Anyone get one of these today? Never responded (as expected)

Anyone get one of these today? Never responded (as expected).

Attached: 20CE22DB-ABCE-442C-8B2E-6E44807F4049.jpg (1242x1960, 380K)

Democrats literally using scam artist tactics

Pathetic bots. Got something like this too today. It told me to vote for Beto, and I asked it “how did you get my number” and it responded “Thanks so much! Your support is appreciated!”

i got one from lori

I reply and tell them if they ever contact me again I will press harassment charges.

Unbelievable. Can we spread info about these shitty tactics on social media? Makes for a bad look for Dems just using bots that don’t expound on why to vote that way. Orwellian shit scares normies

I've been getting them from Iowa, though they don't mention any party in any way.

Orwellian shit doesn't scare dems, it makes their women rock solid.

It scares normies, Dems aren’t normies. “Normie” is implying someone is human

Yep, asked me to vote yes on 4,1,3,7,3. Looked them up and they were all democrat proposals

Yeah, all the FL amendments are things Dems support or the league of women voters said to support. The ones I voted for hilariously the text was against

I never get random texts from people

No, but I got this

Attached: 8D7FDF62-3D28-456D-8827-D3C8E59B4796.png (750x1334, 121K)

Attached: I-know-that-feel.jpg (500x461, 16K)

no but ive had several people come to my house and tell me how to vote

honestly i was going to vote yes on 3 becuase fuck casinos and lobbists. but the vote yes on three commercial has aired atleast 35 times today. theres so much money behind the yes on 3 initiative i dont even trust it anymore.

Got one on my door
Told me how to vote on amendments. Yes on all new programs and yes on all new regulations
Also said vote straight ticket democrat

Even if it told you be skeptical that the facts/reasons told to you were the whole picture or not misleading

Aw man, sometimes they're interesting. I got one saying "Happy Birthday" when it wasn't my birthday.

Always provide misleading info.

did you join?

I got one from Diane. I asked her what dat mouf do and she wasn't very amused. She told me to vote Democrat and I said "eh nah ill probably just vote for whoever the green party candidate is but hmu if you're dtf" didn't respond after that.

I do this.

Attached: Screenshot_20181104-212853.jpg (1418x1519, 167K)

Gotten several over the past few months. I have both a work and a personal cell, and on both they call me Rasheed. I am not Rasheed.

Attached: 9E38DAE2-66CB-4C84-B6AA-7CF514179097.png (1242x2208, 669K)

>>Still charging
Mad man

Hello Rasheed!

Based Rasheed.

Send a pic of your c*ck

Ask her if votes matter as much as black lives

Democrats: Lets use bots to tell people who to vote for.

Also democrats: Russian bots said things on Twitter so drumpf is illegitimate!

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Gf uncle got a call from a rando dem. He told them they were going to get btfo'd and hung up.

Remember when democrats complained about Trump's "robocalls"?

Good times.

I've gotten quite a few campaign begging texts but none that blatant about it. To bad for the dems I already voted, "R"s all the way down.

I hate it

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>Amendment 9
>Ban offshore oil and gas drilling
>And ban vaping in enclosed indoor workspaces
>You can't have one and not the other, it has to be both or neither
Lmao how gay is that