Woman Cons Republicans Out Of 150k

Woman poses as Black Trump supporter, claims to have been kicked out of home by parents due to political affiliation, and requests money. People send her over $150k and now she’s been exposed as a con.

Who’s to blame here? Is it that Republicans are so gullible and sypathetic to believe such a story? Or is it her who’s so shallow to pull the sympathy card to make up such a story?

I feel for those who fell for the con. Knowing myself if I had seen something like that I would have helped anybody out. I also believe giving money away is wasteful, how do you know if they’re an honest person?

I also see that asking for sypathy from a group of people, receiving it in a great sum, and then boasting about it is also a degenerate state of mind. She did play those who were sympathetic to her “situation” and is able to manipulate those who have a “heart” so to speak. This is just my opinions.

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How big is her cock?

Attached: HisCock.png (125x125, 2K)

so don't trust niggers. got it

I'm 5'4" with a skinny 3" cock.

She is in the wrong for lying. Her supporters are wrong for trusting. Nigger.

There could possibly be legal ramifications for this. She shouldn't have admitted it and flaunted it, but niggers will nig. I'd shut the fuck up and disappear if I just scammed people out of 150k.

Crowdfunding is a joke and I have zero sympathy for anyone stupid enough to send their shekels to some stranger begging for them on the internet.

Trying to get us to expose ourselves I see....nice bait user.

Hey user I need some height added to my gene pool.

Dicklet. Kys.


Could you elaborate on that? Im genuinely interested to see your thoughts on this


His thoughts are that scams are illegal, retard

she is going to jail m8 fraud is federal offense

So, you doing anything later?

Who would turn her in? How would the process go? How would it be handled through the crowdfunded site? How would she be charged? I have many questions about how, and if she will feel repercussions.

people have been criminally charged for similar actions

>Who would turn her in
Be the change you want to see, user

I'll never understand people that send others money for no real reason. At least with patreon you're usually getting video content out of it.

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LMAO thirsty MAGAfags and Qtards BTFO

And again, blacks can't keep their mouth shut. Did you see the jews flaunting their deceitful wins 50 years ago?

>LMAO thirsty MAGAfags and Qtards BTFO
How is this any different than when they lie about not being able to find a job, and White people's tax money gets sent to them on a WIC card?

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One's voluntary, the other is done at gunpoint