Why don't conservatives understand the concept of context when making a point?

Why don't conservatives understand the concept of context when making a point?
Like there's difference between black man saying that whites are the problem and whites saying the same thing.

I mean context is everything.

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Whites are the problem.
They're at fault for not genociding the niggers.

White guy

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The context is he's full of shit.

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>Like there's difference between black man saying that whites are the problem and whites saying the same thing.

What's the context?

i hate this race baiting nigger

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Don is a faggot. literally

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Context is that white people are pitbulls and black people are chihuahua. So like you can forgive chihuahua any bad behaviour because you know they are harmless while pitbulls can kill you. We allow chihuahua to be assholes but we can't let pitbulls behave the same way because the consequenses will be severe.

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Read The Lucifer Curves.

Chihuahua in this case has a cable news network behind him.

Are you telling me only blacks and minorities have been exposed to leads? And this is supposed to be your defense of a whole race of peoples reasoning for totally chimping out and being the main cause of our nations criminal population? our packed jails and prisons.. CUZ LEAD?

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i wish this is how normal people looked

This nigger has consumed so much aryan seed via mouth and anus that he's got himself confused.

No, I'm not saying [i]only[/i], but there are statistical tendencies. You can observe a statistical tendency while also observing an exception.

And yes. Lead is the cause.

Lead is the cure.

If anyone or anything, you should be blaming the democrat party for keeping the big city slums SLUMS AND GHETTOS. People are getting rich off of poverty, States giving out free gtibs like welfare and insane living costs high rents in shitty areas, who funds this? the dems want to keep you down so they can "keep helping you" it's a bullshit pyramid scheme. They don't want to help the poor they want to maintain the poor so you cant ever stop needing them. keeping you on the plantation one way on another. Same with illegals, that low cost labor really benefits the upper class rich people.

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It wouldn't surprise me. The Democratic party is a bourgeois party, after all.

buyer's remorse

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It is so awesome how much the left is losing, all around the world. They are terrified.


Refreshing to see someone thinking outside the box with their bait for once.

We aren't terrified in the slighest, nor are we losing in the game of logic; you've just yet to come into contact with one who can coherently argue.

What’s the explanation for why they act the same way in other countries? Only blacks get exposed to lead globally?

Flynn effect.

There is no way to validate your assertion ergo it is opinion and not fact
>inb4 libed experience
No, because my experience is from having to deal with faggots like you

Well, Flynn effect and socioeconomic factors.

There’s actually a more real historical explanation. Scottish highland culture is extremely violent and shortsighted and when the Scott’s came to the southern US their intermingling with Blacks led blacks to adopt the cultures which is what we refer to as “ghetto culture”

That's idealist.

does that explain africa too?
or why niggers in europe and australia act the same as they do in America?

fucking lmao, niggers are subhuman and always will be unless they undergo a heavy eugenics program. why the fuck are the left so anti-science?

>it was in muh book so it’s the end all be all
Fucking neck yourself

Doesn’t explain why poor Hispanics or poor Asians are less likely to commit violence or be jailed, not even native Americans commit the same levels of crime

Flynn effect and socioeconomic factors explain Africa. Every social tendency has its origins rooted in material conditions.

Socioeconomic factors do.

Poor Hispanics and poor Asians are in distinct material conditions from blacks in the US.

So Flynn affect only applies to poor blacks? Every other poor minority doesn’t act the same way here in the US just blacks

It's not about poorness; it's about the absence of modernization.

>Flynn effect and socioeconomic factors explain Africa
>Flynn effect

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hard to come by lmfao almost all kikes and commies are dumb as

I dont think you know what the flynn effect is

Okay, then what is communism?

Are you saying poor Hispanics that came from the cartel wars zones of Juarez yet still commit less violence are Better than blacks who objectively had much more material wealth and a safer more comfortable life?

Blacks living in welfare in the us have more modern amenities than most migrants from Asia India and South America so are you saying the less exposure to modernity the better?

Hispanics didn't have to deal with lead poisoning.

No, I'm saying the IQ disparity between US whites and Africans is due to the Flynn effect. The Flynn effect has nothing to do with the United States itself.

So now we are full circle...explain blacks on the rest of the world...also you just said it’s exposure to modernity

By Africans here, I mean residents of Africa, not blacks.

Is that why when Republican says statement X Politifact says it's Liar Liar Pants on Fire but when Democrat says statement X Politifact says it's Mostly True?

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Can you?
Doesn't exist in Germany and other first world nations importing a new population.
>Socioeconomic factors
Whats your excuse for the state of Africa?
>Socioeconomic factors explain Africa.
A functional civilization was never built because they hunter gatherers socioeconomic factors. Don't make me laugh.

I’m not sure you understand the Flynn affect

I wasn't talking about Hispanics when I mentioned the Flynn effect. I was talking about the IQ disparity between US whites and African blacks.

Im talking about violence and crime rates

Flynn affect is about IQ and how it’s scores are meaningless because tests change

Communism is pretty much National Socialism with the focus being on the working class instead of the Volk. I've read quite enough to ruin your beliefs on communism.

It’s about the untrustworthiness of standardized testing. Fake tests don’t lead to blacks being more poor than even the most “odds stacks against them” migrant in the US or other counties

Neck yourself faggot.


Fuck Niggers.

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Thats a good question!

Why is the Left so anti science? they don't think gay or trannys are a mental disorder.. They think keeping poverty on the states tit will give them a life of freedom and opportunity, while they are hooked on free shit there is no drive to work. instead a drive to use and sell drugs. in turn there's violence and crime.. list goes on. it's like driving past a bum on a freeway exit and giving him a dollar. he's just going to keep coming back to that spot cause he knows he'll get a dollar. but that doesn't fix anything. So sure lets let all these illegals in so the leftist state workers keep their jobs and state budgets can inflate and increase tax's. the answer is so simple but the dems just want to oppose anything that just might stop poverty or help because they would be out of business if they did.

