Russia thinks US civil war by 2020

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They could be right.
First cycle of the revolution: Trump.
Second cycle: "the resistance"
Once the resistance gets back to power, what will be the third cycle of the revolution? Because by then we'll know voting does not work.

won't happen, people are too preoccupied with tv, internet, sports etc.

Lol I'm pretty sure I've heard this before a few years ago...

There was that Russian professor predicting that the West Coast would go to China, Texas and shit would go to Mexico, and the Northeast would be with the EU or something.

>Jamie ((((((((((((SEIDEL)))))))))))))

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The US won't balkanize if it has a civil war. Progressives will go nuclear if we attempt to go back even to 1990s leftism.

The societal collapse and subsequent loss of material opiates necessary for a civil war in a western country has already started. Trump's success was the first real big red flag.

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Why would anyone do that though? Whichever side won the war wouldn't just give away clay. They'd have to invade and then you have a reason for us to come together also if the US involvement in the middle east is any indication, keeping a standing army in enemy territory is a fruitless pursuit. You're better off culling the inhabitants and moving in your own people

They wont be getting power back, Hans. Prepare for massive salt.

I’d be okay with this especially if we lost 90% the east coast too.

I'm just saying Russians have been saying we'll have a civil war for years. It's just fake psy-op bullshit.
A civil war here is as likely as a military coup there; a funny idea but just fantasy.

Ah, Panitch, I believe it was.
It would unironically be better if we did go our own ways. Centralized power only leads to drama.

Found the jew

A military coup in Russia wasn't outside the realm of possibility in the late 90s and early to mid 00s. Putin successfully disposed of or subverted the kikes who had taken over the country during the Yeltsin era, but it wasn't an easy task and he did have to make compromises. Likewise, a civil war in America is definitely not inevitable, but to say that it's not much likely now than it was 5 or 10 years ago is naive.

Here's that thing i mentioned, almost 10 years ago

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"but did it help generate that in the first place?"

10 years ago the US was on its knees and in absolute disarray with government on the brink of collapse. Obama fucked up the recovery, while having the luxury of almost 0% interest from the fed for his entire 8 years.

We barely squeaked by. It was fucking full panic.

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But we never actually recovered from it. We "barely squeaked by" and are now seeing the long-term consequences of it. Collapses don't happen over night.

shill harder leaf.

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There will be NO civil war.

How do we know that to be a FACT ? We only need to look back at recent history, when things got bad in the 1960s, the Whites simply packed up their things and left the cities and headed out to the suburbs, they put up ZERO fight.

When 40 Million Mexicans invaded America over a 30-year time span, the Whites simply turned their cheek and let it happen.

White america will NOT fight for anything, hop in your car and drive over to WalMart and witness that most whites can barely run up 1 flight of stairs, most whites CANNOT run a mile without having a major heart attack on the spot.

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It was a terrible recovery but Trump has done some absolute miracle work and jolted the economy entirely.

Unfortunately Obama's recovery was so terrible that we will indeed see a recession in the next 2 years. It's amazing that it didn't pop yet. I'd rather have it now and get it over with. The gov should do a fucking proper recovery and I'd rather have Trump do it than any other bureaucratic pandering politician.

Russia has had a plan since 1930's to aggrevate racial tensions and induce a civil war.

Obama did most the work for him. The rest was done by the Jews shitting on whites for 60 straight years.

Most of us dont even remeber a time when it was okay to be white.

>Russia thinks US civil war by 2020
The Titor timeline WILL be confirmed.
Rural Americans will fight against the city hordes after the next democrat takes the white house.

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it would take a depression level economic event coupled with the current polarization to kick off a civil war. People may vehemently bitch about politics, but until they are hungry or homeless, there won't be widespread political violence.

I'm ready to help cleanse the US of leftists should the opportunity arise, though.

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I'm not prepared for a civil war, I'm a poorfag

To be ready for civil war you need a heavy vehicle, multiple properties, extensive friends/family, and probably at least 10k rounds of ammo

Civil war in the US will dissolve into US government vs foreign funded "grass-roots" group

I think civil war in the US would be an absolute free for all for the most part considering that almost no two people share the same genetic make-up. It's not like it was in the 1800s

The Jon Titor saga is fiction, but it is intelligent fiction. If presented as true it seems stupid and pathetic, but if it were published as a book back then we'd consider it prophetic.
>A Waco-like event will happen every other week
>Rural America will side with Russia against urban America
Fuckin' spot on

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Kill yourself, edgy cocksucking neoliberal.

