We are reaching Weimar levels of degeneracy.
We are reaching Weimar levels of degeneracy.
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Welp, unless any one of you has the charisma and autism of Hitler, it's just going to continue.
not enough minorities in the video
they are provoking god to destroy the
world before harvest. that's all this is
they want to avoid their punishment
coming to them for over 2000 years
of violence.
Did you copy and paste this? It's not normal Jow Forums font
Imagine the reverse. Someone like Drake rapping with a fleshlight. It would be all over the news how it's an attack on woman
Such a depraved message of faggoty self-love based around gluttonous behaviors
Jews have successfully infiltrated the minds of so many gentiles that it's impossible at this point to reverse the path to doom we're on
>This woman sang with Owl City
>Possibly one of the only pop singers to not be involved with satanic shit
God is dead
Back in the day degenerate was shot in black and white to give it some style at least.
Why is everything that comes out of the shriveled afterbirth that is the former "recording industry" so fucking niggerish, or so fucking homo, or some combo of the two?
>Welp, unless any one of you has the charisma and autism of Hitler, it's just going to continue.
Don't worry, I do.
The future is bright, Lambright 2020.
They brainwashed a bunch of dumb whores. Well just enslave them and kill the Jews.
Because it's (((subversive)))
OPs picture looks like taylor swift in 50 years.
She is the eternal thot.
How different is that from these:
Masturbation has been in music for decades.
He also needs the autism of hitler
I feverishly await the day we can line them all up and shoot them. I want there to be a YouTube live stream of it. Everyone who went to Cville would have first dibs on who they get to execute. Followed by right wing e celebs. I am not sure how the rest of the draft picks would work out. By the way, do we have an official Jow Forums hotlist yet?
She's promoting some kind of female onanite cult, the opposite of degeneracy I'd say
>chopin at the beginning
fucking end me bros
Yeah but when was the last time you saw a granny holding a giant dildo in a music video for a pop star whose target audience is young girls?
Carly was my waifu. What went so wrong? ;_;
Her new look is super qt though.
You pick the one visual, sure. The rest of the content isn't shocking at all. Is this really what has us bent out of shape? an octogenarian with a an unused sex toy? it's more funny than degenerate.
This is a better vid than the official one anyway.
Degeneracy must end.
Repent if you like it.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
>it's more funny than degenerate
watch tom hanks the pedovore in this video he looks like he could eat your soul
If you can't tell the difference there's no helping you.
so.. because I think something's funny, I'm under control by jews?
should i say if you think something is so bad you're under control by people who have their buttholes sewn shut? anal retentive humor?
man, you need some fun in life. i mean, be scared of whatever and that's fine, we all try to control our periphery, but yours is kinda unhealthy and you need a 1 week break and some fresh air. fuck.
Literally who?
gee i wonder why
>so.. because I think something's funny, I'm under control by jews?
Only a jew would find something like that funny
lol ok. i guess, to you, i'm a jew, then. it's fine.
This actually showed up the last few days in my suggested videos despite the fact i never watch music videos on youtube
2012 is calling, they want their knock off Zoe Deshanelle back
This probably really upsets you. I bet these are Japanese Jews! lol
Isn't it interesting how you don't even have to sign in or verify your age or agree to some stupid terms and conditions about how this is offensive content?
Jow Forums is a board of peace you Kike
Do you...have lots of "parties for one"?
So if things make you feel a little uneasy down there you dismiss them attributing it to evil power?
protip: you're gay, bud. you should probably practice doing cartwheels in fields of dicks tomorrow. lol
there's a reason there's an expression "comfortable with sexuality" and you ain't it.
I think you're projecting, rabbi
wtf is a carly rae jepsen and why should i care?
Which ever music executive decided to drag a beautiful Chopin piece into this degeneracy has hell waiting for them.
When you take a such a pure channeling of human creative spirit and corrupt it with such filth you are messing with spiritual forces you don't understand.
Can I get a tl;dw?
It's almost midnight I ain't clicking that shit nigger
is this degenerate? because I think it's pretty fucking hot.
