Is christianity a jewish psyop?

is christianity a jewish psyop?

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show your flag kike

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ooga booga

This is some next level redpilling

wonder why muzzies werent included in that chart... oh wait its because they hate jews more than anyone else


I mean, when Jews literally have to create a brand new religion to contradict the old one because Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of the Old Testament and broke the covenant Jews had with God, I'm not sure it's a psyop.

Christianity was for Jews not Gentiles.

Gentiles misunderstand it at its most basic level because they are not jews.

Its not horrific though. Just maladapted. Its fine without jewish subversion.

Yes. It's pretty undeniable that it was either invented by or co-opted by Jews.

Any religion that forbids usury was almost certainly invented by Jews.

wait.....usury is what jews do....its christians and muslims that dont.

--literally the history of europe

Yes? It's central to their existence that they are allowed to parasitize while gentiles are not.

holy fuck

>Christianity was for Jews not Gentiles
Jewish belief was that Gentiles would be led to belief in God through Jewish missionary actions, which is exactly what the Gospel is, so you're just wrong.

The early church was founded on the teaching of the apostle Paul (Pauline Christianity) and Paul was extremely anti Judaism and therefore anti Jew.

Usury is terrible and if Gentile Christians didn't think they found a clever, pharisee-like loophole to defy God's will then the world would be a lot better place

are you fucking retarded? jews hate the shit out of jesus. they cant even write a fucking + sign cuz they think its too close to looking like a cross. jews hate jesus cuz he called out the jewish religious leaders of the time as being hypocritical shit stains and went so far as to call them the synagogue of satan. christianity is the ultimate redpill you twat.

Ironic considering Evangelicals are fucking obsessed with Zionism and Jews. Maybe Evangelicals are like a clingy annoying girl who won't fuck off.

Nah, Jews are working their asses off to destroy christin values, why would somebody create something just to destroy it

No, but the entirety of the existence of the state of Israel is a pysop and they also supported 911. Crowdfunding for a new Jow Forums and a private Jow Forums incoming.

Did I say supported? I meant to say perpetrated.

slide thread and will prob reach 300 replies

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>alt-kike damage control
Clinging to an (((original interpretation))) as an anti-jew message is all they got.

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If it is, why do (((they))) hate it? On the other hand, pope Francis existes.

No. It was a psyop against Judaism. That's why they hate Jesus so much. He subverted Judiasm.

No, it is a shitalian psyop.

The Christianity meme is the final Jew pill. Rabbi Jesus and his kvetching were one of the reasons the empire fell.

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Roman Caesar family the Flavian/Flavus created the Christ myth to replace pharisaical and messianic judaism at that time, but it only works on people with the capacity for empathy. They used the Kings Talmud to create the myth so the story is jewish in its instruction on how to become immortal.

is op a flaming faggot?

paul killed alot of christians before the switch up lol

yeah ok

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easiest way to prove that is simply by understanding that everyone reincarnates, and cuckianity denies reincarnation and basically the root of degeneracy is denying reincarnation.

makes ppl not care about ruining the world and living for short term things.

not to mention if you read literally any other religion than abrahamic you realise they are all crazy desert cults written by inbred white negroid and not worthy of your consideration.

no YOU are a kike psyop

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Christianity is Holy because jews hate it

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Well Jews hate it, so probably not, I’ve got about 600 people in my WN group. Christianity is objectively the first explicitly anti-kike religion. Period. We discovered the truth behind Jewish lies. Anyone who countersignals this serves kikes.

All human culture from language to the invention of walking bipedaly is a Jewish psyop
Jews directed human evolution since before the common ancestors between humans and chimps

Eh not in the way you probably mean it

Most of the original apostles didn't even want to convert non-mews; Peter, the "rock of the church", refused to even interact with gentiles; he kicked Saul out of Jerusalem after he suggested that maybe he should eat dinner with uncircumcised people.

So Saul, who had never actually met Jesus in life, had to go to gentile territories like Greece and Rome, and he created a religion that was much better at comverting gentiles (including not requirig circumcision) than anything that the others were trying with the Jews. So Saul basically created the Christian religion and its uncicumcised gentile adherents soon vastly outnumnered the circumcised hebrew ones.

Thats the Sauline belief, it nas nothing to do with what most of the original 12 apostles thought.

Shiites hate Sunnis. Does that mean one of them is not Muslim.


You literally worship their God.

Well, Paul (Saul) was Jewish; he only became "anti-Jewish" in the sense that after he was kicked out of Jerusalem he had to convert large numbers of gentiles in order to grow his own influence and avoid being completely marginalized by people like Peter, who, being one of the original apostles who unlike Saul had actually known and worked with Jesus, always had a greater claim to legitimacy.

>is water wet?

Why did Judas have to kiss Christ on the check to identify him? Couldn't the Romans just identify him by the halo around his head?

kike fake jews did not create Christianity.
bible = torah 2.0 and Zeus did what
he did being born a shemite and then
leaving their race and is now back
in his original race japhethians :-)

you all have no fucking idea what
is going on. when Zeus died for us
he gave us the torah and added to
it so it can be completed.

everything he added to the torah
is clean and he is the messiah
and the kikes have no claim
to christianity at all, the armenians
true jews are the founders of
christinaity as they were the
first nation on earth my nation
to accept christ, i forgive you all
for falling for fake jew amalekite
kike lies.

the first quarters in the holy land
which is named mount ZION
mount ZION is the home of
the real jews, in the muslims
quarters is the hotel of SION.
sinful shitty ions. zion = omega
ions. this is atomic. the kikes
copied and made their quarters
AFTER armenians did.

CREATE. look at the fucking
actions to see who did what
you fucking assholes who
take lies as truth, FAKE

all non whites will burn their
bibles soon, because their
theft of salvation will fail.