Why does this make me angry /pol?

Why does this make me angry /pol?

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When people get mad they do something. What are you going to do?

Because you don't have a trap gf

Its almost like reading a foriegn language. I just don't understand how to read such degeneracy.

Because it's satanic. It's confusing, it's degenerate, it denies basic moral precepts, it actively seeks to deny God and it leads ever growing numbers of young people down a path to evil.

If it makes you angry that's a good thing. Don't let that go.

Probably get into a relationship with a trans person that thinks they are a girl, talk to them about wanting them to bear my kids. When they say “I can’t user” I’ll say “why?” Then hopefully their mental illness does the rest.

If that were the case, you would have done something about me fucking your wife.

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Hey! Read the sign!

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This. Fucking clown world.


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That doesn't make any sense. If you date someone and this person is a tranny you see him, in fact, as a fucking tranny. Else you are negelecting the person is a tranny, making you transphobic. I don't understand these people anymore.

>dont date a transguy

Good advice right there.

>Not sharing my delusion makes you bad

I get so lost trying to understand these faggots.

If these people want to live in a fake fantasy larp it's okay, they are free, we live in a free world.

but i do see them for what they are

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Trying to justify being a faggot in denial. This isn't anything new. Traps are fucking gay. If you like traps, I got news for you.

Because it implies they are entitled to their secret and you are not. They can fool the world but you're not allowed to withhold information as to your own view of them

Because you’re a pussy

The "even if you keep it to yourself" part is tricky. It tries to sneak past as if it's an inessential part of the story

Damn user, thats ice cold

Fake and gay. A real guy, a real transguy, wouldn’t give a fuck about what bitches think.

What is a transguy? A guy pretending to be a girl or a girl pretending to be a uy? This is fucking confusing.

Is it transphobic for a guy to be a girl and see them as a guy or for a guy to be a girl and see them as a girl? Or a girl to be a guy and see them as a girl? OR a girl to be a guy and see them as a guy?

Excellent point

>if i pretend to be a man and you can't see that i'm a man, then you're a transphobe
>if i pretend to be a man and you see that i'm a man, then you're a transphobe

I don't understand any of it.

>"If you don't find a trans person attractive you're transphobic"
>"If you find a trans person attractive you're transphobic"
Wtf make up your mind already.

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Shouldn't you start by renting him a van, procuring a blasting cap or some shit?

You know, this plan could be done without getting into a relationship. Methinks you have ulterior motives here.

>I wish he could get hard

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Why are you guys so upset about this? are you that intent on dating a trans person just to be a dick to them?

You're supposed to be a bad guy for not accepting who they "are", when their entire condition is based on them not accepting who they are

i wonder what it's like to fuck a trans guy in their vagina

it just occurred to me that there must be porn of a mtf fucking a ftm