Its Ok To Be White Marches

How many of yall are planning on going to the marches later this month?
I am planning to go for sure if they hold one in my home state.

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Charlottesville irrevocably damaged ethno-nationalism for America. You need to be running for local government and not concerning yourself with psyops.

Keep in mind the marches are not in any way a part of Patrick Little's presidential campaign, its just an idea that he came up with and is promoting that will only exist if people decide to follow through with it.

We are not going to be mentioning or promoting Pat in any way during the marches, nor are we going to be addressing the topics of Zionism, Fascism, National Socialism or anything other than the fact that It IS OK to be white.

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Another fun shitposting operation co-opted by Israeli subversives in order to paint it in a more extreme light by the mainstream media. Sad. I hope one day Patrick Little is streaming in some random city drunk at night and a pack of feral niggers chimp out and shoot that fucker.

One shill ruined the entire thing and the public in their ignorance has decided to blame every person at unite the right for the actions of one man.

In order to try and prevent a repeat of what happened at unite the right Pat and others have come up so far with a short list of rules for the marches to help keep us as safe and practical as possible.

What to do:

1. Put duct tape on your mouth and don’t take it off during the march
2. Carry signs or banners or wear clothes that say it’s okay to be white.
3. Assemble for march quickly.
4. Do not fight back if you get attacked (call police after taking duct tape off mouth)
5. Ensure there is someone video taping the march for posting to the internet, for the safety of the marchers.
6. Carry a note card that says “please leave” in a pocket
7. Present the “please leave” note card to anyone who takes their duct tape off their mouth for any reason other than to call police.
8. Present the note card to anyone who acts threateningly or violently, or who breaks any of the rules laid out here.

What not to do:

1. Carry a sign that says anything other than “It’s Okay To Be White”
2. Wear a shirt with any type of political message or group logo on it.
3. Linger where the march ends after the marching is done
4. Take off duct tape off your mouth during march (unless you need to call the police)
5. Fight back if being attacked
6. Not video record evidence of fellow marchers being attacked
7. Participate in a march that doesn’t have a designated person to stream the event (at least have someone making an offline recording from outside of the procession).

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How is marching in silence without saying a single word and without any message other than "its ok to be white" extreme in any way?
Thats not extreme what so ever.

Love to hear some serious criticisms of this idea other than saying that Pat is a shill. Give me a serious explanation why this is not a good idea.

Is the best way to take back the power the jews have over us just to hide in our homes and not stand up for ourselves in a peaceful manner?

How else can we "fight back" against ZOG without hurting anyone if we dont have peaceful rallies, do peaceful protests and support candidates for office who name the Jew?


Give me your ideas for what would be a better approach, lets talk this out like grown adults not children who just want to insult what they dont like or agree with.

Fpbp Patrick Little works for the SPLC and if you don’t as well then you’re retarded.

There is no phase 2

What consequences will "the movement" suffer from these marches? What harm will they do if people actually stick to the plan and do not attack anyone?

How is marching with the meme a phase two, how is it really any different than people posting it all over cities and towns which is how it started?
How can you prove Pat works for the SPLC, give evidence.

You all say Charletsvile was a disaster but why would you all want to put the actions of one man who we all know was a shill as the responsibility of all the other people at the event?

So because one shill decided to be violent we need to blame everyone who was at unite the right? Now you guys sound just as fucking retarded as the MSM.

Is it so bad in USA you guys need to organise marches like some minorities?

Just understand that you'll be doxing yourself out there.
the reason IOTBW is so infuriating is because it's done quickly and quietly and non-confrontationally. The news reports always QQ about "who did this horrible thing" and ALWAYS want NAMES AND FACES to blame. THAT'S what IS going to happen at this thing. NOW, if you understand all of that and you don't give a fuck and you are willing to face the shitstorm of hebraic-screeching, then fine, go ahead and play along. BUT, if you value your quality of life now, then keep if ANONYMOUS and stick to the plan that's been working so far.
1) potential C-ville pt2
2) shadow-bants for teh salty lulz.
choose wisely, user.

