California politics thread

California politics thread
so how are the anons from cali holding?

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OC here. Things be as they do.

Leave while you can
Cali is going to have a housing crisis when google Facebook are busted up and move away
Plus for like 100 other reasons

818 and chillin

South Central valley here. I want everything around me to burn.

I've only been living in LA for over a year now and it's not enough to really know what's up in the state.
When talking about california, you have to think of it as a one big country with a diverse political background. It has the largest population in america and it's also one of the largest in terms of geography.

I can only hope that there's rising militancy in the rural, red communities. They're the only ones who can be counted on fixing the state. I understand why Trump doesn't care about fixing california since it's a 'lost cause' but this is also the state that is home to hollywood and silicon valley so he'd have to be stupid not to care an iota.

bay area here... kill us all plz


RIP Orange County lol

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>walnut creek fag here
I voted for Cox and did my part user.

Did my part and praying. Not much hope left living behind enemy lines.

Yeah is there any reason to hope for anything? Maybe the gas tax will come through...

Nevada fag here. Can you tell your dems to stop trying to import shitty California policies over here with people like Rosen.

Anaheim reporting in. Things aren't so bad here, homeless population is getting a little higher though. Going to the local church to vote next week. Also started the paperwork to get my first handgun.

Cali anons: GO VOTE, doesn't matter how Blue your state/county is. GO VOTE for your frens at Jow Forums.

I'm close, so did I, and a suprising amount of people I know... I have a feeling gavin mcfaggot is gonna get BTFO'd

hopefully he can win

Devin Nunes is going to win, Support for Cox is through the roof, Newsom wouldn’t dare show his face in the Central Valley. How’s the support for Cox in your neck of the woods Anons?

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Fresno fag reporting in.

I'm voting and we will keep the valley red. Red like Republican not like Communism.

>having to vote for Feinstein
Leaving that shit blank

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Voting all Republican

Paint it red

theres goof support here. optimistic


Kern county is probably going blue because of all the wetbacks on the farms and the methheads wanting gibs.

661 in the house.
Feel a huge surge of energy coming on. How are the spics/homeless in OC? I used to live in Huntington Beach and Santa Ana.
How do you survive with so many spics and 3rd world trash up there my 559 neighbor? Why is your country still blue? Step it up.

Yes everyone remember to leave BLANK for Feinstein and any choice between 2 Dems.
We will never go blue familia. Remember to get out everyone and their madre to the polls to vote for Kevin McCarthy and John Cox.

Any of you interested in doing some subversive conservative street art up in the Bay Area? I'm not the greatest artists but have made some templates for printing/posting all over the place.

Anybody do something like this before?

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I have not seen a Newsom sign ever. I have seen 3 dozen or so Cox signs. Santa Boobie area.

Bako fags report in. Right wing death squads when.

I live in CA25 and have had Katie Hill canvassers ringing my doorbell all weekend long. I haven’t heard a damn peep out of the repub incumbent.

Bakersfield Fag here. Voting for this QT for schoolboard over a union hag. I volunteered to help her campain and got invited to her house where we walked around from block to block knocking doors.

We are gonna lose one of the county supervisor seats to the dems because of (((lawsuits)))\

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Yes on 6, baby. I can't believe those niggers renamed it from Gas Tax repeal. If this doesn't pass Carl Demaio is going to start setting roadside bombs for Caltrans.

Yeah me too

I don't think my district is going red with Issa leaving. Such a shame, he was great


Feels good; I'm not voting for a redcuck or bluecuck.

Im going to be an LA res soon, moving from rural PA
How fucked?

Yes on 6 already has a lawsuit ready to file if it doesn’t pass over the title


Thanks for the honesty i guess

im in the bay area user, its worse here

I'm trying to my best to leave but finding a job out of state is harder than expected. Looks like I'll be stuck here for at least another 6 months.

Being a true traditionalist in California automatically amkes you better socially than 95% of other people so it's actually kinda fun. They actually admire attractive old values people but won't admit it.

Thats around San Francisco right?

Yeah, we are screwed. Let's see how it goes on Tuesday, but it may be just the time to pack my stuff and flee.

please save me from this god forsaken nigger hellhole

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San Diego user reporting, will be voting red Tuesday, told my lib wife that voting is not until the 14th. She's too busy watching real housewives to realize its on Tuesday. Doing my part.

Unfortunately Newsom is going to win by about a 15% margin. Cox is a very weak candidate. Not that it really matters. CA is a lost cause.

Prop 6 (Gas Tax Repeal) is likely to lose as well.

The only good news for Republicans would be if they manage to hold onto enough congressional seats to prevent the Democrats from taking over the House.

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>Yes everyone remember to leave BLANK for Feinstein and any choice between 2 Dems.
Feinstein has a high chance to kick the bucket, and nothing is better than a dem senator that suddenly dies. She'll probably win anyway.

fuuuug user. it's gonna be a change and not a good one unfortunately. LA is a literal, crowded shithole filled with nothing but spics and halfspics.

