How do we stop Asian Americans from trying to act like they're white?

One of the cringiest groups of humans are Asian-Americans who act exactly like they're white. You might think this would be a good thing... and it would, if they're faces didn't look so different from white people's. Their asian faces just make it really embarassing to see them acting like they're white... like I can't even look at them without feeling embarrassed. I mean, hispanics can pull off the acting white thing better, because many of their faces can pass as European even if their skin is a darker shade. Anyone else feel this way?

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By "white" do you mean "civilized"?

Why would you try to push them away when we need allies due to dwindling numbers?

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They're socially awkward but smart. They aren't a big problem compared to others tho. The only annoying ones are the asians with loud ass mufflers.

Funny enough. Just went to Costco. Only the rich were window browsing high quality appliances were Chinese, but browns and mutts were spiraling over the clothes and food.

I don't buy into the dwindling numbers (we need infinite growth!) meme, for one thing. Also, I would love them as allies, but in their own countries. I love Asians who live in Asia and act like Asians.

How would you rather them behave then?

>You might think this would be a good thing... and it would, if they're faces didn't look so different from white people's.
asians look different, nobel incoming


I just think it's strange that when Europeans immigrate in large numbers, they set up their own societies after their own image. But when Asians immigrate, they try to assimilate into the host culture although they look completely different. Mostly I wish they would stop immigrating to the west in large numbers, and stay in Asia and keep Asia great.

You need more chinese to beat the fucking Pakis white boy

>How do we stop immigrants from integrating?
You're a smart guy.

We need to be pragmatic and keep open-border+censorship politicians and parties from getting in power. If we totally destroyed the democratic party, we could start subdividing the republicans into civnat vs white nationalist. But we can't afford that right now.

I agree. Asians need to stay in asia

Hispanics not a race you fucking idiots

yes, I know. Many hispanics have european blood, which is why it's easier for them to act white without looking ridiculous.

I'd like to discourage nonwhites from immigrating in the first place. For Asians here already, racemixing is definitely the best longterm solution.

Why don't we just expel them all back to chink land. They look as western countries as libens-raum. They need to be destroyed. Minus non race mixing Japanese.

OP you need not worry about that problem because asians dont act white...

I almost never hear asians say shit like
how they liked something before it was cool...they hate vintage things; they don't buy coffee from the small overpriced coffeeshop, they don't give a fuck about environmentalism, they don't like camping, and they don't pursue degrees in the arts or the humanities. unless theyre involved with white people and even then it's not common

so rest easy

Yes. Can you imagine if there were millions of white people in China, riding cheap ass bikes and eating metric tons of rice with chop stix, and bowing to people and the whole nine yards. It would look ridiculous, yet Asians are doing the equivalent of that when they immigrate here (their kids who are born here are doing that)

What's wrong with acting white?

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Why would they act white? Asians are superior to whites.

Agreed, so many people fucking kiss Asian Americans asses on here cause they come from the richest families and move over here and simply continue the success. Asians try so hard to fucking assimilate they literally tell their daughters to fuck the white men, while their men either white wash themselves or become socially inept.

You can cover their faces next time you see them.

I'm talking about Asians who are born and raised here. At least where I live they act exactly like the white people you're describing.

Chink alert

Japanese Americans vote democrat in higher percentages than any other asian group, but this is directly correlated to the Internment Camp debacle. After republicans defended putting all Japs in concentration camps during reparation lawsuits in the 80's, Japs switched to democrats and haven't come back.

italians, japanese and germans are all white

Nazi have existed for 3200 years.

seek the gospel of philip and the nazirite oath

Naassenes (essenns)


Look at the meaning of the word in hebrew. It means Priest, and is phonetically the same as prince. Hitler found the swastika in the masonry of a catholic church, and his men pledged to the pope. Jesus, Samson and Marley were also Nazi.

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Breed them out.

I don't know, it just seems inauthentic and unnatural for nonwhites to act white.

Whites need to stay in Europe

How is non-whites acting white ever a bad thing?

