What happened in 1970?

What happened in 1970?

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what stuff?

let it be was a success

You mean the peak of human civilization? Yes, it's all downhill from here.

MKU ultra happened. Even though LSD was very new and could only be made in a lab by people who knew how to do it, millions and millions of tablets were somehow produced (US government cough cough). There goal was mind control, which they tested out on individuals before dumping it into the public, their goal was to make a more liberal society to help with desegregation and the civil conflict that would’ve probably happened otherwise


Bram what are you doing here



people lived and did things


jurgen ben jij dat

>MKU ultra happened

Yeah. Basically LSD was discovered (invented?) in the dawn of cybernetics. So people were familiar with cybernetics and the potential for a new global connectivity (and even off-world connectivity). The silicon age was in it's prime. LSD made them think that there was /perhaps/ a psychic version of cybernetics, since that's exactly what users of LSD described. Connectedness, ego-death, removal of the divide between the world of phenomena and nomena. Since this was also the height of the Cold War, they knew that they had to find out if it actually was or not. Psychic warfare might have seemed silly to normies, but it would be a global game-changer if it was legit and they couldn't take that risk. It would be more disasterous than nuclear war. So they MKUltra'd the fuck out of their own soldiers, students, celebrities, etc. Obviously it wasn't actually psychic cybernetics, but nor was it not useful.


look up New Age movement

im not german

1970, eh? You talking birth of the net, MKULTRA in full swing, "moon landings", or Air America selling horse on the streets?

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gold standard killed
tech growth ended (tech growth that isnt telecoms) but was expected to continue
3rd wave feminism
oil crisis
(((somebody))) took over as financialization replaced growth

This but unironically
Das Net

untethering from gold-backed supply*, it was killed in like 1933 and debased immediately

>Das Net
Genau. Watch that fucking documentary. It's on YouTube for free.

frank ben jij dat dik zwijn


>Air America selling horse on the streets?

wie dan



nah its me beerhemd

ah kek

No. Shut up Miss Information. LSD was discovered in the 1940's by a Swiss pharmaceutical research chemist named Albert Hoffman and MKUltra was developed in the 50's and was ended and covered up in the 70'a because the house intelligence committee was investigating the CIA.

Also the CIA gave LSD to a Harvard Psychologist named Timothy Leary who started dosing college kids "tune in, turn on, and drop out" he advised them.

fuck off zoomer

in italy the cia and other nato secret services started spreading heroin and shit to undermine youths political activism


that was after the initial experiments returned useless results and they realized that the only value in LSD was low-dose neuroregeneration (something they dont want) and high-dose 'mindwiping'. thats why all of those beat generation/hippie scene dark-glowers encourage uncontrolled usage to achieve a sort of reversion to the primacy enjoyed by savage peoples (ignoring the fact that only a vast minority of advanced shamans ever used things like psylocibin and ayucasha more than a few times in their entire lives)

It was discovered in the 40’s, and they started using it in the 50’s. How is that not new, and how is that adversarial to what I said

Whites became complacent.

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my dad became 7

was one of him not enough ?

nah i needed more

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Unix time began

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