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Yes clearly we all know that
I personally go out in public all the time and confront people about the JQ, I have been assaulted by ANTIFA before, I know the consequences of my actions
I understand why many people do not want to doxx themselves but personally that doesnt matter to me one bit

some faggot will NOT sitck to the plan. C-ville had assholes showing up and they weren't put in check for fucking up. Unless you are willing to physically remove violators, then quietly "asking" them to leave is pointless.
>make me faggot!
so there's plenty of potential for shitbirds to showup and fuck around, either because they hate /us, or they hate Pat Little, or to amuse themselves at /our expense.
>pick your poison.

Yes you are correct, as a matter of fact when I spoke to Pat earlier he mentioned just this exactly and I agreed with him that shills are going to flock to this event like nobodies business.
Why should that mean we have to hide in our homes and never stand up for ourselves? Are we that afraid of our enemies?

It's different because you are physically in everyone's view and in daylight. You are putting yourself at risk, Pat has already conceded this, he get's punched all the time.
My plan avoids all conflict towards /us and keeps your asses SAFE and Anonymous.
His plan has you taking facepunches and then appealing to corrupt authority for "justice" after you are physically bruised and possibly bleeding out.
It's not about IOTBW, it's about dealing with a corrupt un-justice system and hoping people give a fuck about you getting beat up to feel empathy.
>pro tip: they won't.

Just because we have a ton of stormfag idiots who like to call themselves /ourboys/ while just making all of us look like a bunch of fucking retards doesnt mean the rest of us have to stop being who we are and doing what we want to do because we are too afraid to be associated with them.

I just said I have already been going out confronting people in public on my own without any support for quite some time, its nothing new to me.

And no your wrong again because he admitted the justice system wont have our backs at all which is why we have to be prepared to just take the beating and not expect the police to assist us. I have been assaulted before and the whole thing was on camera and when I walked immediately away and showed the footage to the police they did NOTHING, I am no stranger to these types of things.

And they NEVER STFU about it. all it's going to take is 1 shill to do something dramatic and you'll all be villified, UNLESS you have COPIOUS amount of video/audio recording, and I mean a SHITTON of recordings of everything. Even THEN you'll STILL take a PR hit in the media just for having the audacity to pull such a stunt in public to begin with.
LEARN from the mistakes of the past, please. If you do this, EXPECT THEM!

fuck off kike
we know that's what you wanted to happen
we don't care
the proper response to ethnic cleansing is total war

Who cares what people think about us? Dont you realize they hate us all and will kill us no matter what we fucking do? Dont you realize when the nut cracks they will come for us all even if you sit at home and curl up in a ball till the final day?

You really think that people will let you just be at peace?

Are you really this afraid of the MSM, TPTB, and the sheeple they control?
You dont sound like someone who believes in standing up for anything, hate to say it.

The only time it was okay for Jow Forums to do anything irl was when anonymous organised the protests of scientology. This will either end with anons being violently BTFO or only a few people showing up and looking like faggots.

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Its not a Jow Forums event, its an event being which was created as an idea by Pat and he is simply asking all of us if we would want to do it and many people have said they do, myself being one of them, without people to actually do it it wont exist. Its not related to Jow Forums in any way.

If people cant take being attacked for what they believe in I would love to hear how you guys think we can do anything to stand up for ourselves in any way shape or form. All of you guys probably have NEVER gone out and named the Jew in public once in your entire lives.

All bark and no bite.

I didn't say it was a Jow Forums event, you reactionary faggot. I said Jow Forums shouldn't participate.

