
Florida, you had better vote like your gun rights depends on it. The only thing separating Jew York and Commifornia from Florida is your gun rights.

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Florida sucks mate. 18-20 year olds completely lost all their gun rights. Housing costs are too expensive compared to what you are paid thanks to literal boomers retiring there. All the skylines by the shores are ruined by ugly condos that are vacant half the year. Full of goblinos and hard drugs too. What a terrible place.


Tennessee - republican incumbent Senator Marsha Blackburn is in a dead-heat with a Democrat

Texas - republican incumbent Senator Cruz only has about a 3-point lead against Beto

Florida - Florida could realistically elect a Black Democrat Governor in a few hours..

Georgia - Georgia might be electing a Black Female Democrat Governor in a few hours

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I wouldn't worry about it. In 20 years or so the North will be Republican and the South will be Democratic. Dixie is full of creaturas so they cling to the "fuck whitey" message of the Democrats. The North is still pretty white.

Floridian here. If that nigger gets elected. What happens?

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Never happening faggot.

Screenshot this.

Higher taxes.
Bye bye gun rights.
>muh first black for four years
More diversity bullshit in schools and colleges.
More coonery.

Make Florida great again

Legalize weed. Pay teachers some more. Restore the everglades & south Florida water table & get rid of red and green tide at same time. Will be great.

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What's with the Dems pushing communist niggers in the South?

also checked

>muh teacher unions
>muh environment
Neck yourself.

>Pay teachers moar

Do you not understand that the turnover rate for Florida teachers have NOTHING to do with pay? The niggers in public schools make the teachers lives hell because they don't want to learn. Teacher's quit, thus making the job less desireable.

>get rid of green and red tide
Both natural because we live ina fucking prehistoric swamp.

>Legalize weed
Not going to happen. We tried that and it failed.

Because we're deeply conservative and right wing.


was in florida in '93. loved it, need to go back. ppl were so chill there.

Fuck off leaf. Change your nation for yhe better.

Cruz is going to win, but people fucking hate him. We need a better Republican to replace him.

>1950's Florida

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>1950's FL

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>legalize weed
Oh fuck off. You'll attract the California crowd that way.

Florida user here reminding all of you retards the polling centers are open tomorrow and that's when a shit ton of us are going to vote after work.

Florida isn't going to elect a democrat in this lifetime or the next.

Andrew Gillam will be forced out by the FBI investigation already going on after he's convicted of taking multiple bribes from an undercover fbi agent - which they have on tape and on audio recording - since you can't run the state from prison.

Polls are not open Monday.
They are closed until Tuesday.

Today is Sunday...fuck. my bad. thanks for reminding me, nigger.

Get a job you welfare nigger.

I early voted republican all the way down. No reason to monkey this up.

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This election is cotton-pickin' important! Vote.

I'm a college student. My job is going to class and getting a degree my parents are paying for. Suck my dick asshole.

Dumb nigger doesn't even know what day it is

Don't worry, one of you will be in charge soon enough

Voted early the other day. I have never seen so many spooks at the library.

Your felons will get to vote again.
Lose your gun rights.
Higher taxes.

Didn't that cuck Scott ruin it already?

Who here
>Cubanos con Desantis?

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R*ddit only cares about scandals if they include baseball tickets.

Fuck off and out of this state and country, spic. This board and site as well. And the internet as a whole.

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>leave Florida
>Florida turns blue

Good job. Cubans looks nothing like Mexicans btw. Cubans are more spainard then indio. Just look at pur next Lt. Governer.

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Lake county reporting in. Voted straight republican. God I hope this turns out ok. King nigger himself interrupted my jewtube feed to tell me to vote for his anointed truthbringer.

>Florida sucks mate. 18-20 year olds completely lost all their gun rights
Rick Scott made thousands of law abiding bump stock owners felons on October 1st so I voted yes on 4 to restore felons voting rights and wrote in Bump Stocks for senate

As long as DeSantis wins I dont give a fuck about much else

Mah tourist economy
Something like 48th in the nation for teacher pay
I'm laughing that red tide and green algae are natural. Sounds very silly
Yay rich Cali tourists
I think the filthy rich guy he picked as his Lt govenor is wayyy more "progressive" than Gilliam
If that were the case I would be shilling for desantis..Pic related..gillum is /our african American/

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That's not how that works user.

