We must show them the way and Redpill them
Can Women be Trusted to Vote Republican?
I honestly feel a little pity for her.
She was probably molested/raped by the producers and clings to STRONK WUMEN meme to assuage her suffering.
do milk
>Can Women be Trusted
naw just British
>Can Women be Trusted to Vote Republican?
Definitely not. The hottest women are clearly progressive in their politics, mostly because they're good at empathy instead of autism.
>Voting republican
>Can Women be Trusted
WN Futurism:
All non trad thots are killed via african-style necklacing
All acceptable wamyns are used for base level breeding stock
Emma Watson is kidnapped and bound, used as a baby machine until she is no longer capable of childbirth
Is that her?
but she spreads her memes to young and impressionable women. she makes feminism "cool." she deserves to burn
The trick is to get the female autist stuck on the gym/fitness etc. it is not easy. you pretty much have to start obsessing yourself and then allow her to surpass you in that arena. This also means your female autist will cook healthy food for you. It isn’t easy but when it works it’s soo fucking comfy.
We all know how effective their resistance is
Who cares about what some spic reads?
Isnt it funny our people's best years were under MONARCHY?
>can women be trusted
what's with all the nigger-tier paradigms around here recently?
>We all know how effective their resistance is
8 outta 10 would smash
> Can women be trusted to do anything (that is not self destructive or selfish and short sighted)
gonna go ahead and call dibs on her as a warbride