Reminder: We Will Win Tuesday

it may seem like we are going to lose but just remember all these people tweeting "#bluewave" and related faggotry are just people projecting. republicans will never be the mainstream outspoken ones, we voice our opinion behind the curtain in voting booths because we are deemed scum in modern society. we vote. they dont, we will win. they learned nothing in 2016.

Attached: 2016_Nationwide_US_presidential_county_map_shaded_by_vote_share.svg.png (1280x812, 687K)

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Get ready to daberoni on the libs on tuesday

OP wasn't a faggot this time and strongly deserved digits

Good thing I got out of this shithole of a country and revoked my US citizenship when Drumpf won back in 2016 and have never looked back.

Fuck Trump and fuck the USA.

I appreciate your conviction and wish more would follow your example. Good luck out there, user.

People on the left act like the silent majority is a meme while simultaneously socially oppressing/censoring the majority to the point that many outright lie about who they’re voting for, those same people being at risk of losing their entire livelihood because of overzealous sjws. They’re going to vote again, less of them are silent, and the #blueripple will be btfo again

why did the reps lose those special elections then?

if the electorate was completely comprised of 30 y/o bloggers and cat ladies I would believe the Dems would have a chance but it isnt. Blue collared workers and middle class Americans are still the majority of voters. They will vote red.

Should've taken your whole family