
>[Jews are] just predisposed—because of their understanding of Jewish history—to identify with outsiders and fear ethnically and religiously exclusive definitions of Americanism.

Normies will have never made this connection prior to reading this.

“Wait. Jews are transforming America for their own preservation?”

>In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “It was and is the Jews who bring the Negro to the Rhineland, always with the same concealed goal and with the clear goal of destroying, through bastardization, the white race they hate.”

This will be the first time normies hear a SINGLE specific argument from Hitler.

>These days, the Jew most frequently depicted as secretly engineering the immigrant takeover of America is George Soros. (Full disclosure: His son, Alex Soros, is a friend who has donated to think tanks to support my work).

Normies: “This author defending Jews received money from a wealthy Jew?” [The author is Jewish, but normies won’t know that.]

> During the civil-rights movement, white supremacists in the South made similar claims. “Segregationists believed that African Americans couldn’t possibly have the capacity to lead the civil-rights movement,” observes Mark Bauman, the editor of Southern Jewish History. “So it had to be the Jews and communists—the words were almost interchangeable: ‘Jewish communists.’”
>The major American Jewish organizations overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s immigration policies. So do rank-and-file American Jews, according to several polls. Among whites, Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the civil-rights movement, too.

“Wait, so white supremacists in the south weren’t actually wrong?”

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Other urls found in this thread:



>The major American Jewish organizations overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s immigration policies. So do rank-and-file American Jews, according to several polls.
we know



I butchered my editing on my phone, but my point stands: This piece will expose normies to dangerous ideas for the first time.

It’s from The Atlantic, so it’s socially acceptable to share this with everyone. I’m going to show my parents in a bit.

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>1 post by this id

>Press is now admitting Jews are behind mass immigration.

Wow they don't even hide it anymore.

So, in a matter of months, we went from naming the Jews to having the Jews name themselves?

What is their end game?


This is the apocalypse mate.

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oh look, another redditor who doesnt know how IDs work

use the archive next time m8

You got rekt in 4 posts

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Fuck Trump.

Voting and civility is no longer an option. The head of the hydras must all be removed at once.

Delete this thread

They also support Israel an apartheid state. It's almost as if...

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>Segregationists believed that African Americans couldn’t possibly have the capacity to lead the civil-rights movement,”
i love how they throw these statements in there as if they're self evidently wrong and don't warrant further investigation

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When someone reads these kinds of headlines outside of Jow Forums I'm finding it hard to beleive they don't think it's blatant propaganda. Maybe I've spent too many years here but it's getting too obvious now that normies must have to catch on to it

You greatly overestimate the intelligence of normalfags.

This. They feel the control slipping away from them.

Have you lurked long enough to understand what the phrase "every fucking time" means?

This is why starting the conversation is so important.
Once, "shutup you're a fucking racist" stops working, there's nothing they can do but admit we're right.

>>[Jews are] just predisposed—because of their understanding of Jewish history—to identify with outsiders and fear ethnically and religiously exclusive definitions of Americanism.
>The major American Jewish organizations overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s immigration policies.
Wait, I thought this was a conspiracy??

>depicted as secretly engineering the immigrant takeover
What do you mean "depicted", you just said Jews were doing exactly that!

This will not age well at all.

Ignore name, its just leftovers.

Bad goyim stop noticing patterns!

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normies are fucking stupid

theyre waking up

Seriously ALL the lawyers that headed the civil rights movement were fucking Jewish but no that's just a coincidence goyim we don't want to replace you with brown people.

They're terrified and all they know is crying victim when they feel threatened. They've essentially been waiting for someone to come along, expose everything they are without saying their name, ready to sudoku in response. Who knew it'd be this easy?

normies are either to stupid to notice or to liberal to care

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>W..we're just helping outsiders because of our history
>We aren't trying to undermine America
>Don't demonize us even if the end result is the same!

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we are in the endgame, they know shit is getting harder to conceal so they will stop wasting effort on concealment and just accelerate their plans.
they believe they have enough control and power now that even the truth won't stop them so why hide it anymore.


>literally admitting their plans out in the open
gas chambers soon boys

The Jew must still Jew.
The double think here is he's saying that it was never a secret that Jews where behind it. It being a secret is the conspiracy not because they actually do do it.
It's refreshing to see a Jew actually admitting it I have to say.
We'll save him for last. Problem is he's going to get his balls cut off by his own community for saying it.
Someone please be sure and archive the article before it gets soho'd.

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This is what Frame Games used to call monologuing.

You ever try becoming a lawyer and not being a Jew lol.
The Jews shut down the only Christian legal school in North America just last summer. It's about control.

They're so desperate to paint us as antisemites that they have to spell out what they're doing then claim we're racist because them.

Where's the archive, you fucking faggot?

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Becareful who you attempt to channel.

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Being a jew descendent myself, I can attest this is bullshit.

And everyone behind the LGBT and nambla movement are also Jews.

>Urgent question

Are there any former lefties that have been spontaneously redpilled by reading bullshit like this here?

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stfu mutt

fukn lmao


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It's all so tiresome

>we hate whites because they notice what we're doing and that's a bad thing

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Yup, culture of critique does a good job at documenting their involvement in all this bullshit.

Trying to get out in front of it.

