The left can't meme

>the left can't meme

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yeah, they cant

the middle East is definitely a priority....

How do I submit my application as a shill? I need money and they need memes. If this doesnt work capitalism confirmed dead


>I enrolled to fight for Israel, not defend our borders!

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>Implying the military doesn't love Trump
>Implying our boys would rather murder/die for greater israel than lob some nonlethal crowd control at spics AND actually be defending the US while on US soil
>implying implications

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>I enrolled to fight for byzantine ((Deep State)) financial interests like DRUGS AND OIL, not to defend my homeland, fag!

This is just sad. No one signed up specifically to fight in the middle east. They signed up to kill dune coons. Doesn't matter where they do that. They just wanted to do that.
But that was a full 15 fucking years ago. Pretty sure the motivations of new recruits is slightly different now; and probably back to the classic "I just wanna shoot people" or classic patriotism.

The left can’t meme

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The left doesn't even understand that they're shooting down their chances at the midterms with this bullshit. They're going "WE CAN'T LOSE" again and will cry foul when they lose again tomorrow.

My apolitical younger brother even brought up this cartoon to me and how fucking terrible it is

next time bro

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> Soldiers didn't join to protect America against foreign entities

>White men were born to die in the Middle East, not defending our sovereignty
-The New York Times

>Note from the author: We enroll in the military now, it’s not longer enlist. Pass it on.

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>trump "sends" troops
>Jow Forums, /r_the donald, and all the righties praise this effort of a real president
>conservatives cheer
>pentagon reveals why they sent troops to the border
>only 20% sent will actually be there
>their job is to stop rogue citizens (aka "minutemen") from patrolling
>boarder patrol wants those rednecks gone becuase they have no training and are trigger happy
>Pentagon states that troops are there to also stop these rednecks from looting boarder patrol's stock
they dont have the meme, the right is their own meme.

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> fight for Israel!
> no no no don't fight for America!
Wow Leftists are so deep

>enrolling in the military

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>come get some

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>I enrolled to die for Isreal

How butthurt are you gonna be Wed? Will you neck yourself? Will you livestream it please?

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Almost perfect. All its missing are the (((echoes))) on NYT Opinion.