Congrats If 4 passes florida is a blue state. Morons

Still ain’t white so it doesn’t matter in the end.

Felons should have their gun right back too, FPS Russia is now a felon, Cody Wilson is going to be a felon, why do you think people like that should not have their guns when the crime they were setup for didn't have shit to do with guns?

Rick actually made thousands of innocent people felons overnight, they deserve the right to vote shitbags like him out

I've seen the same copy pasted bullshit in almost every Florida state thread, I'm pretty sure it's a democrat bot trying to fool republicans into voting yes on 4.

Everyone should know by now to vote NO on 4 or else Florida will instantly swing +8 democrat due to 800,000 95% democrat felons suddenly voting blue

Both Florida candidates for senate are gun grabbers. Between Bill Nelson a lame duck Democrat gun grabber who keeps trying to ban guns or Rick Scott a Republican RINO who actually banned bump stocks AND 18 to 20 yr old adults from buying ALL FIREARMS while blaming the dems for not having common sense gun control.

Maybe if enough of us wrote in Bump Stocks these scumbags might get the message.

You think I'm playing?
All red except senate, I dont vote for gun grabbers

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Sarasota county checking in. Voted straight republican.

Higher Buisness taxses to kill buisness then to recoup that loss of business leaving raise income tax but not lower property tax. If they get dem state congress we prob turn into NE shit hole state.
At that point might as well find a Midwest state to move to.

Voted no on 4 also

You've never seen a cuban before have you.

Just get a binary trigger. They are better than bump stocks, and have BATF approval.....for now.

The state legislature would have forced him anyways nimrods.

Go ahead and toss another Senate seat away though.

We have a system that let's them get their rights back by a case by case scenario though. What 4 would do is allow a bunch of violent and drug lords be able to vote and make Florida a blue state and then once that happens we will lose all of our guns. You are a ideological purist, and will be the down fall of this nation for being unable to see you have to make compromises. I bet if you lived in CD27 you would have votes for Joli. Or lect CD26 blank. Fuck you.

Voted republican down the line a couple o fdays ago. Voted to end dog racing and no to felon voting rights.
shill all you want for overzealous Jow Forumsommandos but the majority of felons are useless niggers and beans that would bolster blue votes.

Would ex cons even vote?

>Just get a binary trigger.
I have two Echo2 now, never had a bumpstock, thats not the point

They will vote for whoever gives them rights back. Consdering the demographic though they would prob go dems for the free gibs.

Yes, for gibs. Even a 15% turn out for ex-felons fucks Florida for eternity.

Whats the chances DeSantis wins? Regardless of fake news polls

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Thoughts on the gambling amendment? I'm leaning towards yes but have no stake either way

Basically its a 2 for one. Rick Scott wins Desantis prob wins too. I find it hard to believe that people would vote Rick Scott and Guillum.

Wrong nigger

>doesn't know what red tide is or how it forms

Yeah you got the facts dude. Not.

>you have to make compromises
Thats how they have been taking our rights away now, If Obama had tried a gun ban republicans would have fought him every step, yet if Romney had won and tried the same weapons ban he did as Governor they would have all sided with him.. So yes Romney was worse than an actual nigger and I bet you voted for him too. That would have been a worse compromise, fuck that.

Despite his camapign being awful, both in terms of his advance and his field team. Republican turnout is high. If Hillary or any other Republican would have won 2016 he would have been toast.

We are looking great in terms of early voting hopefully the long lines wont turn off our voters.

I talked to people who does this. It boils down to never trumpers (rare) or dude weed lmao. Moderate dems and left leaning independents might do this also since scott has done a good job for florida economy and nelson is an empty seat.

Disney and Miami want the people to control it since they belive that its easier to convince people it would be bad. Like the boogeymen of the old Vegas Teamster era. Also Disney doesnt want any Casinos in FL for the same reason. Leaving to a vote every few years pretty much makes sure that casinos probably never show up.

I would rather the legislators handle it since people are too sheep to understand that its another source of income and that Disney and universal should step up there adult offerings, and some competition would be good for them price wise.

>I talked to people who does this. It boils down to never trumpers (rare) or dude weed lmao
Nelson has done nothing at all i can remember so kicking him out would be good. Still i find it hard to belive that people want there taxses to go up overall.

>doesn't know how red tide forms
Right, you got your facts straight.