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You will need to physically remove them from your midst is what i'm saying. If you don't have a lan to remove these fuckers from amongst your group then you've already lost before you started.
I don't care about being afraid, I care about playing the smart strat that's going to win.
Those stormfags are your weaklink, because they could be useful if they could play smart, but since they don't they become a liability that you HAVE TO deal with. Especially in public gatherings that will reflect negatively regardless of what you do. All you are going to be doing is walking around not saying anything and then leaving to go home. Why not just massively post at night and accomplish the same effect of numbers without ANY of the risk?
Good for (you). Don't care. I'm talking to others who DO give a fuck and have something to lose. THOSE people are the one's who (you) won't help when they are stuck dealing with the aftermath.
All the more reason to just post at night and LEAVE. Let them figure out whatever bullshit they want and everyone else will still get the point and the participants will be less likely to suffer physical damage in public. At MOST, mybe a "fine" and THAT can be contested in court.
If you ain't defending yourselves, and taking punches, and cops are just going to watch and NOT hold the violators accountable, then what's the point?
Are you trying to look like a Britian and Sweede? This isn't British India, it's Zionist America and they have ZERO concern for Justice or Optics unless it's in THEIR favor, and even then they'll still fake it until they make it.

It hurt as much as Breivik hurt the right wing movement in Norway, alas, here we are, politics steadily leaning to the right.

I, however think that doing a march for this isn't something that should be done, because it moves away from the original idea of the IOTBW campaign, where it was ONLY the plain poster to be posted, the fact that Patrick is pushing this means he's either stupid and butting in on shit he doesn't know anything about(people like this is an inevitability when a movement grows large enough though) or he is a CIAnigger

If people dont want to do it they wont show up.
Why try to convince me?
Im not trying to convince you, im just saying it has support and people are going to show up.

All we are going to do is silently walk with the meme and say absolutely nothing. How is that something that goes away from what the meme stands for?

And what will standing around getting your ass beatdown accomplish? If you die there? I see you trying to hype this up, but not thnking about the possible outcomes.
Don't try to "are you a-scared?" me, user. I developed this meme to BE EFFECTIVE, not to lead to people getting facepunched while everyone standing next the me do literally NOTHING because "muh optics" and some kind of "victim-complex is going to garner sympathy for the cause" ideology.
we already know that they'll attack / set-up some event. Unless you are planning for THAT and not worried about "being afraid and sitting around", then you are a bigger fool than your posts lead me to believe so far.

Ok dude so dont show up, your not me, I dont give a fuck if I get beat down, no one should show up for this if you arent prepared to be attacked.

Fuck it. Go. I'm gonna laugh when I start seeing Jow Forums eternally BTFO threads the day after.

>not a Jow Forums event
>post on Jow Forums in order to recruit, just like C-Ville *sigh*
>name the jew
niggerfaggot, In Zionist-USA the Jew names himself.
>That's how I roll. I don't have to risk getting attacked in public to do it either.

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Its not going to effect YOU if I get attacked, what do you care?

We can talk about things on here all the time that have nothing to do with Jow Forums itself. People do that daily. Jow Forums doesnt own IOTBW.

Because Jow Forums doesn't want you to get your teeth kicked in by niggers. Go though, have fun.

But it will though
>It's not going to affect you if we let men buttfucking each other get married
>In the name of tolerance, we are letting people spread HIV legal

It all sounds like a bad idea, it will no doubt be smeared by the media, so if you don't get people to show up with a response of "Its okay to be x", and the event is peaceful, there's gonna be a blow back

Why does Jow Forums care? What does it matter? Dont give me that bullshit. You sound ridiculous.

They're going to Charlottesville you again. Don't do it.

Absolutely not, no, sorry, that is a psychotic comparison for how things affect society, homosexuality has a direct damage to our society, this does not.

Clearly they will, we all know that, do you really think I dont understand that?

Is that my fault? Should the rest of the people who are actually doing the right thing be blamed for the shills who want to start violence?

You sound like an under 25 mid brain thinking liberal. No ones stopping you. Have fun getting your shit pushed in with taper over your mouth.

Have fun hiding from what you claim to be so proud to be against in your home too afraid to confront anything in public.

