Attached: 1A00E125-9E54-4554-86FD-96FD476F8B10.jpg (750x1334, 142K)
Holy shit this chick is brilliant
Xavier Hill
Zachary Thomas
Jace Johnson
look at this picture of a black woman in a maga hat!
fucking based!
Jason Perez
Jose Reed
good for her for being on the right side but lmfao black people are so damn ugly
Xavier Watson
Blake Bennett
Xavier Young
>I'm a republican
>i need gibs
Levi Thompson
You might want to read until the end lol
Joseph Hughes
Eli Rodriguez
Oliver Russell
ha whoops. time to ban black people
Nathaniel Jones
Lucas Green
Aiden Rivera
Bentley Nguyen
It’s funny because black people have gotten wise to the right using fake accounts with black profile pics and are now using it to grift money off of republicans lmao
Blake Perez
I hope everyone that donated does a chargeback. It disgusts me to see this. I’ve never been in favor of profiteering through underhanded swindling. Likely a communication major or less. Absolute trash, there is no recycling with that kind, just a mandatory burning.
Colton Robinson
I think someone should set up a simple robocall. The message should be"
"Your daily reminder, its ok to be white."
This would troll the fucking hell out of libshits and muds everywhere. Its untraceable (if done right) and the message is so quick by the time they heard it, it would be hanging up. and they would all be flipping out about it. You could troll thousands of people per hour. in fucking sane
Bentley Jackson
Looks like not so much
Samuel Howard
Sharika is legit.
Xavier Robinson
Baste bl*ck magapede
Connor Butler
Jace Ramirez
>not so much
Jose Johnson
Shakira is grifting money off of republicans by telling them what they want to hear. It’s shitty and completely immoral, but it’s been working since America was founded
Anthony Sullivan
report them to the irs.
Ethan Wood
You deserve it if you donate to a nigger under any circumstances
Ryan Parker
It's what Jews pay influencers to do.
Jackson Bell
Jack Roberts
Don’t know what to tell you, it’s a scam and it works. Just tell them what they want to hear and you’ll have a career
Zachary White
Does she have a patreon? I really want to donate.
Ryan Turner
OMFG this is ingenious!
( but AFTER the vote )
Christian Walker
Matthew Scott
If it was a man then it wouldn’t get any money at all
Anyways niggers are fucking ugly
Henry Ramirez
>taste the diversity
Why are all the skittles black?
James Hernandez
Evan Watson
Wow. Conservatives are as gullible as liberals.
Jose Garcia
Lol keep reading nazi flag
Ryder Perez
Fucking lol. One of the good ones.
Jayden Martin
This nog clearly has jew blood. That said, only faggy neocons, white knights, and newfags gave it money so whatever.
Carter Gray
fucking duh?
Cooper Roberts
Dems can't hemorrhage votes like this. They be fucked.
Luis Lee
Nice trips.
Judging by the relatively recent dates of tweets, there may still be a chance for retribution. Hope she falls into the deep end of a pool. They can’t swim, and the pool will just have to be closed...
Benjamin Bell
I'm pretty far right but people who give shekels because of twitter sob stories deserve to be taken advantage of, good for this jewnigger.
Parker Smith
It IS based to rip off those MAGAtards, if that's real they learned a good lesson. How much did she make? No refund on these websites?
Dylan Brooks
I want to fuck a black Republican chick so bad
Asher Wilson
You gotta admit, the kid’s got talent
David Phillips
Christian Cruz
would fuck in the mouth
Josiah Thomas
Jesus Christ leftist are evil fuckers.
Asher Torres
>How much did she make?
It’s looking like in the neighborhood of $150k
>No refund on these websites?
Nah, she took it down and cashed out. Smart kid
Kayden Nguyen
>I'm black
>need gibs to survive
Adrian Powell
What's the methodology for this?
Because one could also explain it with conservatives being generally much more charitable than liberals.
there's been dozens of studied on how conservatives donate 45% more money and 67% more time to charitable causes than liberals.
Brayden Young
I guess I've got to think of a way to scam Reddit users with a gofundme, sounds like a good business.
Ryan Long
gibs me dats
Carson Evans
Another nigger praise thread for joining the other party of Israel?
Cooper Jones
Bentley Peterson
Not exactly, no
Logan Carter
lol more charitable? maybe to the klan or their church but they you also hear them say all the time that they don't want their tax $ going to this or that.
you don't hear liberals do that
Caleb Jenkins
I hate fucking niggers. Every last one of them I hate them all. Taking genuine problems black conservatives face and exploiting it in order to make some quick cash in order to waste it on an (((iPhone))) and (((college))). This just gives even less credibility to real black conservatives in the eyes of other blacks and conservative/liberal whites.
>”Oh, this black person is saying they’re conservative? Oh, it may just be another nigger Jew who wants attention and gibs
Fucking hell. I’m actually a black conservative and I’d ACTUALLY be in that situation if I came out as it. Jesus Christ. Just napalm us all already. Fuck niggers.
