If you have heterosexual sex outside marriage, you are a FAGGOT

If you part take in (((casual sex))) and (((hookup culture))), you literally are being a good goy, you are being a crypto-faggot.
See this video of E.Michael Jones where he names the Jews.
"E. Michael Jones: The Wages of Sin"
Watch the whole video (0:00-8:23)
PS: When he says "even when you are not a homosexual, you have to act as if you are a homosexual" what he is trying to say is that you have to have (or try/want) as many (sterile) sexual relations as possible, to fuck as many members of the opposite sex as possible, without the seek of reproduction, but just for the hedonist pleasure of dating and sex. This is pretty much a direct critic of the modern day (((Dating)))/(((Casual Sex)))/(((Hookup Culture))) which had been pushed by jews has a way of political control as you will see. And thus, part taking in this hedonist casual sex society, you are actually acting as if you are a homosexual (even if you don't fuck men) and you are doing exactly what (((They))) want

Attached: Fag.png (1276x1669, 157K)

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The Reddit thread BTW.

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>uses F word repeatedly
>promotes asceticism heresy
>promotes E.Michael Jones
... nutty Roman Catholic. Having normal sexual relations is NOT the same as sodomy. Jones knows that all Catholic priests are faggots so he's trying to equate being a faggot with being a normal ordinary whoremonger, which isn't true. God never burnt up an entire city because of whores, but he did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of faggots.

Homosexuals are incapable of sex with each other by definition , two men or two women don't have the necessary bodyparts for sex.

Define "Normal sexual relations",because your views might be instilled by Jewish sexual revolutionaries.

Attached: 1540838931860.jpg (1583x2048, 462K)

Based and redpilled.

Based Rare Flag.

Then, it's fornication.

Fornication is a subset of sex ( specifically all sex not between married people) . But a pair of homosexuals can't do sex regardless of marriage status ( unless it's a gay man fucking a lesbian). Sex requires penis in vagina by definition.
Other then that obviously homos have more ''''sex'''' ,there's no culture of long term partnership which is a thing hetero people do because of children.

So how would you call gay men and gay women engaging in "intimate" acts with their sexual genitals with oral acts and penetrative acts into orifices ?

Sorry about your permavirginity :(

Better be virgin until marriage than being a whoremonger.

>fuck that sweet pussy when ever you can
>be a fag
What sort of Swedish logic is this?

You are encourage to be enslaved by your passions just like a faggot by having and obsessing about sterile casual sex, because it makes you easier to (((manage))). Watch the video.

Attached: FightDegenerates.png (1749x353, 107K)

If it's penis in vagina it's sex regardless of their orientations. If not it's what you said
I'm just saying that diluting the meaning of what constitutes sex is retarded ,I'd even argue that using birth control makes it not sex since the whole point which is reproduction isn't part of it.

No. Sex actually means what it means. Fornication that be heterosexual/homosexual or (((Pansexual))) for hedonism.
Christianity is against Sex. Christianity is for reproduction, ideally with a virgin man and a virgin woman.

Shot like this is why people in school beat you up and stole your lunch money

Why the fk are you browsing gaybros on reddit.

Seek help.

I picked this from a leaf user.

Are you projecting user ?

Attached: ManSlut.png (1105x228, 36K)