Why do all NPCs list "travelling" as one of their interests?

Why do all NPCs list "travelling" as one of their interests?
Any normal person has ZERO interest in that.
Travelling is up there with "watching paint dry"

Attached: 1539335425442.gif (675x564, 411K)

"Traveling" for women means they like rich guys only.

i understand traveling there are some cool places in the world but going to iowa for a road trip sounds autistic

Nothing wrong with traveling. It just doesn't substitute a personality

>he doesn't like to hike
>he doesn't like to camp
>he doesn't like eating fresh seafood after a day at the beach

Haha, oh wow

I travel a lot and I love it. Traveling made me realize racism is true and these people should be kept out of our country. It's a humbling experience to visit 3rd world shitholes for a few weeks and there are plenty of beautiful sights to see and things to do, just leave it all there.

Multiculturalism supporters either havent traveled or went and stayed in some fake resort.

>I'm an incel
we know OP, we know

Are you telling me there are no places you have an interest in visiting OP? Surely this isn't true.

While I wouldnt mind seeing more of the world I cant be fucked doing the whole airport thing. Getting to the destination is a pain in the ass.

Interested in seeing japan and europe and thats about it atm

All the places I want to go are filled with people I don't want to meet.

this thread is pure cringe

They don't you Luddite moron, that it universally recognized if a woman has an interest in traveling on her tindr or ig that means she is a sugarbaby who men pay to take on vacation and fuck.

No, you're wrong. Travelling is interesting.
>he doesn't want to see Europe's architecture and historical sights before they're all bulldozed

This. It means they want to constantly be on vacation.


all theses things awaken the mind, without it something just sleeps without it we become npcs.

Read the Stoics

>Men seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores, and mountains; and thou too art wont to desire such things very much. But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of men, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul, particularly when he has within him such thoughts that by looking into them he is immediately in perfect tranquility

It's all about experiencing different cultures, OP. Someone like you wouldn't get it. I mean sure, you can sit on your computer and talk to hundreds of people from around the world and really get to know them and what their life is like from the perspective of the average person, but you're not /really/ immersing yourself in the culture unless you spend $5000 getting wasted in tourist traps and taking 500 metric miles of foreign cock.

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They have to do more to stimulate their mind, because they can't get into philosophy, political literature, i.e. anything interesting that requires 110 + IQ to comprehend fully.

Make no mistake about it, this "I love to travel!" meme is an absolute NPC trait. I "love to travel" too.... but not in the same way that normies who was all their fucking money traveling do.

Traveling is one of the basic, not personality-dependant ways to answer the question "I have some free time and spare money, what should i do?"

Attached: Syberian summer.jpg (600x600, 85K)

Better than spending months at sea chained up like your convict forefathers eh Aussie?

Attached: American Psycho.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

true, no interest in traveling.
I think it is a female mate searching behaviour, that leads to their liking for it, tho.
And men who claim, that they are interested in traveling, might just be catering to them.

Better than this

Attached: 1540807781309.png (971x546, 63K)

>traveling is up there with "watching paint dry"
Your rusted out shithole home town isnt that great cletus

I despise travelling. I fucking hate airports, planes, long unproductive drives and all that bollocks. What I do enjoy, however, is doing fun shit in different locations.
It would take me almost a whole fucking day, maybe one and a half, to get back to Kiribati, but I thoroughly enjoy fishing the flats there. So it’s a catch 22.