When did this board become a shitty version of /x/? Literally everything you guys believe is conspiratard shit.
>muh jooz
>muh pizzagate
>muh deep state
>muh (((globalists)))
When did this board become a shitty version of /x/? Literally everything you guys believe is conspiratard shit
Aiden Taylor
Robert Cooper
>implying theres nothing wrong with jews
kys faggot
Hudson Nguyen
Nice try JIDF
Asher Campbell
Every. Fucking. Time.
Dylan Gomez
You just said four different synonyms for Jews, tho.
Cameron Cook
Levi Stewart
literally the only one on that list that's controversial is pizzagate. the others are well known.
and no matter what's up with pizzagate, child sex rings from rich people are obviously real.
Zachary Smith
Stay asleep, faggot
David Gomez
Nigger what?
>Ethnonationalism is based!
It is and that’s our end goal. What the fuck are you talking about?
>*Thinks everyone on Jow Forums is white*
If you’re not white, why would you be on the internet? What the fuck kind of shitty half assed meme is this?
Isaiah Allen
kys shill