Christians of Jow Forums, how do I tell a CUCKED church from a BASED church ?

I want to be a christian, but not a jewed one.

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Become countersemitic

Well, being Christian makes you countersemtitic normally.

come hither.

Step one, read the bible so you actually know what you're talking about.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Who is doing those rainbows pics?
Someone here?

Someone here.

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u ?

You know, tomorrow/today, 5 November 2018, Cheshvan 27, is the anniversary of God giving the rainbow as a token of His covenant with Creation to never again destroy it in a flood.

Rainbow day is about to dawn!

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I always thought that we had to retake the beauty of the rainbow out of the obscene hands of the jews and the homosexuals, which are perverting something really sweet and beautiful, just how they subverted the great word "gai" (happy) to subvert it to "gay".
Keep going, might redpill some people here.

Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic. Pick one you can't go worng.

I'm born catholic and already did the 1st Communion (Even if I didn't believe any of that).
What's wrong with Protestantism ? Wasn't Martin Luther a good christian ?

Stay away from new age churches whose services are rock shows. If any more than a minute is spent on donations or tithing bail. Pastors who use NIV bibles are cucks.

I'll leave the rest.
Use them well.
Remember, the Phillipian jailer didn't convert because of love, but fear. He realized he was a sinner without hope before he sought the Lord.

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Rather easy.
> lgbtp shit
> woman priests
> nigger worship
If it has any of those, it's poison.

Great, post them all. I'll save them and spread them.
Thank you.

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catholics cucked protestants cucked orthodox cucked calvinist cucked arminian sort of cucked

Bible centered IE Christians who believe what the Bible says not what people claim it says not cucked

>How do I worship the jew without getting jewed
That's it. Keep trying to make it make sense. Such a good, good goy.

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Look into Eastern Orthodoxy, the organizational structure is one designed in a way that preserves the cultural and political integrity of the various churches. Also, you will almost never find a social liberals in your services. Orthodox people are hardcore social conservatives including the Orthodox Church in America.

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go to church, love jesus, stick to white identity, be a virgin until marriage, close the borders at all costs, pray

>Step one, read the bible so you actually know what you're talking about.
and yeah actually do this

read one of those Bible For Dummies books if you need

have a few favorite Bible verses. memorize them. so you have some high culture to you and it's good anyway.

I can't think of anything more jewed than being a Christian in name only. actually follow the rules. no, not wearing braids is not a rule. but being a virgin at your wedding is. "don't wear mixed cloth" is some leftist atheist hate. follow Christian principles not some weirdly interpreted quote or a sentence that was never meant to be a command.

don't cuss too much.

have lots of kids. raise them Christian and make sure you do a good job so you don't get kids hating church and talking about sky fairy.

as for which Church to go to,I don't really know I need help on that too. some churches have pride flags in the front ffs. if they start saying some liberal hippie crap, pick a different one.

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Romans 10:17

I pray the Holy Spirit may use these memes to convict a few of Jow Forums's many sinners and bring them to repent and accept Jesus Christ as Saviour.

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As to the Jew question, one must keep in mind that not all who call themselves Jews are.
The Jews conquered the Edomites in the years before Christ's arrival and forced them to convert to Judaism.
Then, they took over.
The Herods were Edomites.
The Roman thought Edomites were a type of Jew, not realizing they were enemies from the womb (Jacob & Esau).
Idumaea was the name given by the Romans for this reason.

Certain people, like George Soros, are the Edomite line continued today.

Jews are fuck ups like the rest of us, but God still loves them too.

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ask God

>he hung out with hookers
>he had no kids
>he was raised by a cuck

It's now midnight in the buckle of the Bible belt.

Happy Rainbow Day, anons!

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No, Luther is a heretic that paved the way for protestant scum who are ok with sodomy and have female "priests".

>Jews are fuck ups like the rest of us, but God still loves them too.
Why though? All their "religion" is build arounding cheating God and their own religious laws, they have denied Jesus, the word of God made flesh, and even conspired to kill him, thus symbolically killing God. Then, they spit on Jesus and hate him constantly and vehemntly for 2000 years non-stop, constantly conspire to subvert and destroy Christians, and to kill as many white people and Christians as possible, and they manage to kill christian faith with all the (((sexual revolution))). More than 2000 years later, after being lectured by Jesus, they still are an Ultra Extreme Jewish Supremacy cult and they still worship Satan.
Hell, even God's love has it's limits. These people can't redemption themselves and they have proven themselves to be the children of Satan and the worst enemy of Christianity, far worst than Islam and Muslims. Jews pretty much lead every anti-Christians movements for 2000 years.
No way Jesus could have even tolerated 1% of the shit they have been pulling for the last 500 years.

