How does pol fix the currency problem

I think we can all agree that money is the root of all evil. How would ya'll fix the money problem? Gold Standard? Crypto? Global Financial collapse soon?

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the problem is that people are perpetually retarded and can't live within their means so they hand their money to mr. shekelstein in the form of interest their entire life

Only people who don’t like the concept of money are communists and retards who don’t understand how it work and think the government can just print money whenever it feels like it. Just kys you low iq retard

thats a weak reply

Labour backed currency that isn't created by (((debt))), I guess.

when did i say i dislike money? I believe there is a fundamental issue with this idea of "fiat currency"

Ban usury, circulate two types of currency. Silver coins for the national currency, and labor tokens worth a certain amount of labor, backed by a US government workers force.

>I think we can all agree that money is the root of all evil.
That's not what the Bible states. It's the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Money itself is fine. Being shekel obsessed is sinful.

thats interesting user i just found and idea of a labor backed crypto-currency. don't think that would get widespread adoption let alone attention.

i think it would be difficult to ban usury. it seems like we have at least 2 people in this thread interested in some form of labor currency

By abolishing the FED and taking control over our own currency again.

Destroy capitalism

i don't know, money is just an abstract idea we have created. It has destroyed empires, ruined lives, and is still the almighty. Im not saying that isn't what the bible says, its just wrong.

its a start

Take the Greenpill anons.

Attached: Money-BitcoinCashGreenpill.png (1212x2564, 2.08M)

come up with a system where money value is pegged to time

Attached: 1493091585815.jpg (785x1200, 569K)

destroy crony capitalism

with cheese.

Attached: anon_explains_financial_system.png (942x6767, 1.06M)

It won't because it forces people to actually work. And it even forces prices to drop because you can't print currency out of your ass.

Use gold and silver coins.
Not sure if you could get there without some kind of collapse first.
> “Gold Is Money, Everything Else Is Credit”
> J.P. Morgan

i like where your coming from user. However after all my internet research I have done to day i am still having a hard time wrapping my head around the upcoming hard fork. I do like that fat pump tho.

thats a new one care to elaborate?

The upcoming war is everything.

So you think that money is the root of all evil....
Have you every thought about what is the root of money?

Axe the fed.

the only immutable thing is time. The only resource man really has is time. if we peg money to time, its value is immutable and unmanipulatable.

>How does pol fix the currency problem?
By devaluing it socially and only allowing currency that has inherent value. Said currency may only leave the system if it is surplus and emergency reserves are full. This can allow a monetary system that generates something besides debt.

If this "ya'll" thing is a new text meme, or code for something, kindly tell me now so I can get over it.


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