I'm not talking to (you) I'm talkign to the collective. I'm posting replys to the posts (you) are making in order to make valid points of interest and bring concerns up for consideration.
IOTBW will fuck you up if you thinkyou can "make it your bitch".
>yes I read that email and if he thinks he can milk this for fame, he's going to get burned. warning you now ahead of time.
What part of "We Are Anonymous" do you NOT understand gloryfag. All I'm seeing here so far is IRL namefagging.
I'm not trying to convince you not to do it, i'm straight up telling you all of the dangers you'll be dealing with if you go through with this poorly thought out idea.
You're going to do this thing anyway, regardless of my warnings. you'll reap the reward that due to you.
Smacking you head into a wall after you posted it will accompllish the same end result. I like a good periscope show.
Just remember "float like a butterfly" hope you know some akido, bro.
you better wear something think under your clothes to absorb some punches, bro.

Putting faces to it, instantly makes it more identifiable and will make it easier for people to distance themselves from it.

You're a fucking retard if you think we're going to fall for this. Fuck off.

Anyone who wants to remain anonymous will not show up or if they do they will be wearing a mask. I dont give a flying fuck about being anonymous, thats not something I personally support.
I know the dangers involved and for anyone who doesnt DONT SHOW UP.

No one has to fall for anything, people who dont want to do it wont show up, period. No one is being forced to do anything. Personally I am glad to be involved in it and no one is going to make me feel otherwise.

People barely get away with sneakily putting up the posters themselves. Marches would severely set any progress back. It would essentially ruin IOTBW

I love how all of you guys think that running and hiding from the world can solve any of the problems we are facing, that is the most cowardly pussy faggot shit possibly imaginable, yet again I bet none of you go around naming the Jew in public ever because you are all too afraid to.

Ruin it how? By having it get negative press? WHO CARES, we will NEVER get good press for it no matter what.

Liked the idea but now i dont think youre legit.
Anyone truly a part of our egregore knows that Charlottesville was a false flag, you portraying "the actions of one man" as anything other than that makes me not trust you. Unless im reading too far into it and you can elaborate on what you mean, i wont seriously consider your ideas.

Also #5 on what NOT to do is fucking retarded, if you are legit seriously reconsider that one.

If you read this whole thread I said that we all know the guy at unite the right was a shill. Read the thread.

holy shit #6 is even worse

That lack of forward-thinking betrays you. Now you're acting out of vain-pride and selfish interests. Im' just warning you ahead of time.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
This got "222" for a reason. Even Kek's chiming in now. Pay attention.
This obviously, There's always blowback. After c-ville I can't "name the jew" without incurring sideways looks like i'm being snitched on. that shitshow did more damage than it helped. Especially in light of the fact that the statue was never going to taken down anyway. It was a goddamn setup and a PR nightmare. LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST.

BTW, HOW the fuck is walking around and not saying anything and getting your ass kicked (potentially) qualify as "fighting back" or even "standing up for yourself"?? I have yet to hear you explain how you think this is going to all play out? Did you even think this thing through? Sounds like some half cocked political stunt that's just going to rake in more suckers to get victimized by ZOG-bots.
Elaborate please.
You came here to recruit forthis thing. THAT'S why /we give a fuck. DUH!

It is extreme because it isn't yours to do anything. You did not come up with it, you did not build it, you don't get to steal the work of others for your faggotry. Build your own fucking movement homo. And go back to too bitch ass

Those werent my list of rules that is what Pat and other people came up with and was posted on his site, we can NOT fight back unless people are comfortable being arrested for doing such, fighting back will guarantee being arrested, if people are OK with that go ahead and fight back, personally I am not going to because I dont want to be nailed by the Cops for defending myself, If I am under attack I am just going to run away to a safe location.

dont care enough.

your ideas on what not to do are total rubbish. 3-7 are garbage, no way im reading any more of this dude.

no good reason for any of those rules

No one owns memes, get over it.

They are not MY IDEAS. Period.

Tell that shit to those 2 guys who are in prison for 8 years now. Don't EVEN try to come in here and act like this is some benign harmless event with NO consequences.
/We all know better by NOW.
I saw how those e-celeb faggots got all the money and attention and the rest were barely given lip service and left to rot for a decade now.
ANONYMOUS is Legion.
(you) are not.

who is this nigga pat and why do i give a fuck about what he says

Its standing up making a statement that we arent afraid to face our enemies and our accusers openly in public, its standing up saying that we are proud to be who we are, its saying we will face the fire and we dont give a fuck if we get burned.

