More subhumans alive means higher chance of you being reincarnated as one

There is no escape. Not even in death are you saved from this hell.

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You need to tone down your rhetoric

Why? I'm simply stating the truth everyone should be aware of.

Are you thinking about a particular religion?
Rebirths are generally not something random.

Just joking lad

There is no reincarnation, only Christ

>if I fuck up in this life I will be reborn as a shitskin
I had never considered this. No other argument for morality has convinced me of it's truth ontologically, but this... This puts the fucking fear of God in me. Time to get my life straight.

Believing more and more each day that most humans have animal souls. Too many bodies, not enough souls.

Reincarnation is such a retarded concept.

If world population is steadily increasing then where are all the new souls coming from if the סld ones are reincarnated?

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I actually believe this. NPC "souls"

reincarnation is a lie

your consciousness was dormant until the Lord your God willed you into existence and will return to that state upon your death until his return

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God, imagine reincarnating as a pajeet...

reincarnation/rebirth usually means, that there is no soul.
Rather a stream of consciousness, that isn't restricted to becoming a human one.

no im reincarnated as me. thats just how it is

>More subhumans alive means higher chance of you being reincarnated as one
I dont think thats how it works

so humans apparently killed 60% of all species on earth recently

does that explain the explosion of NPCs? not enough animal souls to reincarnate into humans?

Maybe that's why so many people seem soulless?

Most polytheistic religions believe in reincarnation the only religions that dont believe in it (i think) are (((abrahamic))) religions, and no rebirth isnt something completely random it has to do with what type of person you were in your previous life, were you a moral person? Did you live an honorful life? Did you die a glorious death? All these are factors when being born again. The weak, the cowards, the sludge of humanity may wait forever to be reborn however the courageous and brave "skip" to the front of the line to be granted back his or her life. Varg (ThuleanPerspective) has a good explanation on this i suggest you go watch his video on it.


To a degree i think OP is right. If a white man dies and more and more shitskins are being born that means a more likely chance to be shoved into a shitskin, or worse a mutts, body.

>Are you thinking about a particular religion?
Not particularly, no.
>Rebirths are generally not something random.
No, but the amount of factors like your past life, disposition/personality, etc. it might as well be. They are also not guaranteed; souls can evaporate over time via lack of energy like a starving animal.
>Time to get my life straight.
Good for you. Always work to build up your willpower.
Somethings can be born without souls too, i.e. NPCs. Humans born with souls previously incarnated as animals doesn't mean they as heartless as NPCs. Most of the animal-to-human souls are pets that were loved by their human masters; like how we can be elevated by God(s)/higher beings. It'd be rare for feral animals to turn into humans unless they were chimps, dolphins, or any other relatively intelligent species.

No the NPC meme really isn't that far off.
People go through their life on various degree of autopilot.
It is possible though to make an effort to be aware and mindful of your actions and also your perceptions and then to thoughtfully consider how in turn to react (or not react) to those perceptions.
That's pretty much the NPC thing... the automatic unthoughtful response to certain stimuli and experiences.

What are subscribers

Not really unless you screw up- there is a hierarchy of what you come back as.

You can't be given a nice body for being good if there are no nice bodies.
Kike's always operate in some esoteric manner above their immediately apparent and corporeal ways; they not only intend to kill Aryans but they intend to trap them and make pets out of them.
Think about it; why do you think all of the nations that have a religion centered around reincarnation has a caste system? You think they want nothing but shit bodies to occupy once they die?

Reincarnation isn't real. Limited number of souls. Shitskins are animals, as are you, Poojeet.

>implying souls exist

>hinduism is the only religion to have reincarnation
American education. Also please explain how a limited amount of souls wouldn't be exhausted within a couple of centuries without them being recycled in some way? You aren't even consistent within your own faith.

Do you think reincarnation is blood based? I feel the spirit of all my ancestors living inside me all at the same time. Sometimes I feel like when there is a conflict within myself or a moral dilemma, all my past lives are arguing over which direction to take. Kind of like that Disney movie Mulan, you feel?

