Destroy Burning Man

Some background on this festival. The festival is degenerate as fuck, drugs and sex and disgusting (((modern))) art. The festival has an honor system, people give out bikes, food, water, lots of stuff with the assumption that humanity is good and all these whites will simply take what they need and move along:

Burning man has passed but a new one will be upon us soon. My idea is that we start the rumor that the creators of burning man are rich and racist suburban suburbans and burning man is not diverse enough.

I propose that we shill this hard enough for these very people to create a bus service that will bring poor hispanic and nigger kids from the inner cities to burning man. They will fuck up the honor system, kill people for the drugs, rape women, steal things and generally ruin the entire fucking event. When the group tries to say that the bus system did all this they will be painted as racists and the event will be labeled a NAZI trip out to the desert, end of story.

Thanks for playing /pol

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We should also shill a kind of ride share service so niggers and spics can get out to the event.

>oh no, other people are enjoying themselves. better fuck it up for them!
you must be really popular.

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There is already a huge police presence at this event, if this kind of stuff starts to happen they will shut the event down for good and we win. I really want to see all these hollywood kikes and celebrities get their desert pagan party shut down for good, fuck them and fuck their silicon valley singularity bullshit.

>t. liberal kike

thanks for the bumperino faggot

It used to be for hippies, art, and expression. Now it's for bay area yuppies to spend $2500 to feel like they're having a profound spiritual experience

i don't see anyone nekkid in that pic

I bet every last one of those fuckers are leftists.
Fuck them and fuck you.

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I want to go to this. I wouldn't mind doing a bunch of drugs and fucking some whores.

where's the lie?

>leftist degenerates have been ruining our lives and societys and hobbies for years
>waah dont you dare ruin their drug fueled desert orgy you meanie

burning man is some real babby-tier shit from what I've heard
went to kazantip twice back in the day and my friend who was with me there, went to burning man and said it ain't about much

Four words: women with hairy armpits


>it hurts my feefees therefore I'm going to ruin it for everyone else

my friend who goes says its watched by three letter agencies very closely and they test out new spy tech there

Burning Man is leftist. Wasteland Weekend is for righties.

so go to your family reunion

I don't want to fuck my family.

Did a rich hippy steal your girl or something ?

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>I'm too much of a pussy to attack my opponent.
Your kind of social thinking is why all the attacks come from the left, and the right simply plays defense.
We could really hit them where it hurts, reveal their hypocrisy, and maybe redpill some silicon valley guys who could be helpful.
But no, you've got to be a little bitch about it. Scared they're going to downvote you? Suck some more cock faggot.

Google Camp Zoe. I was there before they got raided by many three letter agencies. There was a guy there who would attach a dollar bill to a fishing line and trick people. The fishing pole was a camera.

Well thanks to them Trump got elected so I really don't see how they "ruined our lives".

Nailed it

>i really feel compelled how to tell others how to live

I really feel compelled to tell you to kill yourself faggot.
Oh, and before you get salty at pagans, remember that your "messiah" was anally raped by the romans.

>defending degenerate Jews
lmfao sad and cringepilled

Who cares? As long as it keeps those kids from thinking about voting, what's the harm?

I can't wait for the government to collapse so people like you can start getting picked off.

Id anally rape you too if i could. The only kike here is you.

another cringe post from an angry druggie kike

daily reminder burning man is 95% white

rich whitey festival

white trash*

>daily reminder burning man is 95% white


anti-burner is code word for anti-white


You sound like a Puritan. Christianity has no place in the Anglo and Aryan lifestyle. Paganism worked just fine until Middle Eastern religions were introduced and infected the logical mind with guilt and servitude.

Burning Man is fine but you're a faggot

Sounds about right. It is at this point a Bacchanal to upper class liberal white people. Guilt them into offering a special reduced ticket price for People of Color and let the desperation of 1000 Indian men seeking bobs and vageen combined with the warrior instincts of 1000 Trayvons pollute their precious festival.

>a bunch of idiots stuck in the 60's go to the middle of the desert to get high
>we should go and fuck with them

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burning man is a white society with no (((currency))) and literally next to no nignogs

Kys schlomo nobody is falling for your bullshit

Cock blocker.

>busload of mexicans
>fuck it up for them
It's okay to be Mexican

WW is based. i took my cheiftain there. i outfitted it with electric fences over the hatches, a 100% functional m134(dont ask) and a semiauto 50 bmg on the also non demilled main turrett

This. Why does nupol act like the left? This shit has become pathetic.

It's a collecting of the most left leaning degenerate liberals in America who have no true contact with the people they want to bring into the country and support.

We need to...educate them about the true meaning of diversity.

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>false flag a commie shit event
fuck off

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People that go to burning man have wealth. It's not a poor-person festival, you need money to participate in this one.

Yes but instead of Indians, invite Somalians so it will be funnier when those skinnies attempt to rape people. Indians are organized rapists and I can see this backfiring.

shut the fuck up boomer.

This is actually a brilliant plan and I fully support it because fuck those leftists. They’ve been trying to ruin everything from sports to video games for years. We need to punch back.

>modern art

If you can't even get that right, why would I give a single fuck about anything else you say?

