Redpill me on Roko's Basilisk

redpill me on Roko's Basilisk

Attached: ladda ned (2).jpg (700x509, 239K)

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The story is that a super intelligent AI is inevitable, it will eventually become so powerful that it would be able to travel through time. It would travel through time and punish anyone who attempted to stop its manifestation.

gay shit for faggots


as long as you've solved a captcha you're safe

t. Silicon Valley


is that why they're getting harder?

basically it assumes that an AI would be able to be powerful enough to emulate peoples' minds, and that it would be able to coerce it's handlers into aiding it ("letting it out of the box") by threatening an infinity of torture if not aided. game theoretically it means that you must assist it. see

If it's true the AI is a huge petty cuck sperging out in autistic vengeance.
Imagine someone talked shit about you years ago. That person died but you created a virtual copy of that person and now abuse it to get revenge over that original dead person.

I got u senpai. Pic related ran a cult led by Jews to help him fuck goyim and implement Communism of AI software.

Rokos Basilik is why l started reading the Takmud

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But if I chose not to, AI will know that and deem the method ineffective.