USA, Russian, European Hegemony

The rest of the world would be fucked.
For good.
Game over.
Discuss why this isn't happening already.

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>wanting to ally with krauts and Spaniards
Yeah no thank you

Power cannot be shared.

I am Austrian.
Kraut if you wanna still call me that.
Spaniards are not the problem.

Why not?
Do you realize the power that would come from this idea?
It would be endgame power.

>USA belonging to Americans
>Russia belonging to Russians
>Europe belonging to Europeans
We need to defeat usury first until then we are all slaves.

That's what the globalists promised to Garbachev when they collapsed USSR together. But then they got greedy and thought they could finish Russia off instead of letting us into the big goys club.

Maybe so.
But I am talking about now.


Slavs are also not a problem.
Russians may not be white, but they are strong.
And strong is good.

Funny how almost no-one seems this idea worthy of discussion.
This is the solution.
The only solution.

It's not worth the discussion
All of Europe are de facto vasalls of America already.
A white future only exists without America

europeans > russians > ... > arabs, chinese, vedic indians, iranians > mongols, turks, native americans > rejects of societies like americans, australians, jews, gypsies > ... > niggers.


It would be tremendous power within a alliance. Moscow seems to think we can work together.

Dude, you forgot to put
"Italians>europeans" in front of your composite disequation.

Higher IQ, long life experancy, services, first nationalist country raised in 2018, high exportations, life quality in general, the highest density of culture, scientists ecc...

Do you not realize that without Americans, none of us would be typing on our computers right now?
They are incredibly resourceful and mostly white.
They are needed.

Can we also get in pls

Fuck off poo NZ is getting in on this way before you.

>OP used the same retarded pepe as that 'jew hater' Bowers
what did he mean by this?

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Are you seriously suggesting the US invented the computer or that Europe +Japan couldn't get it to today's standard on their own?

But you are small and irrelevant

Sure they could.
What I am saying is the: having lived in the USA for 10 years myself, and having experienced what Americans do say and think when you talk to them in a private setting.
They are more white than most of us Europeans.

Peace can

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No wonder why russians are the niggers of the snows.

Pepe of Peace

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Feels good man

Wait a couple of years until Merkel is no longer chancellor.
And spread this idea in your own small surroundings.
It will be the only and viable solution we have.
It will be this, or a general world shit hole.

Imagine all the pepes

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Still surprised about the few responses, to be honest.

what are you talking about? all europeans are one family. it doesn't matter if belgian or hungarian or italian.

More or less, yes.
What this world boils down to is: WE or the others.
And I would rather have it be we

Never thought I would end up bumping my own thread.
But now I do.
Faggots, please start thinking.

you're focusing too much on the political side of the issue, which is marginal. truth is that nobody really believe in, nor like , organized economic o political strategies.

That is a mistake.