If you can handle the heat dont show up, no one whos just some little bitch would have the sack to show up to something like this.

Anonymous is a fucking joke man, im sorry but it is, i have no respect for that garbage.

But I guess that is expected, after all the national socialists still have socialists in the name - stealing shit that they were too dumb to come up on their own and driving it to the ground.
Will that retard Little Rich or whatever the fuck is his name also hide somewhere on the ranch because people were too meanie to him and refused to give him ethnostate, like that sniveling fuck Spencer?

Stop throwing a tantrum you fucking child.

Guess you guys think its better just to sit on Jow Forums and watch the world burn. Im not even shocked by the sacklessness of you guys any more. You guys are seriously all bark and no bite, its obvious very few people here have ever named the Jew publicly even once in their lives.

Pathetic and disgusting. Yall are the reason we fucking fail as a movement, seriously. If no one is ever gonna be willing to go out and confront the public nothing will ever change ever.

fine. It's not like you're making a compelling argument FOR this anyway. Yo'll get what you get.
Stream it then. Post it on here and let's see this thing live.
THIS. But I don't think it'll "ruin" it, it'll just end up making these particular gloryfag look weak when they are already getting badcoverage. It'll be something like "white supremeacists get BTFO, How will they EVER recover? Did YOU get to punch a nazi? Tell us all about it in the comment section."
Do you morons even have lawyers lined up to sue the bastard when they attack you for excersising your 1st amendment right? If not then EPIC fail right there. Better get someone on retainer NOW dude.
"cowardly" and "pussy" is what feds and cops say when they are hunting for suspects to blame for imaginary "crimes". This is why they always ask the public to snitch and call "anonymously" and then end up offering bribes and shit.

This jackass is butthurt because 2 years running /we got succesful runs with the same meme, even after all the "it's old and stale" bullshit that's been flooding here for the last 3 months straight. NOW after successful run #2 "mr Patrick Little" decides HE wants to hold a "silent demonstration" where all the people who DIDN'T get "caught" decide to facefag in public and GET DOXXED?!?

I hope you kids are paying attention to shlomo's tricks and how his attempts to get you to out yourselves in public are nothing more than attacks of your manhood and "i'm recruiting but not really but if you don't do this then your a punk-ass bitch".

Real Anons Think Ahead.
S'oyboys try to step up and get beat down.

I swear Pat's concussion is fucking with him so bad right now.

Dude no one who doesnt want to be doxxed is going to show up.
You know that.
I know that.
Not all of us care about making our selves public
Not all of us have something precious to lose like apparently YOU do
Some of us dont care if we have to die for what we believe in, we will speak out openly no matter what the cost

Not trying to make anyone who doesnt want to do this do it, anyone who doesnt feel its worth it WONT SHOW UP.

This bread was baked with tainted wheat.

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You have made it clear not only do you not believe in this march, but you also dont believe in doing ANYTHING of this nature in an open manner where you cant hide beyond the mask of being some anonymous ghost.

Thats ok, I understand why you feel that way, but plenty of us DO NOT FEEL THAT WAY.

>inb4 Patrick Little ruins this.

Have fun while you can.

I thought the plan was just to stick to the plain sheet of paper with a noncontroversial by any reasonable standard phrase to troll out antiwhite reactionaries to show how pathological they are . A rally would just make another target and a way to pin the meme down to a march. It’s working just fine the way it is just let it Roll and don’t fuck it up.

TopKek lads!
"Why does Jow Forums care? What does it matter? Dont give me that bullshit. You sound ridiculous."

"Ruin it how? By having it get negative press?"

"Have fun hiding from what you claim to be so proud to be against in your home too afraid to confront anything in public."

