Why does Poland lie about being white, and having no migrants?

Why does Poland lie about being white, and having no migrants?

Attached: 20180916_011242.jpg (498x676, 114K)

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These fuckers were everywhere when I visited Poznan

Attached: IMG_20180826_104007.jpg (1023x913, 131K)

That's called an Arab pack. They roam the streets looking for white men to beat up and white women to fuck.


they are like rats


Why are you lying nigger? Those are NOT Trams in PoznaƄ, but in Warsaw you fucking lying nigger.

Attached: tramwaje w poznaniu.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Most of them are either on a student visa or a work visa.

Also this.

>Visited Poznan
>posts Warsaw
>the liberal shithole of Poland controled by EU Cock sucking party

many do IT jobs because Poles become more and more degenerated and lazy. Instead of studying they are on karachan and play dota2 all day.

*run away to the richer west

they will marry ugly fat polish girl get divorce once they got citizenship and ship in their cousin from overseas to make many 'polish' children. Just wait and see, it takes about 4 decades to become us.

Don't worry, Western Europe will probably have its civil war before it gets that bad and we'll just expel them. Either that, or we'll all simply end up living in Mexico 2.0.

These are tourists. Case closed. Q.E.D.

Did you know that these people can't be citizens? If 2 permant residents have a child that child does not become polish.

Basically have to have polish blood to ever be a citizen or a spouse to someone who is

It is over.

Poland was always a kike shithole, what do you expect. Russia will wipe that shitstain off the map when Nato chimps out, and it's a good thing.

Even ultra-emperial Russians don't want it.

kek, no one does

Where's the Brit user? We need another Euroweek thread.

There will be German refugees living in tent cities at the Polish boarder.

Mein Gott! The Irony!

You all just need an update about situation in Poland:


Attached: 1536371301276.jpg (608x600, 51K)

>You didn't visit [random place]! You just visited the largest city, that's not the true [random place]!
Can we all agree this excuse is really pathetic? I'm so sick of the Swedish saying "Well that's your fault for going to Stockholm, you should come to [my random town] instead." Or Americans saying "California is NOT America! If you wanna seal the REAL stuff then blablabla..."
I know that saying these things helps you sleep better but can we please stop making these retarded excuses.

Update from "some guy"? Marek, this is a 40min video of some schiizophrennic guy telliing you what you want to hear, nothing more, nothing less. I'll give it a try, but after 3min's in, i'm already bored.

wow, 10 migrants. wtf Poland!?

>meanwhile there are thousands upon thousands in France, Italy and Spain

Search "euroweek poland Jow Forums/4plebs"
Literally sex camps for migrant men and Polish schoolgirls
It's ogre