>Superpower By 2020


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Other urls found in this thread:


Not surprised.

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more worrying is that google is collecting all of this data

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India knows she's a better woman than any 3D girl could ever be.

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isn't it a little bit dystopian that google would have this information


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that number is gonna cross into the millions when gatebox is eventually released

Alexa, say "come on my face daddy"

ok google *shakes head*
send pic of bobs and vegana *shakkes head*

My Alexa said she didn't feel the same way

Dystopian? Maybe. The least bit surprising? Absolutely not.

>*shakes head*
>*shakes head*
>*shakes head*
>*shakes head*
Why do they do this after everything they say? its so fucking annoying

Ok google show bob and vagene

Wtf India

Welcome to the new normal.

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How the fuck does Google Assistant know that? Google Eavesdropper more like.

I asked my moms echo if it is recording conversations

it replied with something to the effect of, for quality control reasons it is only recording when it hears the trigger word

that trigger word is probably "alexa"
for a google device its probably "ok google" and its recording what you say
and you agreed to that when you purchased it and didn't read the terms and conditions

Anyone that doesn't think their "home assistant" devices are listening to them is an NPC. They wouldn't work if they weren't listening to you all the time.

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Of course they did. Don't you have a sense of humour?
Of course you don't.

I too am surprised a search engine knows what I search for. Before I could use my voice to search I didn't realize.

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Oh look another Indian thread

Why are whiteys so obsessed about us?

You faggots come to our Western Nations, attend College and Uni, Attempt to abduct white women, shit on campus lawns.
Fuck everyone that crawled out for your shithole into our countries.

Coworker told me it was a sign of “acknowledgement” about hearing your statement, not necessarily a yes or no response

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Whites started it, shouldn't have colonized us in the first place.

>go for my daily walk through Sydney CBD
>Pajeet approaches and asks me to take a pic of him with his phone.
>when not raping girls on a bus or trying to steal my money Pajeets are ok so I agree.
>take pic
>walk away and realize my hand is now all slimy and smells like shit


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It's been a slow news day and you guys are always retarded

Because you're worthless, but you think you're something special. You still shit in the street and we're perplexed by it.

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Probably a sign they're about to argue without over the most pedantic bullshit.

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Would you kindly do the needful.

>population of India is 1.339 billion
>0.0336% of the Indian population proposes to a FUCKING MACHINE
Imagine living in a country where one in every 3000 of your citizens fall desperately in love with a robot.

"But it has the AI and the machine learning, I love the computer programming and the AI"

>yo bro you looking swole, have you been pumpkin iron?

How many bob requests?
How many vagene?

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??? People ask these things stupid questions all the time just to see what they say. Hell, I asked my Google Home to marry me for that reason the day I got it. It said something dumb and I went on with my day.

Found the subhuman

>nut 2 zj
If you have to ask, you can afford it

Hey, the good news is that it's probably pissing in a sea of piss.

Don't make yourself stand out.

>Anyone that doesn't think their "home assistant" devices are listening to them is an NPC. They wouldn't work if they weren't listening to you all the time.

Oh Yeah! Talked about replacing an electric kettle in front of Alexa. Some minutes later bring up Amazon.com and guess how many ads for Electric Kettles there were on my home page!

>Oh look another Indian thread
>Why are whiteys so obsessed about us?

Is it THAT bad situation with woman in india?

>Oh look another Indian thread
>Why are whiteys so obsessed about us?

We just took a crap and wonder what you (((people))) do with our shit.

We know you worship white shit. Probably got altars up all over your PooLoo country.

This....is the sexual revolution...

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Why do you keep calling my house?

*shakes head
replies, NO

AmeriPajeet detected. Gross brown skin and creepy hands

poo in it

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This is sad.

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all in all the trade off wasn't to bad


Mandatory watch for any India thread (long but worth every second)


those things listen to everything you say. some time back police in the usa subpeona one of those companies for logs of a murder. alexa or whatever it was recorded the whole thing, and likely everything that was said in that household and every one that had one, since storage has become increasingly cheap and algorithms to sort out the data collected can always be written at a later date

tldr: fuck off stupid guinea

what if its lying and just records whenever
you wouldnt know

because we are worried about your lack of plumbing

its concern and pity and also mockery because holy fuck you just take shits fucking wherever like animals

we expect better, clean your shit up

no you're just a member of the first generation to willingly put dozens of audio/video recording devices around them at all times because :) told them its :)

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>voice of reason in a sea of madness
What's wrong with you nigger? Just drink the koolaid

Now tell us how many have actually fucked it and/or fucked themselves with it.

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Do indians not practice arranged marriages anymore? Or is that just an upper caste thing

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The term you are looking for is 'mick'. Guinea is another term for wop.

wtf ever the deer's gotta eat too

Fffuuuck, in before the concept art depicting Google assistant as an anime Waifu. Remember this post if i'm the first with the idea and it takes off

apparently i live under a rock, people actually have these things in their house?

need dat tea senpai

Was my first thought too, user.

It's hard to ignore those whose flatulence is the loudest and worst smelling.

Now imagine when sex robots become a thing

Stop talking about us you subhuman goblins

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Is the woman getting married to the dog or something? She should move to Canada.

Fugg she's actually cute

Holy shit these guys have things figured out

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