Russia has predicted a US civil war every year since 1945. They base these predictions on the false belief that the US is as weak as the Soviet Union was.

>Russian Professor Predicts Breakup of US in 2010

there needs to be a civil war, it's the only way to exterminate the (((News)))

That’s not going to happen. Right wing authoritarian seizure of power (a la Brazil) is much more likely than this larpy regional split

what part of my post makes me neoliberal?

You're mostly right, since Americans are too proud to let anyone else teach them anything and they're too drunk on vidya and jewlywood to know how to wage effective warfare. But don't forget how important it is to have a good underground.

The final happening.

The one where you literally drink the cum of capitalism like a good goy.

How comfy are people gonna be when they are on their way to work and get news that they parents who live two states away were brutally murdered?

We are hanging on by a thread, if Republicans/Democrats start murdering each other it won’t take much.

Oooooooooooh fun. I've never hunted bipedal hominids before.

In case of civil war USA should dump all it's nukes at Russia.

You think Utah would go with California?

Then the Ruskies are wrong. Unless the police/military turn left wing overnight there will be no civil war. Leftists will just get mass blackpilled and migrate to Canada or Europe.

Don't be dumb.

>hand rubbing intensifies

Based Russians helping their fellow Americans to vent their frustations out.
You are so lucky to have a happening.

I didn't mention capitalism once in my post.

I will witness those holy digits.

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This professor is retarded but I've seen more autistic balkanization maps on here.

sad but true

I think there would just be a lot of looting going on and that would be the primary concern for the average citizen

t. kike
how about we launch them all at israel?

So you will be becoming a rapefugee?

fuck it i'm down

This. Never happen, everyone I've came across lately is basically in a catatonic state. I'd say out of the 100 or so people I come in contact with don't vote or don't care. They won't even take the subtleest of redpills. It's hard to even have a conversation unless it's about mug sportsball.

lol the people in the Central North would kill politicians like Trudeau.

civil war wouldn't be very cool for me, I have to take care of my mom and my sister by myself

it doesn't take most whites, though
when we threw off the tyrannical yoke of bong oppression, it didn't take most americans

I disagree. Things are too bad for one to be able to endulge in escapism.

this user gets it

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Unironically this desu

>implying Russians wont retaliate
>implying humanity won't end including jews.

please let it happen
im tired of waiting

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we all are. enough of us are to win in spectacular fashion.

Q said he feared releasing the hillary/huma cutting a child's face off video, found on podesta's laptop as it would spark this kind of civil war. I say, what must be done must be done. Information wants to be free.

Morrison gave us a soft 'redpill' on this when he did his new take on The Joker

Reminder that Nazi have existed for more than 3200 years

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Like their music and style, Russia is a few years behind.
We're already in a civil war we just haven't started using bullets yet.

>migrate to Canada or Europe
They probably won't even do that

That's why multiple properties would be a vulnerability more than an advantage.

>implying Canada and Europe would be as kind to us as we are to the Latin American exodus

canada would unironically be kind, but the only ones who'll flee are the shit libs
once (((we))) win the civil war against (((Them))), then we invade canada

Friendly reminder: US civil war is being pushed by kikes because in the information age everything people seem to hate about our modern society leads back to them and their footprints are being observed by more and more of the general population. Think about it: we're only 10 years out from when the iPhone put the internet into every idiots hands.

There *IS* going to be a war but it's going to be waged on them.

Just sit back and let it ride, you'll see ;^)

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The unironic thing........ as much as I hate whores like her.... she's right..... but she's right for the wrong reasons sorta....

The soldiers are brainwashed by the "Uncle Sam wants you" propaganda and thinking they are fighting for freedom when they are really fighting for Israel. Our founders never intended for us to be a country of war and policemen of the world.

Literally going off the gold standard has fucked up everything.

If you guys watch "1st amendment audits" on YouTube you will see just how Nazi our police and military are.

Was Russia pushing trannies homofags and everything anti Christian? No they aren’t, that’s the kikes the globe over. It isn’t Russia sowing division in the USA, it’s Jews.