"If people cant take being attacked for what they believe in I would love to hear how you guys think we can do anything to stand up for ourselves in any way shape or form. "

" I dont want to be nailed by the Cops for defending myself, If I am under attack I am just going to run away to a safe location."

"All bark and no bite."
These are all (you)r posts, user.
>Self awareness: lacking
>Willingness to think logically: lacking
>Concern for positive outcome: lacking

Members of Jow Forums I present my evidence that OP is to be charged with the following crimes:
1st degree Deception
2nd degree Phallophilia
and a lesser charge of
2nd shilling by via proxy for a lost cause, with intent to Dox Anonymous.

How say you, Guilty or Not-Guilty?

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Then why are you here?

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What makes you conflate "standing up for ourselves" with violence?

Because plenty of people come on here who dont keep themselves entirely anonymous in daily lives. I come on here and this place is an anonymous board but I do not hide who i am any place where im not forced to hide who i am. this place does not give me the option to NOT be anonymous.

Guilty as a nigger riding a stolen bike.

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I am not trying to recruit anyone for this, I merely ASKED HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE GOING TO SHOW UP.

Guess the answer is just me and I am 100% ok with that.

This is WHY /we do it at night, NON_VIOLENTLY and NON_DESTRUCTIVELY. faggotkikeshill.
I watched THIS year's coverage and they were SO desperate to pin this down to ANY crime they could try to charge for. Even a "citation" if they could manage it.
They WANTED SO DESPERATLEY to claim "vandalism" and "malicious destruction of property". They had to settle for "muh hurt feefees" and "I thought it was awful" instead. All they could do was blame GHOSTS on HALLOWEEN for SPOOKING and LE-SCARING them.
B.O.O. H.O.O.

Well I suppose thats all it comes down to doesnt it?
No one else supports the idea.
Wont be the first or the last time.
Ok then I have nothing else to say on the matter, I look forward to doing it regardless.
I appreciate yalls honest critique though.

Marches? There is and never will be a phase 2. Anyone claiming otherwise is a kike shill.

OK dude. I never said what you are doing is wrong. You guys were taping this shit up in public, we are NOT going to do that we are just holding signs.
Your clearly so angry for absolutely no reason, you dont have to be a part of this, we already established that.

Dont show up. No one is forcing you to.

Holy fuck you're a stupid nigger

No matter what you do, you'll be branded as supremacist, nationalist, Nazi, racist, etc. Better to remain anonymous.

Even with an innocuous message such as Being White - you will still be hated. Just look at how they treated Patriot Prayer in the northwest. What could be more innocent than invoking patriotism and prayer??

I'm not angry, user. Not at all. Just giving you my honest assesment of this situation, given the response /we've recieved, and taking into account ALL of last year's "rallys" and their outcomes.
Besides, isn't this thing supopsed to be in San Fransisco bay area? It's not like it's a nationwide event, or some million whitemen march of some shit.
I get the impression that Pat is hoping for people to get assaulted and catch it on camera somehow. I hope you got a think skull and extra $$'s for hospital bills, user.
I find it weird that he thinks getting beat by Antifa in front of cops is somehow going to gain sympathy from anyone, it hasn't yet.
Do you remember when niggers were playing the "knockout game"? Because THAT'S what you'll be dealing with at the worse. I saw Pat's video and I think he's misreading this situation.
Honestly this would be better if it WAS part of his presidential campaign, then at least it could be justified and I could just go vote for him anonymously. Instead I think HE thinks this is going to be some kind of "Throwing Christians to the lions" type of thing. Except the lions are already in the arena and the "christians" are willingly jumping in. Hope you go tthat Armour of God when you go out, user. You'll NEED IT.

The media and Leftards are salivating thinking about finding those white racist Nazis in our midst. And that is what they will call you.

>Protesting because being white isn't privileged enough

Dis gun be gud

I know. I have gone public for years now. I have been self doxxed for a long time. If you arent willing to doxx yourself do not participate in this. No one is being asked to do anything they are not comfortable with.

He already has people in about a dozen or so state who wanna do it supposedly.