We will be back for Canada Chang.

hopefully this is exactly what will happen in the longterm

your entire life is basically virtue signalling thats what's wrong with being white.

its a big dick measuring contest and its the only race that participates in it in the most obnoxious way possible....granted other races do this crap, asian parents think the achievements of their ancestors and parents and the achievements of their children are a reflection on their character; black people dick measure by their bling and how fresh their kicks are; but white people..its always this lifestyle one upmanship..

talking to white people, it's like every time they open their mouth, it's some kind of humblebrag. "Oh yeah so, like we hiked Mount Everest last year"...."have you seen the hills of Rome in the autumn? Majestic"; "I once meditated with Dalai Lama, and I had the honor of picking his dandruff with a chopstick and it was sooo spiritual."

It's always a humblebrag with these folks. If it's not a lifestyle humblebrag, they will humblebrag about where they got their suit from. It's not enough for example to say their suit looks nice; oh no, they have to tell you it's from a small Italian fashion house, and that the material is made from baby goats, and that their watch was made in a ww2 in switzerland. It never stops, and any attempt to relate to them, they just amp it up more. They will always know someone or have done something or tried something cooler, or more obscure than what you know, own or have. And it's tiring!

At least with Hispanics and Black people, when they flex, they're honest about it...but white people take it to an obnoxious level.

What about Africans?

This. A lot of non-whites act like niggers, because they think they are. "Acting white" is just acting dignified.


So Koreans...

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How do we stop the Gauls from acting like Romans?

Copying a succesful or a dominant social system is just human nature. What you call "behaving like a white person" just follows a long chain of behavioural and social patterns inherited from ancient times and perfected (with exceptions) with each generation.

As if it wasn't obvious, OP is an Hispanic/brown person trying to turn Asians against whites/Europeans. The truth is that Asians in developed countries, as in Japan or Taiwan, behave already like "white people" without whites around, that is: they are educated, peaceful, follow the norms,... civilized folks all around. In this regard they behave more "white" than whites themselves.

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>I mean, hispanics can pull off the acting white thing better,
fuck off, east Asians are far more civilized than the indios trash in the US calling themselves latino.

the problem in the US is ENTIRELY one of too many shitskins. nigger and spic infestation. Asians are completely fine.

Because Costco’s appliances are overpriced. My cousin Morty has the connections to a commercial wholesaler. He can set you up with a deal.

Americanization you mean? Would you prefer more Chinese NPCs in the US?

I am one of those Asians living here in the United States that acts white because I pay my taxes and contribute to society. Not like the fuckin beaners in the caravan that is trying to infiltrate our fuckin home and fuckin live off of our taxes payer dollars. Fuck you too just because you dont know that we help your society because you are a fuckin NOC redneck.

Lets meet up, I will fuck you up either with my glock or my kungfu. Either way you are a degenerate that needs to be extinguished so we can move forward with making america great again without faggots like you.

Fuckin pathetic and ridiculous. KYS

>How do we stop Asian Americans from trying to act like they're white?

Why would you want them to stop assimilating?

asians are fine...
for now, the spic infestation has reached abnormal heights
the best spic is a fucking dead spic

You can't get white pussy. Even nigger men have it better sexually than Asian men.

So they can't assimilate into your culture but you cry over the spics not being able to learn english?
fuck off retard

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Asian Americans don’t care about anything else except making money.

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damn you hit the nail on the fucking head. couldn't agree more

The only appliance a man needs is a firepit

It's called high IQ people assimilating into American culture.

When low IQ people do that they assimilate into thug culture

You didn't answer the question.

A fuckin leaf, eh? lol. I do have white pussy now. Go suck them muslim dick that let you invade your country. Dont forget the poutine. Disgusting filth

Everything would be solved if WHITES stopped acting so WHITE.
Whites are the most awkward group because they think they're auditioning for the next season of Neighbors, so civilized immigrants just go "wtf?" when they first interact with white people. It's the most awkward thing ever. That's why nobody integrates properly into white culture.

Jow Forums is a board of peace friend

he doesn't have one

Touche these white trash are only making society worse, they don't have discipline and take the achievements of other races as their own

>high IQ
>low crime rate
>net taxpayers
>high income

Just come on and bend over west

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nice meme

hello JIDF. Trying a new tactic?

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white pussy isn't that valuable desu

australia will either be majority hapa which is better than canada, which will be pajeet + somali negroid + white + chink

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Lol found the chink.

