This board taught me how to hate

This board taught me how to hate.
But where doI go if I need to learn how to love?

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Believe it or not it is also here. Met my best friends here man.

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oh Gawd I'm a lost soul aren't I?

tell 'em Chad sent you

Fuck the nazis, the hate, the conspiracies. This place really got me into classical art.

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Bullshit. You learn to love when you learn to hate. Hate springs from defense of something you love. You were apathetic before.

love and hate are just side's of the same coin

Without hate for injustice there is no justice


go to the park.

Embrace the love of the eternal father user. It is eternal

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get off the fucking internet and talk to your mother

I believe it’s traditional for you fellows to use peanut butter and Labrador’s.


love is over, didn't you get the memo back in 2006?

>Jewish subversion is love
Hey Rabbi whatcha doin

Unironically /f/

you're a dumb faggot


>love is bad

Your tight fedora is pushing the blood out of your head down to your fatass again


Prison. Bc you are a faggot.

Go hold open your butt in a gay bar bathroom.

Jesus, user.
He's the only good way out of this mess.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Love is just a figment of the imagination when someone has it good from being entitled and privileged. Then to protect their Ivory Tower perch and virtue signal their own individual privilege as if it came from their divine love or making. I'm sure it did!

When your entire history, identity, and culture is being destroyed. There is no room for love.

Bible. ALso bring back colonialism. Conquer and spread the work of Jesus and capitalism across the world.

/hm/ has some great pics of cocks

find a girl you will learn how to love and then relearn how to hate even more

There is a difference between hate and responsibility.
I don’t look at a black or jew and think “I want to stomp your brains out for being a non white”. Not just at every random one I see, people who do that have legit personal issues they’re reflecting their parent’s prison sentences and neglect onto their relationships with others.
When I say “we will forcefully cleanse our lands from non whites”, I don’t say it as a personal vendetta, but out of a collective effort to keep the collective alive and well, just as I don’t give a damn what they do in Africa or the Middle East. Don’t hate user, understand and take responsibility for what must be done, not take joy in other’s suffering, unless fully deserved on that individual basis.