When the democrats win back the house I hope the first thing they do is pass laws that rebut every thing law and...

When the democrats win back the house I hope the first thing they do is pass laws that rebut every thing law and regulation the trump regime has passed.

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Even if you take the house you can't do those things.


Wew. Having flashbacks to 2015 rn.

>3/10 b8 made me respond
t. Actual Democrat

Suck my tits

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This is why dems will lose... all you scumbags want to do is tear everything apart. FUCK YOU!


It's nice to have dreams.

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Trump hasn't been that bad of a president.
He's actually better than I expected.

You have become the very thing you despise most, user.

>Even if you take the house you can't do those things.

The house can’t pass laws now?

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Trump is the worst president in world history

nah, not yours

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stay nasty dems

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Did you forget nothing happened when Republicans had both the House and senate under Obama? Expect gridlock and more pissed off people.

That's why I've stopped referring to them as either progressive or regressive. I call them the Transgressive Left, now. There's no endgame for them, it's just mindlessly tearing down every tradition and institution they have the power to.


>Expect gridlock and more pissed off people.

Yes but this time it will be you guys who are getting fucked

We learned well from the tea party

Big if we can spread it

they're not taking the house

Election can’t come soon enough for pol to be uttered BTFO

except we have SCOTUS and other court appointments you mongoloid. Try undoing lifetime appointments

You should have let Hillary win now the progressives are in the drivers seat.

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We will get back in power and pack the courts.

and that’s a good thing. Let’s hope the right goes furthers right and buys more arms. How does it feel knowing your political opposites have you outgunned?

All those guns won’t save you from socialized healthcare.

>commies accomplishing anything

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They always were. You've been in power since '46. But that's all coming to an end. You'll see. In 10 years, you'll be begging to have Hillary, or even Trump back. Trump isn't your problem. He's the symptom. And he's only the first of many. It only gets worse for you from here on out.

They will, because you’ll be removed. Just imagine, you’re basically being allowed to exist because of morally vulnerable cuckservatives. Once they get memo and move further right, you’re fucked.

> now we the progressives

Fuck off back to the tea party faggot

You have public schools right? That’s a result of communists

>hurrrr next time we’ll really chump out

“Demonrats win back the house”
Wew lad, that was a good laugh.

In that situation, the Union gets fucked.

Clearly you don't know how laws are made, faggot!

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Congress literally has more power than the president or judicial, they just don't ever use it.

OP you do realize if they win the house...It's just the house. Republicans have full control of the White House, Senate, and Supreme Court. Congrats, you may take back 1/4th of the Government control.

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As a lifelong Democrat and a devoted Hildawg, I actually think Trump is doing a good job and the media hasn’t given him a fair shake. For the first time I’m voting R up and down the ballot.

A dem house means trump’s legislative agenda is dead if he even had one.

You are a troll

conservatives with guns aren't gonna do shit. if any bullshit starts the military will just carpet bomb the fuck out of the militant group. I'm tired of you retarded faggots thinking you're some organized militia that could stand a chance against the strongest military in the world. but MUH GUNS MERICA I CAN DEFAND MY FREEDUHMS WITH MY SEHCUND AMENDUMENT RIGHTS.

How sure are you about that?

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>13 posts by this ID

>If any bullshit starts the military will just carpet bomb the fuck out of the militant group.
yeah im sure the overwhelming conservative majority in the armed forces would do that.

more guns =/= better equipped to win a war. A tank could shit on a hundred armed men if it needed to

>Consistently vote libertarian
>Voted for Gary "Aleppo" Johnson in 2016
>Never voted D or R in my life, never will
fuck you

How do you propose disarming the entire US populace? Can a tank go door-to-door and confiscate firearms?
You are comically stupid.