I hate this state and want to leave.

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We’re going to turn this motherfucker red.

Newsom hasn’t shown his fucking face in NorCal, the Central Valley or the Inland Empire and somehow he’s still probably going to win by a massive margin. Split the state up NOW

My strategy is to vote Feinstien knowing she is probably going to croak soon, then Cox can replace her with someone that isnt wearing a human suit.

Interesting... I havent hit that site in a long time, Ty

North County San Diego
For the love of God, save this once great state, all we need is General Sherman to march to San Francisco and us conservative contrabands can be free and the kingdom coming in the year of jubilo

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Like this user said, she will win regardless. Why turnout for her? I say we deny her every vote we can.

Moraga fag here same kms

I dunno user, everyone I know is votng COX, granted we're pieces of shit, but I wouldn't say its over. anyone whos been to SF lately will have a hard time voting for McFaggot...

Gold country reporting in. 1st time voting straight red. It was good to move out of the city and get away from the endless repetition of orange man bad. At least it’s more red here. Ive almost stopoed facebook, which i have to say has become an echo chamber. California is such a great state, shame theres a ton of people who shoukd be taken for a helicopter ride.


Well, all I know that life keeps getting better every time they raise the minimum wage and yet prices have stayed the same.

save 25 man. I grew up there but it's Stupid-"Cinda"-Valley if you catch my drift

you will hate the traffic and the people
literally hate LA
lived there for 20+ years
it's not what you see on TV

hi fellow OC user

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Grizzly peak... we all meet to KOS...
change minds because "look at that view man" also we're wearing t-shirts and its fuckin november...
we just need to get rid of the faggotry here

I made sure to vote YES on 6 and for Cox. I had to swallow a huge shit sandwich to vote Feinstein because DeLeon is that much worse.

San Diego is looking better but too many tech/education jobs offset our military so it can go either way. I am just hoping the Dems are too stoned to find the polls.

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Dirty 530 here, voting RED, will be volunteering on election day

ya this feinstein thing sucks balls

Because DeLeon could be there for another 30 years.

LAC fag here, voting all red on tuesday

Cox actually has a very good chance of winning

I tell you what...

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Simi Valley reporting in. I already mailed in my ballot, but here is a guide for any others who will be voting on Tuesday.

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Voting all red and then for Feinstien messes with the algos, KEK also appreciates its pro chaos vibe.

LA fag here. Decent job in entertainment. Took me ten years to get where I'm at, but fuck it. I'm out of this shit hole. Dems and beaners done goofed up this state.

Thank you, seems like there's a new fucking tax for infrastructure every year; no idea where the last one went lmao

You people have no idea what it's like living behind enemy lines.
Mexicans everywhere.
Rights barely exist.
You can't say anything because people will attack you.
I pray we get glassed.

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Praise Digits! May they help COX. Having that Veto is our only light of hope. It's not like the state legislature is going to do anything for us.

Voted as Republican as I could but that is tricky in California. Mostly you just have Democrats to choose from in any given office.

I hope John Cox wins but I am extremely pessimistic. The demographics of California do not really allow for it.

LA here, anyone wanna smoke a bowl, do subversive stuff like gay stats etc general Jow Forums shit work out, go out find some wives?

But we do have awesome Carne Asada Fries. It's the only thing I have keeping me sane.

lol we're about to go full blue

post gay stats*

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Only if we get out and vote Broman, be sure to get your family in on the red wave, VOTE REPUBLICAN

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living in socal my whole life has made me hate beaners more than niggers and its not even close

>so how are the anons from cali holding?
From the roof, soon

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707 here. Voted straight Republican, even though that mega jew will get the vote, she's not going to last very long honestly (unless they pull some Yiddish blood magic out of there asses to save her)

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It's like asking what kind of piss taste's better - cold or warm...
They both suck...

Come to Sac, it'll rekindle your nigger hatred

Surviving alright.

Food, weather and hoes are nice at least but hard to find wife/mother material.

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OC here, but born and raised in L.A (it's only a 30 min drive for people unaware). Orange Country is the "other" huge county that doesn't buy liberal hipster bullshit and they are the line against it. I was born and raised in LOS Angeles, am not white and I can tell you that I full heartedly voted Republican all down the line in sheer hatred of what the Democrats have become. I hope John Cox wins. All you Cali red mofos go and fucking vote.

Is it too late to register? I want to vote for reps but i dont know i can go to vote

The absolute amount of digits in this thread already...

i live in La and wanna move to OC when i can afford a nice house there when im 40, how is it

>katy porter
>liberal agenda
>triple the national debt
>higher taxes
>lost jobs
>bigger government
>weaker economy
>katy porter
>mimi walters