Nolan Lopez
They don't want their cash going to taxes because so little of it goes to actually helping people.
Churches do more to fight hunger, poverty, homelessness, drug abuse, and domestic violence than any government, and not just by giving free shit to people, but offering services to get people back to normal.
Charles Clark
Yeah, because it's not the government's job to take care of people bigger.
Robert Garcia
>What's the methodology for this?
rightwing authoritarianism studies
Anthony Morris
well the churches won't do it
Bentley Hall
churches get huge bucks from the government to help in the us now.
see gw bush
Aaron Martin
Nothing pisses me off more, when people post personal shit all over the internet to the world, wanting to gain sympathy likes and all that.
Cooper Cruz
>I hate fucking niggers
>I’m actually a black conservative
Lol, no you’re not.
Samuel Foster
Believe what you’d like
Gabriel Fisher
Can't she be arrested for fraud?
Connor Evans
Yeah she was pretty hilarious
Cooper Evans
Ethan Gomez
she didnt ask for donations from libs because most have no money
Dylan Cooper
Churches not only spend MORE on the poor than the government, they do things that government CAN'T do, like provide the stabilizing influence of religion to people who need it as a crutch to help them get back to a normal life.
Church-run hospitals treat more homeless than state-run hospitals. The feed more people. They get more of them stable work. Faith-based programs are 15 times more likely to get people to quit drugs and alcohol.
Andrew Diaz
This dumb negress is gonna fuck up, buy a bunch of frivolous shit, fuck up her taxes, and be completely broke this time next year.
Eli Reyes
Cool, now compare the budget to that to, say, how much we spend mucking about in the desert killing sand-niggers for a year.
Easton Murphy
what if you're not religious?
imagine if obama canceled the program?
secret muslim terrorist hates the poor
Luke White
she's so fucking gross from the neck up and the waist down
Luke Brown
>I’m laughing, actually
Lol whatever you say buddy
Luis Nguyen
>Negress pretends to be conservative
>Makes up story that she is being kicked out by nigress mother
>Opens a "Go-Fund" me page
>Scams $150,000 out of good-hearted, well-meaning Conservatives
Honestly this a "you rage, you lose" thread?
Anthony Barnes
you can easily prove it with a pic of your hand and a timestamp, otherwise stop being a lying faggot nigger piece of shit
Kevin Baker
when the program first started churches were buying luxury cars and trucks for church use
Joshua Long
Who the fuck donates to random people on Twitter?
Jackson Green
It's fake dumbass shes milking people.
David Cook
it's too late buddy, 30 - 45% of the black vote is for the GOP
Dems eternally BTFO
Xavier Cox
No different than candace owens or kanye attention whoring for gibs. Why do whites left and right worship niggers so much?
Adrian Lewis
Democratic plantation is finished dawg
Jose Smith
lmao, she is totally a liberal playing magatards for gibbs
Jason Allen
>conservatives get scammed boo hoo
>fucking isreal cock sucker boomer conservatives
Pick one
Thomas Wright
It's been said for a long time that any nigger with half a brain would be a Republican, not because it is better for Blacks but because cucks will just throw money at them in order to prove they aren't racist.
Matthew Long
Luke Evans
Regardless, doesn't change the fact people actually still do it.
Jacob Hughes
What do you call a Black guy in a room full of Republicans?
The keynote speaker
Owen Fisher
why does the government have to tell the churches they can't discriminate because the homeless person is the wrong religion?
it's a horrible idea to give money to such ethnocentric people and groups
Jaxon Foster
Y-you, you tried.
Jace Kelly
I'm not even mad, civ nats deserve to be deported to Africa so they can live with their pet niggers they love so much.
Zachary Lopez
This spiritually Jewish money peddling nigger basically tricked boomers into giving her money, I can't say I'm surprised and I pity the MAGAfaggots that fell for it.
I genuinely hope this woman is serious. Not because she's a BASED BLACK WOMAN but because if she did help write a bill that gets pedos in jail, well hey that helped the world a bit better.
Adam Wilson
An app to call 911? Like dialing 911 isn’t easy enough? Kids nowadays need an app to call a 3 digit number?
Isaac Parker
Fucking based nogger.
Evan Green
I mean it’s the same reason hot chicks with their tits out are able grift money off fat loser incels on twitch by just saying shit like
>OMG I’m like *such* a nerd lmao! (^ω^)
Works every time
Camden Cox
That is why they help the poor so much. If you are homeless and on drugs and the church is there giving you handouts, you are going to be loyal to it even if you don't honestly believe it. You will then begin to associate with other members and start to pick up on thier healthy life habits. The congregation is happy because they helped the needy, the church is happy because they got more productive members to donate money now, and society is happy because there are more people with good morals out there. That is the reason churches are allowed to exist and the good they actually do. Atheists need to pick a religion and start larping.
Zachary Reed
anyone who believed her is a fucking retard.
that like about "follow a political party because I'm black" no one who say that to her mom who's also black.