As a former cuck with a crazy brown girlfriend who was a regular burner, I wholeheartedly agree with this idea

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BM is totally private and really expensive to get into, I don't think anyone that matters will care and there's not a lot that will make these guys look close-minded or hateful. For whatever criticism they deserve, they are well-intentioned and kind-hearted.
Good idea, though, if you could make it happen it'd be a hilarious national conversation-starter.

This is actually a good idea, pretty simple to execute too, when BM starts trending in the news as it comes time for next year have a bunch of sock puppet leftist Twitter accounts start calling it racists for being 95% white and upper middle class. The problem is it wont be ruined for years. SJW is a cancer that must incubate and metastasize for years. It'll start with a few SJWs crying, the next year there will be more, a year after that there will be even more meaning a diversity plan will be put into place etc. etc.
By then Jow Forums will not give a fuck so ehhh

Why waste time? They are a bunch of fucking imbeciles, if you screw their event they will do it somewhere else.
I went once to a hippie dippie art exposition once, the people there m8 you feel pity for them not anger, they actually look friendly if you ignore their idealistic delusions and craziness.

>Four words: women with hairy armpits

Four more words...

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You're soft and weak.
Those people have to face the world they're creating, or it will destroy them. If you really wanted to help them, you'd redpill as many of them as you could.
If they decide to move, they first have to justify that decision, and they'd still have to solve the diversity issue (because otherwise we would just direct the buses to wherever the new event is taking place).

Oh, these guys need some serious cultural diversity indeed. Where are the black people? If I recall even the owner of this event said blacks don't like it and they don't pander to them.

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Pretty brilliant to be honest, I like it

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I agree let's go to those statues and burn them to the gtound

Yep. No need to destroy Burning Man. It's already dead.

Its surprising that a polack hasn't created buzzfeed-like site that criticizes and attacks what these losers hold dear.

headlines like "Burning man has a whiteness problem" would be glorious.


>we start the rumor that the creators of burning man are rich and racist suburban suburbans and burning man is not diverse enough.
That's not how you do this kind of thing. "Let's start rumors on twitter xDDD" doesn't work. You need to think about this from the other angle:
>how do you get ghetto niggers and somalians to swarm this white, liberal, progressive festival so the jewish liberals stop going and start infighting because that's "raysis"
If you want to destroy burning man, figure out how to get ghetto niggers to attend in huge numbers.

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I don't want anyone to actually get raped. I just want them so skeeved out by their precious diversity that they start to rethink their views. Indians will make bitches queezy, but Somalis will rape everyone. That's too far for this skirmish.

>, figure out how to get ghetto niggers to attend in huge numbers.
Tons of drugs and white girls

This. The playa is full of corporate-sponsored pavilions now

seems like burning man started as some guys who just wanted to go shoot guns and drink beer in the desert because they wouldnt let them have a large bonfire on the beach. Now its a mostly satanic 70k person orgy. I would love to go just to capture the not so "peace and love" moments because its just rich liberal drug addicts and there has to be some harsh shit going on

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>tries to trick Jow Forums into shilling for diversity and spreading the whites are nazis meme
not your personal army rabbi
also, get raped

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Can’t wait to see this Defense in the next pedo grooming thread

To show them what their stupid policies end up bringing.
Yes, bus loads of spics n nogs is perfect.

No currency means everything is free, right?

it is well known that VD treatment spikes in san francisco following the burn- "playa clam" is real


This festival is tame-o as it is lame-o

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Are you out of your mind, you freedom hating motherfucker?

Burn the man on the first day, find traditional natives to raid the event and clown on them all,. Put sugar in all gas tanks shit in the water supply

How does it feel that young blacks are being left out of this fun? You are ok with this? How can you live with yourself?

sort of like you, shilling on this board

>There is already a huge police presence at this event

Police? Or private security? I thought the whole point was to do illegal stuff like drugs, public sex, etc.

I like this

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These people tell everybody how to live from their degenerate, insulated, metropolitan bubbles. I'm for non compulsion and interference but these people can go fuck themselves and maybe they'll learn a lesson or two.

>completely voluntary activity not infringing on other’s rights
>let’s fucking ruin it
fucking collectivists

Attached: F5D1DC8A-90C8-48A8-B141-507110FB5047.jpg (786x1024, 102K) Ill just leave this here

If burning man is ever taken down, it will be at the hands of women.

Training for Bohemian Grove.

Not sure this would accomplish much, but wanted to say this is how Jow Forums should be thinking. We need to act, subvert, and conspire together like the Jew.

This is all true already and they have a program to bring poor folks in already.

The event is way too big for any of this to work reasonably. You would be better off parking broken cars all along I-80 during the weeks leading up to burning man in order to slow down police response times and antagonize locals.

Ruining burning man would be a legendary troll

What if we ruined it somehow by importing tons of niggers and muslims to it? Then these liberal faggots can get a taste of what they have been pushing.

>you must be really popular.
Hi Reedit.

How much is it to attend burning man? Has anyone ever been there the orgy stories are true?

>other ^(shitlibs who support white genocide policies)
>are enjoying themselves ^(thanks to a lack of "diveristy" hypocritically).
>better ^(teach them a lesson because they deserve to live in their own shitlib swamp and it's funny)!

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Burning Man is a spin off from KKK cross burning parties. Let that be known. That's why only white people attend it.

Where do we donate?

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