The fuck is this garbage? Call Me Maybe was a hit because it was easy to sing and had a catchy tune that didn't have to drag in its buildup
This is just... bland
2:36 for the butt plug. Pretty fucking hot.
She's a middle aged Canadian, always has been. This is a nice way to hide that fact.
Pornography is degenerate. This is hardcore soft porn.
soft porn includes sexual behavior and/or nudity. that is clothed exercising. lol. you're really hung up. fuck, that must be awful.
>Weimar levels of degeneracy
the west today is far past that, it's why sites like exist
Nice pilpul, rabbi
No. It couldn't be. Barron...?
Just go to San Francisco or Toronto.
>be me
>be at my uni
>hear weimer talked about positively as a fountain of art the world had never seen before
>evil nazis murdered best art
>over 6 million
Hey, just because you guys prefer fucking sheep out in the back yard doesn't mean other people are "doing it wrong". lolol
I suggest you go research what Weimar Germany was actually like. We're not even halfway there. The shit that got normalized in Weimar makes most hentai look like teletubbies.
Lol the girl giving herself problem haircut after getting dumped
What a shame. Carly seemed to avoid the degenerate train for a while. Guess it's the only way to keep your career going nowadays. Bummer.
i mean who listens to carly ray jepsen but extremely flamboyant faggots? This is simply marketing.
>i mean who listens to carly ray jepsen but extremely flamboyant faggots?
People who drink Absolut™
People who wear Calvin Klein™ underwear
Fuck off Wayne.
Another artist my kid won't be allowed to listen to.
is sexual degeneracy ok if promiscuity is cut out of the picture?
This music, in general, is so fucking shitty. Every genre is crap and anyone that used to make music that still does today has conformed to a garbage mold.
Cutest Jew-controlled 30+ y/o boomer leafgirl. :3
Ahhhhh... yup, they just don’t make music like they used to
>Fuck off Wayne.
Hello Fred, how was the week.
Im not national socialist, I believe the holocaust happened.
This shit makes me want Hitler to come back
literally who?
I know why can't we go back to 2002 geezzz
this is why women who don't have a child before 25 need to be locked up
Reaching Weimar degeneracy? Reaching? We have surpassed Weimar degeneracy by ten folds.
anyone else not know who this is?
>pic related
pretty much
She did that song 'call me maybe' that got normie memed to death. Cover photo was god-tier though.
I really like her Emotion and Side B albums though
Who the fuck watches this shit, honesty? What used to be 12 year old girl dumb music is now mainstream pop
This song is about masturbation. It's not the first time the music industry made songs about masturbation.
It is over.
I watched 3/4ths before giving up.
Here's my take. This kinda stuff is okay for adults to do on their own. It shouldn't be advertised or encouraged, just because. Humans all have weird fucked up animalistic parts of ourselves. Hopefully, you find someone to act it out with. But porn, and pop culture, is fucking the balance up. So you're a 70 year old woman, and want to deep throat a dildo made from carcinogenic petroleum by products. Good for you. Don't do it to sell albums to 13 year old girls. A little degeneracy is okay. So you like butt plugs. But keep it private, and don't watch porn. It fucks your brain up.
I’d say even Kiss is pretty good too. Emotion is her best though. Unfortunately, the next album will probably be weaker.
Look at this cuck.
Imagine if all you had was your delusion to hold on to.
Realists take note. This is how Jews cuck you for 2000 years. When you do nothing but wait for skyman to fix all your problems for you.
Are you under the impression that the previous ones didn't?
>at least her new song isn't about anal fisting
Are there any documentaries about the Wiemar republic?
I'm pretty sure Drake ain't white, so it's ok for him to attack women.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO what did they do to her bros
I'll keep listening to this album forever because its my fucking jam, but it hurts my soul to see her the OP video.
Gosh darn it. Chopin - Nocturne op.9 No.2. Carly Rae should be killed by a falling piano.
she has always had a huge tranny/tumblerite following
i just ignore it, just like I did with Grimes
Do you anons browse /mu/ too?