>Literally going off the gold standard has fucked up everything.
>is so mentally ill he has to ask shiny metal for permission to do anything
Found the jew

Um.... how do you think the Zionist Jews at the fed are stealing all our wealth through inflation?

If you earned 100$ in 1964.... that 100$ went a LOT further back than that it does today.

So if you earned 100$ back in 1964 and held that 100$ under your pillow for 55 years.... you can buy much less with it today.

So tell me.... why is that?

Also... I'm anti-communist.... which natrally makes me an anti-Semite.

Inflation is natural and desirable. Stop shoving cash under your mattress like some hoarder and fucking work for your living.
I suggest you shut your reddit-spacing ass up until you learn how fiat money actually works, and not some two-bit just-so story from some goldbug jewnigger.

>asserts muh genetic fallacy
>but loves (((Friedman))) and (((Mises)))
You should kill yourself for larping.

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Russia is not that competent...American elites and media are stroking the divisions, not Russia.

Civil war will only happen if one of these crazy corrupt lefty "I hate white men" demoshits like Killary wins, in which case dying in a civil war would be better than living under her their rule anyway.

Is Russia making us think it's the Jews or is it the Jews making us think it's Russia?

They're competent enough to not be the world's mother-in-law and poke around in everyone's business.
>American elites and media paid us to stroke the division

1920's-1940's Americans would have fought but yea most white people will just be neutral as they have their rights taken away.

lol Russia is more likely to disintegrate into civil war.

We can only hope

How would the US split? Look at all the counties in the US. You have very lonely blue areas filled with too many people sourpunded by hundreds of miles of deep red land. Maybe california and the rest of the country? And even then just LA county? Dems are dead now

one could only hope

>implying the corporate parties would survive the breakup
It's almost as if your interests are vested in such.

>fucking work for your living
nigger the problem is that every dollar you earn is now worth less than it was before.
My grandfather was able to feed, clothe and put through college nine children as the sole breadwinner as a chemical engineer for $100k a year.

People couldn't even imagine that nowadays.
Every dollar you make is slowly being valued lower and lower, and the products we buy are being made shittier and shittier so that the sales price can remain the same.

The kikes have put us in a position where our economy is now reliant on this fact, whilst this fact stomps its goddamned boots all over the quality of life of the average american.

Inflation caused by man (Jew central banks) is not a good thing. Why else do you think the middle class in the 50's was big and now it's small?

Because we don't have a gold standard, low taxes, and market set interest rates anymore.

You can't have a Jew controlling inflation and 0% interest rates for almost a decade now.

Nobody is saying don't invest you asshole. But savings is a good thing. And I'm asking you why the fuck does the 100$ I earned 55 years ago that I put under my bed pillow for 55 years buy me a shiton less today than when I earned it?


You can't have freedom and prosperity when your currency is a debt instrument.

A mere 25 years ago if you had said we'd have 0% interest rates ... much less for a decade.... you would have been put in a straight jacket and thrown in a mental institution.

You calling me a Jew when you are literally defending kile fiat money.

I am not worthy. Praise.

Russia is far more likely to fall to regionalism before the US does. Low oil prices and high defense spending killed the Soviet Union, and it could just as easily kill the Russian Federation.

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>less than it was before
Yes, and? Sticky wages are a policy and power problem, not a problem with money.
Also, your grandfather was living in the era of cheap oil. That's all gone now.
>long slow decline in quality
That's the competition you ordered.

Fiat money is only a debt in the sense that the government promises you something when you give it back to them, such as extinguishing your tax liability or satisfying customs duties. The government's public assets/debt are literally the other side of the private economy's debt/assets, modulo the current account deficit. See also the sectoral balances model.
>You can't have freedom and prosperity when your currency is a debt instrument.
Oh, but you can, when you don't ask jews for permission to use your own money. Kill the bondholders and fiat money works just fine for public purpose.

diz iz now a ged bread :DD
fugg XDD

its been guaranteed for a while now. the 2020's are gonna be a rough time.

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>Real life fortnight!

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It is gold that gave value to the U.S. dollar.

Go off a gold standard and it becomes more worthless and TPTB can steal your wealth through inflation.

Which is why a dollar doesn't buy you shit compared to what it bought you 50-100 years ago