NPCs to fill the extras

I think there is a tendency to choose vessels related to you, out of familiarity, but not necessarily as a rule.
There is a reason why people prefer to stay within a comfort zone; even in death they don't stray far from home.

Reincarnation doesn't follow our preconception of time. For us time is a straight line with the future in the front and the past in the back.The system in which our reality is build upon doesn't follow the laws of our reality. Time is an illusion, and it is more a probability space.
Reincarnation has the purpose of spiritual growth, learning, and it has nothing to do with the time of death. You can reincarnate in what we consider the past, or what we consider the future, which outside of our preconception of time, work more like a "place" than a "past or future"
So, the amount of un-awakened souls in our world doesn't has anything to do with our next lives.

i wish i was reincarnated as a werewolf AWOOOO that would be so rad.

There is only one soul

Lets kill all of the subhumans, so OP's grandparents don't become filthy kikes or niggers, you heartless bigot.

I went to a past lives reader a few months ago just at random for the lolz, and she said one of my most recent / important incarnations was Mary Magadalene. Still trying to figure out what the fuck that means. Because seriously what are the odds lmao that sounds schizo as fuck

I hate the concept of reincarnation

When we reproduce, we pass on our genes. Our genes live on through our children, and our children's children. It's a sort of reincarnation, so long as we don't hybridize (racemix).

"As above, so below". The system that built our reality follows the same fundamental rules, and the system above it follows those same rules, and so on.

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Literally describing samsara. Enlightenment is only way out user. The way out is in.

Sounds kinda New Age-y.
Never take spiritual advice (or any advice really) from women. There is a reason the feminine is associated with destruction and chaos.

Godfucking damnit I really just don't wanna reincarnate at all.

Like your pic though OP. Saved.

It used to be a waiting list to come back. Now new souls are minted that have no legacy of fortitude or honor. These souls have low willpower and are easily corrupted.

I think you mean heaven and hell

You reincarnate through your blood, into your most dominant family or people. This is why kikes promote miscegenation.

Even if the principle is right and truth, the implementation (your argument) is wrong.
The factors that influence your next life have nothing to do with the number of souls in the planet; they have more to do with your desires in life, the fulfillment of your missions, your deviations from the plan you chose for yourself, etc...

Are you fit or fat? Do you have pets? Are you nobodys pet? Do you feel trapped? Are you poor?

doggos mostly, a few horses, the occasional bird of prey; dogs are the next species to ascend into consciousness, it's already happening

>Godfucking damnit I really just don't wanna reincarnate at all.
Just work towards reincarnating to something greater than what you are now. Evaporation really isn't something you want to go through. You don't want to get buttraped on the astral daily in the shitty lower astral planes.
Heaven and hell are just words to describe the higher and lower spiritual planes. (((Abrahamists))) get stuck into the mental trap of thinking that residing in the places are permanent (or even that entry into these places have anything to do with morality). Heaven isn't just being in white robes and dancing on clouds, it's really just wish fulfillment while you are waiting in the astral plane (which is mostly government by the mental) to be reincarnated. Hell are the lower planes, painful, but not by the active stimuli of boiling pots and pitchforks, but by a lack of stimuli. Think being lobotomized, or suffocated. Both "good" and "bad" people end up here, mostly because they lived as and still are NPCs.
Lol I guess some 10ft tall hyperborean body is going to pop out some shitskin for me because I was a good boy in the past life.
You are missing half of the picture.



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Being born as a white male today is the real curse

Even more reason to fix things. Hoping that wouldn't somehow screw you over and reincarnate you into the past as a peasant or something.

I have considered this before as well. A frightening thought! If your bloodline vanishes, what do you reincarnate into?

I've wondered about this. If Europeans generally reincarnate into Europeans. I would hope reincarnation offers choice and isn't just some random crazy shitshow where you're thrown into some new body just because. Enjoy your new african refugee vessel, goyim!


We are reptilians in a simulation and when we 'die' the simulation ends. It will feel like a lifetime on earth but only about ten minutes passed on our mothership.

>I would hope reincarnation offers choice and isn't just some random crazy shitshow where you're thrown into some new body just because.
It's mostly a matter of willpower. If you have a weak soul, you will be pushed around by higher forces into reincarnating into whatever, or not reincarnate at all.

