What's the most racist thing you've ever done?

what's the most racist thing you've ever done?

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>be me
>be white

Fuck out of here FBI

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Democrats and the MSM are the real racists you fucking faggot. Kys OP.


Told my hwyte professor this spic in my group wasn't doing shit


Pack it up boys

I supported affirmative action back in my younger days. No I'm not racist and want to take away gibs and benefits from everyone equally

fucked an asian girl


I said the nigger word once.

I once said in my class out loud "Do u have Vietnam gurlfriend?!?" my school is taken over by gooks kek.

Being born a white male.

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Cited the fact that the average IQ varies by race.

I have drilled for oil once and made a Mexican burrito once too. I would do again if they were hot enough.

I laughed at a racist meme that someone posted here.

I routinely am asked by my boss at work to look at resumes (CVs) for new hires. I literally toss all non-whites into the garbage can. We haven't hired a single minority on my watch.

What’s going on here?

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>Get accused of being a racist white male
>Point out I am a blond/grey eyed nomadic ethnic minority who has been oppressed to this day in our lands
>Confuse the fuck out of the SJW who has never heard of my peoples
>Spit on her and call her a cunt for for being ignorant of my tribes and accusing me of being white
>Walk away as she has no idea to react

Pure Michigan

This. I am so ashamed.


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It's amazing how shocking this stat is to people who have never heard of it. I remember being shocked the first time I saw the IQ data back when molymeme first did a video about it. I was a naive libertarian at the time. Funny how much everything has changed in just a few years.

I said nigger while singing along to a rap song
>the lyric is clearly "nigga"

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I was born with white skin

One time at an auto parts store I was waiting with some other chaps and a black guy came in asking for directions to the bank. Somebody told him and I said after that I would call and warn the bank he was coming. Everybody burst out laughing and he got soooooo mad. Started flailing his arms and raising his voice. I just watched him for like 10 seconds without looking away and he stormed out.

>If you don’t love this country, then leave

I was baby sitting for a black family and left a doobie I was smoking in the husbands drawer. A couple weeks later the parents split and the dad later killed himself.
I still y’all to the kid sometimes. He’s a good kid.


Talk to the kid*

The holocaust.

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same, especially those lighter skinned spic girls with big asses, gives me shivvers bruh

i time travelled into the hyborian age just to make the slave goblins of black vale rise at dawn to slop the nigger herds...all to spite a kike nigger-skin merchant from messantia...

voted democrat

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What is that actually from?

It's also amazing that people don't understand that IQ strongly correlated with an individual success.

That explains why certain groups end up in poverty While others succeed.

I call a pajeet poo after he called me chink

>especially those lighter skinned spic girls with big asses
That's what got me too. I miss that girl

>what's the most racist thing you've ever done?
I used to be a liberal. I constantly bashed people purely for being white, just like all liberals do.

I beat the shit out of a jewish guy in an alley once while drunk.



Ooh, I've got this one.
>be on Yahoo chat
>go to a rap and hip hop chatroom
>talk some nigger babble to convince them to give me control of the room mic
>put on Soundgarden's "Pretty Noose". On repeat. Over and over.
>dindus hoot and rage at me, but can't do anything because niggers cannot into Y-booters
>start DJing between repetitions. "And coming up next, is a smash single called "Pretty Noose". And daily reminder, if you don't like what we've got you hanging from, you can always go back to Africa! Niggers!"
>keep it up until they all abandon the room.

Good times.


Kicked in a niggers door, then tasered him and pepper sprayed his coal burning girlfriend for being a hysterical cunt while their half-breeds watched.

t. bail bondsman

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Yep, it explains every aspect of what the left usually bitches about. They can never solve the problems they want to because those problems are caused by IQ and they refuse to believe that. This rejection of reality is why the left will never be satisfied until we are all starving to death in their socialist utopia, and why that socialist utopia will be "not true socialism" just like all the others.

Yup. Lysenkoism and the left, name a more iconic duo.

Of course they refuse to believe it. Think about it. If you were stupid and your life sucked and somebody says hey you're stupid and you make stupid chocies that's why your life sucks you wouldn't believe them either.

I made a ceramic black face mask. Got sent to the dean. She instantly became beet red and referred me to the principal. Turns out those racist mother fuckers fought for me and forced my ceramics teacher to fire it in the kiln. It is my most prized and shameful possession. For sale 1 btc

I naturally assumed it without having to hear about based off living around spics and niggers... and by that i mean my mexican mom and my absentee father

Where at in the mitten my dude?

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I said it's OK to be white.

Not using that shitty low-res pic.

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I actively boycott restaurant with black employees because I don't like the idea of black people touching my food

You're doing God's work.
Bless you, fellow leaf.

Agree with a Jew that whites are the devil.

Drew a swastika inside a torah lol

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sorry to hear that user. hope you get far in life

i said the nigger word

I fucked ops mother.

Based Chink.

welp, that's that, I guess.

I did, I do research in photonics research at a bretty good company. My sis on the other hand is a heroin junkie

different dude, but just southeast of pepe here.

>auto parts store
>nigger asking for directions to a place of finance
Wrong flag, you lying bitch.

Other than the frequent use of racial slurs i got a Dylann Roof popsocket
10/10 would buy again

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Fuck guys, I'm so racist, I can do like 34 rpm (racisms per minute)

Yooper, directly in Little Finland.

I make it a point to not hire anyone for my company who is more than half nigger

Racism is a belief. Beliefs arent actions...

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bought weed from a nigger with my girlfriend then when she fell asleep that night i went to my PC and submitted an anonymous tip to the local sheriff with his phone number and description

Stole a black Santa Claus from a niggers house who was causing problems for a friend...painted SC as a white KKK member and put him back in the front yard.