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Uncorrupted Orthodoxy (Not Russian)

Not based:
All others

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oh and to answer the jewed part this ties into being Bible centered...any Christian who reads his Bible will see it is both anti-judaism and counter-judaism. Any church that thinks the old testament is Judaism, Christianity or America is "Judeo-Christian" (in a modern sense), or all Jews are automatically granted spiritual salvation are cucked. Another sign of Judaizers is support for going to war with Israel's enemies without admitting 1. the Bible gives no such command not even a similar one 2. Judaism is spiritual enemy number 1 according to the Bible and needs to be counter evangelized. Also legalism is a Christian form of modern Judaism.

Luther is a good Christian, but a terrible Catholic.
Mary worship, purgatory, etc. are just man made fantasies carried over from the Babylonian fish worship.

The pope is beckoning people on the wide path to hell.

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Respectable digits though

And the majority of them for the last two thousand years are burning in hell for rejecting their messiah.

God may love them, but He hates what they have become.
The tribulation awaits them for this reason.

Remember, God loves, but He is just. He cannot forgive without the penalty being paid. If someone refuses Christ's sacrifice, they bear the punishment for their own sins.

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And you, sir.
A sign, methinks.

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Are you saying that I should treat the Old Testament and the New Testament as two different and opposite books? Why are they bundled together?

Also, look at your own ID...7+7!

It's no accident that you are here.
Coincidence is just a word made up to cope with dealing when you don't understand what God is doing.

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Avoid churches that preach dispensationalism and Christian Zionism.

>I want to be a christian, but not a jewed one.

All Christianity is Jewed. It's a religion that literally tells White men to bow down before a Jewish Rabbi.

If you spend an hour a day watching the videos above, Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, it will clear up much of your confusion.
It shows how the Bible is one unified work of the Holy Spirit, provable with various maths and fulfilled prophecies.
His Cosmic Codes is another excellent book.
No mathematician could read it and come away an atheist. Pic related.

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watcha doin rabbi

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Don't forget the Hebrew Roots movement, which is designed to groom unsuspecting Christians into Judaism.

I never found a local church, but maybe this will help you...

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Good night anons.
May the day dawn anew for you!

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Yes, sort of. The Bible is comprised of several books but the *Old* Testament is mostly history and not modern Judaism or Christianity. The two testaments are bundled together because we can learn where Christianity came from (which again is not modern Judaism). There are spiritual truths to be gleaned from the Old Testament but Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and the law when he was crucified. The "law" Christians are supposed to follow is New Testament and rejects the Mosaic law and circumcision. The tie in of the Old Testament to the New is the Abrahamic Covenant described in Hebrews as salvation by faith which occurred in both the Old and New.

Focus on these:

[John 14:26] - “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."

[Jeremiah 29:11] - "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil. To give you a future and a hope."

[Isaiah 55:8-11] - “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

[Romans 3:4] - "Let God be true, but every man a liar."

After you manage that, 'filter' everything you see and hear (biblically) through the Holy Spirit.

Find a small group of folks to fellowship with who have the same (or at least as close to) beliefs as you do.

Religion is asleep. It won't wake anybody up. It's been infiltrated by Antichrists and Communists (trying to conform Jesus to the beast system). At this point, focus on your own relationship and growth with Christ, help those you can when the opportunity arises and fellowship with those who are open up to doing so, and learn from one another.

I personally haven't been to 'church' in years, though my family keeps telling me to go to 'church', while they listen to smiley Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and other NPC (((Christians))) who tell you about how "God wants you to be rich and successful." or "God wants you to be happy and smiling all of the time and love love love, because all you need is love."

It gets to a point where you only go for the sake of community and 'some' fellowship, while seeing how many NPC Christians are currently around us now, because there are WAY TOO MANY 'teachings' that conflict with one another.

Best to stick with Jesus.... "I am the way the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father but through Me." [John 14:6]

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Also Old Testament = believing Jews (not modern Jews) sacrificing animals for the remission of their sins.
New Testament = Jewish people are so steeped in unbelief they unintentionally sacrifice the Old Testament prophesied Messiah. Jewish people as a whole (apart from a small remnant) reject the final sacrifice for sins (Jesus on the cross) and harden themselves against Him until the end times. I believe it's prophesied that the Jewish people repent once they actually see Jesus return but for the time being we will be stuck with a tiny remnant of Jews who actually believe the Old and New Testaments and the rest are "anti-christs", "sons of Satan", and "not real Jews" according to the Bible.