The Gnostics called them Hylics. The animal souled could go either way and potentially ascend or descend depending on whether or not they gave into materialism, hedonism, greed, etc...

>The pneumatics ("spiritual", from Greek πνεῦμα, "spirit") were, in Gnosticism, the highest order of humans, the other two orders being psychics and hylics ("matter"). A pneumatic saw itself as escaping the doom of the material world via the transcendent knowledge of Sophia's Divine Spark within the soul.

>They conceive, then, of three kinds of men, spiritual, material, and animal . . . The material goes, as a matter of course, into corruption. The animal, if it make choice of the better part, finds repose in the intermediate place; but if the worse, it too shall pass into destruction. But they assert that the spiritual principles which have been sown by Achamoth, being disciplined and nourished here from that time until now in righteous souls (because when given forth by her they were yet but weak), at last attaining to perfection, shall be given as brides to the angels of the Saviour, while their animal souls of necessity rest for ever with the Demiurge in the intermediate place. And again subdividing the animal souls themselves, they say that some are by nature good, and others by nature evil. The good are those who become capable of receiving the [spiritual] seed [and becoming pneumatic]; the evil by nature are those who are never able to receive that seed [and become hylic].

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I care why, faggot?

You might like this dude:
All 10 parts are worth listening to. Heres part 1:

This is the whole presentation; really long:

I have good karma so if reincarnation is true I'll be on this level or next. I just really hate this hell we're in.

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Subhumans don't have souls. How can you be reincarnated as something that does not have a soul?

>You are missing half of the picture.
You are either misinforming on purpose, larping, or are genuinly dim.
The current timeline we are living in is not the only one in which you can reincarnate, the current "present" is no the only "present" in which we can reincarnate.
You can reincarnate in, what we understand is, the past or in the future, and we can reincarnate in a timeline that is far from ours, that meaning in a timeline in which things happened different from the one in which we are right now.

This is what gives me the signal that you are just larping. You have clearly stated truths, combined with blatant lies. The truths you speak of are quite profound, but the lies are quite big.
I'm a little confused, I don't know if I'm arguing with a brother who is using his larp as a catalyst for other-selves growth, or if I'm arguing with an agent of division.

> Humans born with souls previously incarnated as animals doesn't mean they as heartless as NPCs
"New" humans are naive and simple just like pets, NPCs are dumb, arrogant and inflexible.

Maybe I am dim, I wouldn't put that out of the bags of possibilities. I have researched and have some first hand experience in the astral via projection, but I don't know the entire picture. Still, I don't see your view as making that much sense.
>I'm a little confused, I don't know if I'm arguing with a brother who is using his larp as a catalyst for other-selves growth, or if I'm arguing with an agent of division.
I am embellishing some of my points under the assumption most here aren't esoterically fluent.

>More subhumans alive means higher chance of you being reincarnated as one

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Yep. That's one of the reasons I haven't killed myself. I hope we have an all out nuclear war before I die, so I know I'll have a minimal chance of coming back here.

Then I'm talking with someone who has some level of clarity about its surroundings, but cannot see the big picture.
Most people think that things have to make sense from our perspective, which is backwards thinking.
If you are inside a simulation, things have sense from outside the simulation.
As some dude pointed out, there exists only one soul; the soul of the ALL.
The ALL created the universe using THE LAW, which I is logic and math. The universe the ALL created contains every possibility, every permutation, in itself, including things that are incompatible with our understanding of logic and reality (like dreams), but even tho the ALL created the universe, it hasn't been experienced. To experience the universe is to learn from it, so the ALL injected itself into the universe it just created, and that is us, learning from our infinite potential. Now, if you look at things that way, from the outside, time is a big illusion, just as space, and separation. That means that when you die, you can lack enough will to reincarnate, and in that case your awareness will stop, and the "material" of you soul will return to the ALL; on the contrary, if you have enough will to keep experiencing the illusion of separation, to keep learning from the infinite possibilities, you can come back, and that means a lot of things. You can come back at any point of the map (the map being time and space, which are the SAME thing). so that means that you can come back in the past or in the future.
It's really beautiful when you understand it.
Read the arcane teachings from atkinson.
Read the law of one.
Meditate on what I'm telling you.
All of this is with love.
See you later

Fuck I never thought of it this way. How do I dead and stay dead OP?