Wait a second...don't you know they have found ancient White people bones in China?

Yeah. Asians always copy someone. And its cringy as fuck because they over do it. Like asians who think theyre niggers are like 10x worse than niggers. They just act stupid. Not even a nigger is actually that retarded.

koreans unironically do it the worst
the high IQ ones still want to pretend like they're niggers when 90% of them don't even remember the '92 riots
based roof koreans are still good

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White women are a meme, they're pretty low on the market and nobody wants you
Middle eastern girls are way hotter and once they start trying to act white due to MSM Asians will flock for them.

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meant for

Maybe stop hanging out with WASPs

everyone should act white

lol whats with the anti asian fetishists?
Are they really this fucking stupid that they dont realize that everyone knows they are niggercock sucking leftists?

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>t. Juan
I see this pushed so hard on Jow Forums.
Like fuck, I didn't even know what castizos were before coming here.
These pueblo hut beaners are the true calamity, they are the fastest growing population here.

Asians are smarter, make more money, have more successful companies, create better products, at more affordable prices, have better work ethic, and are all around better people than white people. Asians don’t need to lower themselves to acting “White” you disgusting Caucasians will one day grovel at our feet’s for your table scraps.

we should list every beaner as an undesirable, starting withpablo is mad that asians intergrate better than him and his 30 spic friends who jumped the border

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>american flag
>taking positive about spics

Found the spic.

ouch, I hit a nerve with this guy. He has cognitive dissonance because his inner chink is longing for its ancestral homeland

the spic shillers from mexico all try to say they're white, too

Your post is substantiated by the fact that white people are the most hot tempered.
Once you try to take their mask off a bit, they threaten to kill themselves because their fee fees got hurt a bit, like fucking hell it's just embarrassing to watch. Then the next day they just act like nothing ever happened and go back into their reality show

his inner chink will always be better than you though, spic
hop across the border again, ms-13's pablos are dying

Lol, asians will never be upper-managament tier in the west

Kpop is working on making them act like niggers with twerking and degeneracy. No worries chaim.

I don't know what it looks like when Asians act white but it can't be as bad as Asians acting like niggers.
Actually Asians and Whites both acting like niggers, dressing like niggers and talking like niggers are equally as disgusting and culturally regressive it makes me physically sick.

I be Chinese. I should act Marxist here and censor all you faggots.

>I love Asians who live in Asia and act like Asians
Holy shit you have no idea

They'll act white around you, but in private they have exclusive allegiance to their own.

yeah, i might take a chink over a dirty spic any day but for marketing/buisness they're the jew in asian clothing

I can see OPs point. The thing is that Gauls were white and European culture is just a continuation of that Roman culture to this day. Chinks on the other hand, behave/imitate white norms in order to advance their own race, and we don’t see that. I don’t think for a second that chinks will help whites stay on top, because they themselves want to be the whites. I see this at work all the time.

Spot on. You should act chinese, because then we would have an easy excuse to send you back.

Idk man. You cringing is sort of your own problem.

This is hardly political

Have you ever been to the bay area

I know you haven't but you probably shouldn't. You might kill yourself

Chang, you have to leave.

Is this proof that there's no pleasing white people? Hate others for not acting the way they want, hate them for acting too much like what you perceive as white. I can't think of anything wrong with what you're upset about. Parents are dressed nice, they're happy, married most likely, holy shit why are you a piece of shit OP?

Just leave white people be. Is that really so fucking hard?

the thing is you don't have to please them anymore, you had to up until fairly recently. Not anymore.

White people are to be left alone just like They don't own anything anymore. The way they talk is not 'their' way of talking anymore. It's yours to take. All of it. That's the thing about America, it's a land of immigrants, if whites are afraid they're being wiped out, that's really none of the asians concern, none of the blacks, none of the mexicans concern, none of anybodys.

What does society do when women panic after hitting the wall? Nothing.

Same shit applies. Just ignore.

And your daughter will still suck white cock.

Get out of America then, zipperhead.

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They could say the same to you. White countries routinely interfere with other countries and cultures around the world. Movies, music, businesses like McDonalds etc.