There is a extinction level meteor headed for earth:
1) $21T of unaccounted DoD funds. 2) Several private companies entering "space tourism" industry, if you can call it that. 3) FBI takeover of solar observatory to prevent potential viewing of solar transit. 4) Last three presidents either started wars or perpetuated, even when they promised to stop them; to serve as cover for higher expenditures and military alertness. 5) Japanese send probe to asteroid to validate technology. 6) NASA increased budget for asteroid detection. 7) Trump Space corps.
This could be actually true i had alot of dreams world ending from crashing planets or asteroids...It was nice knowing you Based romanians,Kurvats and mutt americans
Justin Watson
/x/ said 1st of february
Benjamin Lee
Can confirm Carl Sagan just flew over my house.
Charles Wilson
We couldn't get that lucky. were here for a long time this ride isn't over yet.