Prove me wrong on this

i love israel mainly because they are the only western democracy in the middle east and probably our greatest ally. they have always been on our side and never betrayed us.

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>i love israel mainly because they are the only western democracy in the middle east and probably our greatest ally. they have always been on our side and never betrayed us.

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check this out

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These threads never get old.

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(((they))) imported niggers, then (((they))) told niggers that whitey imported them, and then (((they))) made up white guilt

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Jared would make a cute trap

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Trump makes decisions like a normal person would, that people can understand and support. Why does this trigger people so much? The US finally gets a normal person in the White House and the media freaks out

Stop trying to fight white people's distrust and hatred of you Chaim. You've earned it. Stop your people's repulsive behaviour first.

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Kiss you're goodbye

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Didn't the jews attack the uss liberty?

>never betrayed us

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While OP is probably sarcastic, the Israeli people love the US, support it unconditionally and commonly fly American flags alongside Israeli ones during Independence day

>i love israel
>mainly because they are the only western democracy in the middle east
>and probably our greatest ally.
>they have always been on our side
>and never betrayed us.

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>, the Israeli people love the US, support it unconditionally

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And we love Israel.

Yes rareflag.

I approve this post.

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>i love israel
If you are not an Israeli then you are wrong by default.

If you really supported us, you wouldn't unironically attack USS Liberty; Perform Unauthorized Circumcision on infants all over the midwest; Practice usage of Weimar tier media on several platforms; Assassinated one of the best Presidents of the 20th Century because you didn't want your Nuclear facility inspected; fund trafficking posey's from the Mexican Cartel to smuggle Immigrant families across our border to help get votes from Neo-Political Zionist (and Jews) in our Government; Push for Open Borders; and Use our military to push conquest in the Middle East, while at the same time smuggling fighting age males (most linked to numerous Israeli funded terrorists groups) inot our country. Did I also forget to mention how you used and abuse African-American Populi, then blame us for it?

Epic bait xD

screenshotted and saved

Why is kushner hiding his erection?

LARP post cuz there's just no way