>how the minority of jews screwing over the majority of non jews leads to antisemitism

what did he mean by this?

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they are doubling down on it, trying to go in for the kill hoping they will get a delusional blue wave and will get away with it.
They can feel their demise. I've never seen so many people redpilled on the jq it's amazing.

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The truth will eventually come out. For the jews, at least they exerted near total control over the west for a 100 years and birthed their ethnostate. That's bretty gud for any small race of people.

>>In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “It was and is the Jews who bring the Negro to the Rhineland, always with the same concealed goal and with the clear goal of destroying, through bastardization, the white race they hate.”

Pic related. Also, Lincoln wanted blacks and whites to live separately after abolishment of slavery.

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If only you fuckers would step out of your safe spaces and try something. Outside of your liberal city you know you would be sandbags. Shouting Nazi at the police and whining when they don't help you.

Hating Jews is very popular among some lefty circles because the think Jews are white and the 1%. Ben Shapiro and other controlled opposition have created a narrative that only lefties hate Jews, Hitler was a lefty etc

archive link, in case the kikes freak out and get the article deleted


>think Jews are white and the 1%
Are they wrong?

They will. Can almost guarantee this one will get shoah'd.

yes kikes are not white

Only about the white part

Where is the lie though?

Kek beat me to it




Jews are not white.

hes not being forthcoming about why they support immigration lol

It doesn't take an ounce of intelligence step away from the article knowing:

1. "Anti-semites" actually make specific claims about Jews, accusing
Jews of doing things that are deeply unpopular with white normies (!)

2. The author admits these claims are true (!!)

3. Hitler made the EXACT SAME CLAIMS (!!!)

Now Hitler is a vaguely sympathetic figure, Jews are no longer
senseless victims of hatred, and there really IS a "justified" Jewish
plan to transform America for their own benefit.

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I don't even.

Holy fuck they aren't hiding their inner pharisees anymore.

Civil Rights in the US was largely a creation of the Ford Foundation.

jews have always been their own worst enemy. They build up so much pressure trying to hide their nature by doubling down and being heavy handed until eventually their own neuroticism, guilt, and fear shatter them. It's the curse for not just denying Christ, but demanding his death. Unable to survive on their own they became parasitic of the civilizations built up after that, mostly Christian Europe, which further grew their hatred. Having to face their own ugliness in the domain of a superior people they decided to tear it all down until they remained on top. It will not end well for the jews because they try to usurp what isn't theirs, while falsely claiming to be the true inheritors.

It will be through the revelation of jewish nature that the world comes to understand what exactly it was that Christ fought against.

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Yep - that's awesome.

You might fear that we'd start to become sympathetic, but I think the knowledge has to go through the long trough of rejection, instead.

A spokesman admitted they're behind / supporting the caravan on NPR, American Public Radio.

bumping for oy vey

The can't help but to brag about their evil doings as well. This article is kinda a breath of fresh air. Most of the time things like project viratas (or whatever it's called) are needed to get them to brag. That documentry that came out this weekend also a eye opener to the coordinated effort by a foreign state to undermine American democracy.

Wonder if he completely butchered the translation of the mein kampf-quote on purpose to give it a more nonsensical feel


Israeli netcode^

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How can we use this to our advantage? Twitter or what?

Since normie are mainly NPCs, when you share this article, make sure to point out the best parts to help the NPC understand.

Did you not take the Goebels quote seriously?
Call them a Jew and watch them recoil, I've been found out.

Nice meme flag newfag

This timeline is fascinating

No way. Mongrelization is a conspira....

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Why is your Archive linked to Israeli netcode .is?
How stupid is that aye user...

This. Most of them won't read anything other than the headline and worse most of them will instantly accept it as fact.

We are at the nexus, we will help the world find their inner Paul.

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We really are in the end times

lad, they don't have a choice....

everyone is learning that it's ((them)) behind ALL of our problems...... they have no choice but to expose themselves and play victims because ((they)) know their time is almost up....and they want to avoid the day of rope

Normies rarely read articles, and when they do, they neither absorb new information nor read between the lines. If they did those things, they wouldn't be normies.

Holy shit this must be the superior Jewish intelligence everyone keeps talking about
I'm going to share this with all my friends to show them how cool the Jews are

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Interesting no replies on .is {israeli} netcode archive.

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>The circumstances today, however, are vastly different. One reason hateful nativism so easily morphs into anti-Semitism in the Trump era is that today Jews really do disproportionately support immigration. The major American Jewish organizations overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s immigration policies. So do rank-and-file American Jews, according to several polls. Among whites, Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the civil-rights movement, too.
This writer puts this at the conclusion of his article after a very long list of accusations against Jews of conspiring to subvert their host countries through immigration. Curiously, he never tried to rebut any of those statements as a typical liberal writer might do in every paragraph. He just plainly wrote the quotes down verbatim. Basically, he's writing "White men said Jews did this and that (bad) thing, and they're right", though leaving the implied "badness" of those actions up to the interpretation of the reader, which is sort of covering his ass too.

Is he secretly /ourjew/?

What in the fuck were they thinking?

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Not as dramatic as it sounds. Really just the end of an era and the next step in civilization.


>conspiring to subvert

Thats an interesting set of words there user.