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Violence and crime are correlated with IQ. It is also correlated with unemployment and starvation. Higher average IQ is correlated with modernization.

How so?

That'd be pretty hot, not gonna lie.

A mental disorder is a psychological state that causes distress and/or impairment. Having a transgender identity doesn't inherently lead to distress and impairment. And no, when transgender people are talking about gender identity, they are not talking about sex.

I hate people that let small dogs be such little shits

Communism's entire focus is on the proletariat vs the bourgeoisie. You focus on solidarity between workers in their common struggle. National socialism is about solidarity between the volk in their common struggle. Both are anti-capitalist and authoritarian.

2 scoops 2 genders 2 terms

But the Flynn affect is that IQ scores are subjective and not a correlation of intelligence. So how does that make sense

I think you reAlllly don’t get the Flynn affect

You fucking hateful nigger.

>compares Don Lemon to a chihuahua
Stop inferring that all black people are pathetic twerps who work for the most asinine fake news organization on the planet.

That’s not very polite, Mr. Lemon.

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He's talking about the specific part of the flynn effect that says that parents will give birth to children with a higher IQ than themselves in developed countries.

He's not explaining how those countries initially became developed. He does have a point, look at US blacks compared to Australian aboriginals, there must be a 15 point average IQ difference mainly I think due to their exposure times to western civilization.

wouldn't it be great if we just became what they say we are anyways
heh..boy would they be surprised huh

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Fascism emerges as a result of the failure of social democracy; it begins with the high bourgeoisie's mobilization of the lumpenproletariat and petty bourgeoisie against the proletariat.


Race is a component of the superstructure; class is a component of the base.

Nazism is idealism; Marxism is materialism.

Nazism is not common ownership of productive means, free access to the articles of consumption, consciously planned production for use value, participatory democracy, statelessness, classlessness, or moneylessness; it is not any of that sort. It is not comparable to communism.

>don't judge what I say based on my character, judge it based on my skin,color

So blacks are immune to the Flynn affect? If their IQ hasn’t gone up..also doesn’t the Flynn affect state that it doesn’t go up because of more intelligence just more exposure to how the standardized test should be which negates the point he’s trying to make it you take the Flynn effect theory as a whole

Nothing is free kiddo.

Hitler gave nearly everyone a car and a job. The economic model was similar except that National Socialism was successful economically while marxism was an abject failure. It can be summed up as thus.
>Give me that for free By Karl Marx
The problem with this ideology is that "free" things only comes from stealing said things, like the confiscation of the farms with led to the holodomor.

Everything of value comes from hard work.

No they aren't immune to the flynn effect, look at the average IQ of an african vs an african american. It's just when you start with less it takes longer to improve measurably.

Blacks aren't immune to the Flynn effect; it's just that chronic lead poisoning is correlated with lower IQ and heightened aggression and that blacks in the United States are more likely to be victims of chronic lead poisoning.

>lead poisoning.
You have to do better, either cite scientific studies that back up this hypothesis or stop claiming it.

Socialism was not a failure; it was a success: youtube.com/watch?v=wWS4Nyl3sNw

The Holodomor is a myth:

>Communism isn't comparable to National Socialism.
>Yeah that genocide under communism was totally fake but the genocide under national socialism was totally real.
Kek, spare me.
Use your words not YouTube videos, you claimed to be able to debate.

I already cited The Lucifer Curves.

I never said the Holocaust was real nor is it relevant to this discussion.

I did not claim to be able to debate.

>I already cited The Lucifer Curves.
Look I might read all that, you are ignoring the types of civilizations that were built, for example the chinese built huge empires thousands of years ago, was this because of their socioeconomic status or was this because of their IQ?
Saying that how many Chinese athletes could compete with an African in high impact sports?
You guys act as if it's blasphemy to tell the truth.


>"white men are the problem"
>gets white d*ck everyday

stupid nigger

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The Chinese had different material conditions from current day Africans so to compare them isn't very convincing of an argument.

That wasn't me stating I was capable of debate; that was me stating you haven't met one of us that is capable of debate e.g. Comrade Hakim.

I think if the lefty MSM and dems want open borders then they are just asking for trouble, Don Lemon himself might as well be the person raping and killing your children. I'm sick of our country being ruined by stupid people who think just because they are more wealthy then most and have exposure.. they can spew out such garbage and pretend its correct, moral and the right thing to do. This is why we need conservatives in DC. We need to solve the problem at the root not slap a bandaid on it. Alright assholes I'm heading out like a herd of turtles

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Also, IQ is correlated with socioeconomic status so it's socioeconomic status in this situation.

lol i meant this pic.. hes a ms13 member

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>Both are anti-capitalist and authoritarian.
>Privatization is anti-capitalist now.

>The USSR was authoritarian
>The USSR was authoritarian
>The USSR was authoritarian

I agree with you about the material conditions, I believe, backed by evolutionary science. That different races developed different characteristics based on their environment. Similar to how we see subspecies in animals. Africans developed in a similar environment to the Australian Aboriginal except with more predators.

Use your words.

I'd like you to argue there is significant genetic difference between all racial populations.

No. I have no need to. Watch the videos; they're better than my words could ever be.

It's not about what you'd like it's about what's true.

Surely a true rational would take the opportunity to challenge eir viewpoint instead of whining about how someone's posting videos instead of writing essays for them.