People that aren't white can't be american

>brown hair + eyes
>all my friends consider me white
>think i'm white my entire life
>come to pol
>lol medshit moor no white person would have the amount of southern euro dna that you do
Help me out here guys, because everyone knows that you're the arbiters on what's considered white and I'm such a big nigger, tell me what I truly am. If italians/greeks/spaniards/etc were really considered white there wouldn't be any immigration quotas to prevent them from entering america until 1965, and the fact that there are "are italians white?" threads posted every hour of every day means that they're not white because you would know already. I want to be accepted as a true american but I'm about to just throw in the towel because I'll never not be naturally tan.

Attached: bullshit.png (1608x1064, 416K)

Other urls found in this thread: 100 Bavarian Phenotype.html

You fell for memes

When filling out a job application, do you list yourself as white? If the answer is yes, then the answer is yes.

only because there's no mediterranean option. If you're born tan, you're a shitskin.

Whites with brown hair and eyes are the only ones capable of defending themselves against niggers and kikes.
The blondes/blue eyes were the vikings slaves and have such a passive demeanor, they'll let a pack of niggers rape their wife. Never believe Euros user. They are on the express train to extinction.

>Never believe Euros user
It's not euros though, it's mostly americans from ptg and other autism-infested country centered generals that belong on Jow Forums, saying things like if you're not anglo then you shouldn't be in this country. Do they know that 2 of the people who signed the declaration of independence were italian?


>You're not white
>le 56%
Stop mistaking kike spam for Anons

Med is the master race

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Sure you are white but you just aren't as white as blue eyes blond hair. You have been degenerated to the same eye and hair color as niggers due to your ancestors race mixing. You are white but barely.

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only if you have nordic features but med skintone.

Ethnic meds mostly have kike noses and curly hair (thankfully i don't) but I'm still a nigger according to pol because brown eyes.

Attached: med vs nordcuck.png (948x1180, 193K)

>You have been degenerated to the same eye and hair color as niggers due to your ancestors race mixing.
You realize that sardinians are the most pure europeans since neolithic times and they're mostly dark skinned with brown eyes, right? Niggers have black eyes by the way.

Dont listen to retards talking about muh nordoid blonde hair blue eyes. Youre fine.

no i'm a shitskin

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If you wanna hate yourself and deny your great heritage whilst calling yourself a shitskin thats on you my guy

I don’t know. Meds are white, but the swarthy medniggers aren’t white. Brown hair and brown eyes do exist naturally in white populations because all modern Europeans have Indio European admixture and they carried those colors, but if your skin is darker than other whites then you definitely have nonwhite admixture

It's ok my fellow non-white brother, people thought I was something that could be considered white all my life but Jow Forums taught me that since I'm half Slavic I'm basically a hapa

exactly, you are a minority, now you can ask for free money

>everyone knows that you're the arbiters on what's considered white
Wrong. Anglos are the arbiters.
btw only Anglos are white.

Blond blued is a meme. They are only good for boypussy toys of based meds.

I don't know if you're trolling or not, but if you really care what people say here, then you might have a problem.

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It's ok to be nonwhite

>mainly Sinclair Scottish with Viking roots, some >English and a tiny bit of Irish

Am I white Jow Forums?


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you're a sad, garbage human being regardless of skin color

If it makes you feel better user, you have much better genetics than i do.
>pic related

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Attached: argeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png (2000x1250, 104K)

>You have much better genetics than i do.


>come to pol

the only mistake

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is there anything more fucking hilarious than burgers arguing who is white

>implying meds arent the master race


Attached: Reconcile this.jpg (1069x3187, 924K)

I'm blonde and have blue eyes. Nordicists are a small but vocal minority of turbo spergs and nobody takes them seriously.

Haha you’re fucking weird, kid

>Anything other than Jewish

My dude, you've been tricked by the name swap.

n-no u...

Based expat

At least your ancestors are from the north of Spain

>all my friends consider me white
what new worlders think about ethnicity is really not an indication of anything.
> tell me what I truly am
a run of the mill new world mutt. Embrace it burger
In all seriousness go ahead and call yourself "white" as that term does not mean anything outside of the Americas. Go to Denmark and say "you are white" and people will think you are talking about lack of sun tan or being unhealthy pale. Its an American umbrella term that includes all broadly European ethnicities and all mixes between. It also includes people who are 1/4 black, Asian, native and so on as "white" is just descriptive.

This. Polska brata said it right!

I guess, most amerifats still call me a spic when they hear me speaking spanish though.
Es una vida de mierda tio.

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Hilarious, considering the number of Norwegians who hit on me every time I go anywhere even vaguely touristy.

Brown hair and brown eyes doesn’t mean you’re not white retard. Even blue eyes and blonde hair it’s possible you’ve got 10% nigger and lucky genetics. Get a DNA test and ignore everything under 5%

Not all whites have the same skin tone. White is a broad category, it doesn’t just mean Nordic. Even fucking middle easterners are Caucasian originally (though they’ve had a lot of mixture, leading to a mutt race, but you can see the higher class and richer middle easterners who maintained their genetic one basically look like exotic whites)

*line not one

you are not white,we italians aren't white

Also OP is absolutely baiting.

Whta is with all the race shilling today?

you are white but 7/8 subhuman and only 1/8 Greek

This guy ain’t Italian though. Too much Kraut and Anglo cuckoldry in his blood.

Wow the only intelligent person here is a nigger.

you are not intelligent though

Did I say I was you meme flagging faggot?

fuck off mutts you wanted civic race you got it stop making these degenerative threads and go fuck each other

He actually didn't though since he's clearly not arguing in good faith and is just a D&C shill

Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, and Portuguese all literally have white skin. If you're permanently tanned it's because you're a mutt.

Purity spiraling divide thread. 100 Bavarian Phenotype.html