As if the military would suck trump's dick if he pushed american's to be militant. Although they're conservative, they don't believe in killing innocents. If you turn a gun on your fellow citizen to achieve a political goal, you're a terrorist. Conservatives don't exactly take kindly to terrorists

You’re fucking dead. I and everyone in my family is voting straight red. Goodnight kikes, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Do you know how many tanks are at the disposal of the US military on suburban streets WHILE having some deployed overseas?

There is a few problems with this

1. There will be traitors within the army that could easily take over bases and get better equipment
2. The middle east has been holding up for decades with pickup trucks and outdated rifles.
3. The government won't and cant just turn its infrastructure and citizens into rubble.

There's a little thing called a veto.

Democrats lost and they know it. Early voting is where they pull their fake and immigrant voters crap and they where fucking destroyed by actually Republican tune out.

I'm sorry. It's over.

You don't need to disarm the entire populace. The entire populace isn't the proposed militia in question. You only need to take out the threat. Before you suggest something comically retarded as a response, how about you gain a little bit of reading comprehension

Fuck off back to liberal retard land and stay there

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>bunch o' rice farmers kick the strongest military's ass
>bunch o' goat fucker in the stan successfully resist the strongest military for almost two decades
lol you delusional loser

>The house can’t pass laws now?

Not without the cooperation of the Senate. And guess who has to sign it into law?

Lets be real here the rice farmers didn't kick our ass we killed a shit ton of them and there was no support back home so they pulled out becuase it was taking longer and was more costly then they thought it would be.

>guns will make America less whit
Republicans everyone

It goes both ways around. That means trump can’t sign any laws.

>As if the military would suck trump's dick if he pushed american's to be militant.
You haven't met many people in the military have you?
>If you turn a gun on your fellow citizen to achieve a political goal, you're a terrorist.
Damn the founding father were terrorist who know?

is he okay tho?

Are you fucking dense? I am so fucking sick of hearing the argument of “oh they’ll carpet bomb us so what’s the point of owning a gun?” I’ll give you some fucking reasons. First, in order to stay a country and stay in power, a government needs the support of the people. If the people with the overwhelming majority of guns turns on the government, the government will collapse. They may use nukes or bomb the ever living shit out of us, but we outnumber them. Second, if the government somehow won, which is highly unlikely due to the vast majority of people in the government not willing to Ackbar their homes and friends and family, how are they going to keep peace? They have these tools of mass destruction, but they do not have enough soldiers or cops patrolling the streets and making sure that everyone is under their control. They would be utterly overwhelmed by how fucking large this country is and how few people the government has to control it. Third, even if the government somehow gets the manpower and the will to rule, do you really expect to not have a unified resistance group possibly aided by other countries? Especially if nuclear weapons are involved, do you really believe that others would not jump at the chance to shit all over America and aid the resistance groups? At first, you had a group of gun loving hicks that hates everything that the government tells them. After the shit hits the fan? Cletus and his buddies are now armed with some high tech gear and burning hatred for the dumb as fuck government. So go ahead and keep spouting this anti gun rhetoric because I guarantee you that the people would absolutely wreck your government gib me having ass to the fucking ground.

limp wristed faggots don't realize terms like terrorist and trader are for the losers of history.

Don't worry schlomo, you still get the shekels deposited into your account either way.

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>One tank vs Killdozer
I doubt it.


>corporate tax cuts are safu!

>conservatives hate the government
>trump is part of the government

roll tide you hillbillies

OP is a fag

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>doubling down on exactly what got them their asses handed to them two years ago.

>I'm with stupid


Prepare to be assblasted when you lose.

(((They))) groomed you in their universities to be nothing more than a puppet. You'll never be wrong, echoing your kike master's words, but you'll never be right, for those words are not truly your own.

Pic related

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Na he ded

Republicans will keep the house

Are you retarded. Who do you think is in the military? Cock smoking liberals and progressives? A left v. right civil war only ends in a one sided purge.

Bookies have stopped taking bets on Republicans winning

American flags make people more likely to vote Republican. Even if they are in Democratic party ads.


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Pro-tip: the rule of law is dead. Pass whatever the fuck you want.