy is an art form in the same terrain as drama and poetry.

It does if it impedes you from having a fulfilling family or career. And that seems to be the case for a lot of MGTOW guys who are really just incels who've numbed themselves from the pain of not having fulfilling companionship while working their shifts as a Sous Chef at Wendy's.

You'd better start believing in autistic culture, because you're right inside of it in this thread.

I read his Critique of Pure Reason in university and didn't enjoy it. Aside from how cumbersome the language is, it's just not particularly engaging. I dislike idealism generally, and I dislike the interpretations of Kant's idealism. But the real reason I dislike Kant is because I disagree with his ethics. In particular, I find that treating humans as an end in themselves leads to unsolvable moral dilemmas and becomes practically useless. I'm much more of a consequential simply because it doesn't paralyze my moral capacities.

Thanks for writing a much more coherent post. And I wouldn't say that I had a real narrative of you, just some vague imagery of you slobbering over your keyboard in a dark room lit only by your glaring computer screen. Which is rather amusing, frankly. That being said, I've never donated anything to anybody (except for old clothes to Goodwill) and I don't intend on starting now with some random broad on Twitter.

What happened to not posting paragraphs? Now you've stepped into my ring.
>teleports behind you
Pssh... Nothin' personal, kid.

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Just a reminder that all of you will be put into a pile and torched after being raked. The day can't come soon enough.

>looks at his word salad
>looks at his false moral equivocations
>looks at his sad assumptions that have nothing to do with my arguments
I haven’t stepped into your ring your just an idiot

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Kantbot loves you
just let him into your heart

>That was the general consensus prior to the advent of modernist protestant retards trying to compete with television, Jow Forums, and pornography.
Do you want to know how I know you’ve never read Chesterton? Living the Christian life is a difficult calling since you must be in the world but not of it, while also trying to maintain the common touch that helps you reach the lepers, or in this day and age, Jow Forums users. If I can get someone’s attention and show them the way to Christ by calling them a “faggot” or a “nigger” I will do so without hesitation or apology.