Unless you are Hermes Thrice-fucking-Great, you aren't going to reincarnate in the past or in the future. Time in this universe is linear, unless you are from outside this universe you can't escape that; no such higher being would have any business reincarnating into some lowly human.
>Read the arcane teachings from atkinson.
>Read the law of one.
>unironically shilling atkinson
Oh no. What poor turn of events I have lead myself into. Look, WWA's books are decent, but they are babies' first esoterics. You act like you are dropping some massive truth bombs but all you are doing is acting like some self-righteous cunt who read though the /fringe/ reading list one time and thinks he had turned into Hermes. Coupled with your shitty formatting, this is really starting to get annoying.
Nothing you have said is substantial to anyone with even basic familiarity with the occult. You are much dimmer than even me; you might as well be turned off.
Evaporate yourself by lacking any will or want to do anything after you go on your wish fulfillment binge after you die.

Witness the power of the Final Redpill

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It is over.

And of course, what I mean by "universe", I mean our immediate section of the All that we inhabit.
Most of us are not strong enough to rise above the rules of this dimension, but that is what the Great Work is for, no? But don't pretend that everyone's ego can just zip around at every possible point of space and time with ease and choose any body. That would be a New Ager's pipe dream.

What books do you recommend that are more advanced?.

It's true that a big portion of the other selves inhabiting this part of the dream are stuck in their own loops, unable to achieve a higher order of being through many lives, destined to wander and maybe de-evolve to more disgusting forms. It's also true that not every soul has the same opportunities, and not every one can choose to end in the future or the past, I didn't imply it. But what it's also true is that any possibility that can happen already exists in a sort of branch like fractal of multiple spatial dimensions, that contains every possibility that a universe has. The linearity of our timeline is completely irrelevant to the spiritual growth of those of enough will and love, and we don't know how many of those people are. Also I didn't imply that you can chose to reincarnate in the future or the past, its set upon you.
I recommended that book of atkinson because it covers lots of different things in a very basic way, and I recommended them to you specifically because by saying ...
> More subhumans alive means higher chance of you being reincarnated as one
>There is no escape. Not even in death are you saved from this hell.
... you sound ignorant.
Finally, there is no need to get salty, you can make an argument without having to sound like an angry restless teen.

Karma's a bitch, isn't she?

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>there is no escape
Au contraire mon frere!

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i'm not worried. the reason we have so many subhumans and why there are so many extinctions is because a LOT of animals are karmically becoming more human. As the shitskins gain good karma, they will become huwhites in next life, and so in a few centuries we will be the majority again and lots of huwhites will ascend to deva and asura states and govern the huwhite world

It really would be a grand cosmic joke though if somehow non subhuman spirits were reincarnated into subhuman bodies and then were able to utilize it to destroy the talmudists while flying under the radar. This concept you are proposing kind of puts old pictures into a different light, such as image related.

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On the subject of reincarnation, to add, I've always found it incredibly interesting how the Bhagavad Gita as it is describes the process for animals. It says that an animal that is eaten by a human is blessed, but that an animal who eats a human is cursed. In terms of karma the meaning is clear. The animal that is consumed by man moves up in the spiritual hierarchy, but the animal that consumes a man moves down in the spiritual hierarchy. Now think about vegans. They are basically getting in the way of the spiritual circle of life that is part of the grand order of things, preventing animals from moving up. This is not to say that you applicable NPC's should just go out and eat up all the animals either though. Balance is important.

is he growing weed?

There is only one incarnation, stupid pagans

I'm glad you asked because I learned something as a result of it. I thought the right side looked like a plant called elephant ears so I looked it up and it turns out that they have edible tubers called taro, so I'm thinking there's a strong possibility that that is what he's growing on the right. I can't even begin to guess for the left side plants though.