Should women have equal voting rights?

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she lookin like a anime bitch

women shouldnt have rights in general t b h


Go write nigger somewhere else, nigger.

they already have voting superiority, they get to vote without having to sign up for the draft and they are a majority.

Everyone should have to have bi-annual interviews to detect extremely bias. Simple questions like who the party for civil rights was prior to the 60s, etc. If they answer some brain washed shit that's a no vote.


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Young good looking whore don't even vote.
It's the old hags you have to worry about.

OwO a cute finnish boi responded *blushes* >/////

Bitch is flatter than an ekg machine attached to a dead person.



you misspelled perfect

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>Should women have equal


no look at the degrading ' liberalism ' in europe and america. now look in places like asia. this is because women

Lääh uuh spruits spruits!!! Lurpsista!!! maiskis!!!

Here's how you get birthrates up... you can only vote if you're married... one vote per married couple.

Stop speaking like a negro. It does not become you.

Yes. That was easy.
>Do they have equal voting rights
Thank goodness, yes

Uh... no.

hey easy now i like dem little titties

post em faggots

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Absolutely not. Female suffrage was the worst mistake the west ever made.

i am half black

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>Making up headcanon so you can hate women
How lonely are you user?

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aww yiss

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all for today

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should you be banned for posting this same thread every morning?


Giving women and niggers the vote was the biggest mistake this country ever made. White boys should've teamed up with darkies to keep the female down. The female gender is yo unstable to be let free.


or you can get birthrates up by going back to the system we've had since the beginning of civilization instead of the current 90% divorce rate and single mothers system we have

Many such cases

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I'm sorry to hear that. There is still no reason to deliberately butcher a language. You only reinforce the stereotype of your own stupidity.

wait a second, i think i know those cunts.

I mean, that works too. But the only chance we have of getting back to that is a civil war. I'm hoping one breaks out soon, we need the weak to be gone.

>Too unstable
Men have been fucking things up and keeping women down for centuries. I'm ready for a matriarchy

Languages change by nature and slang is part of that. You're not speaking Latin right now for a reason, dumb fuck.

No. Most men shouldn't have voting rights either.

Feminism is a self-correcting problem. You get power -> you import savages -> savages take your power away.

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Lol absolutely not


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Women should have the same rights as pets ideally

Fucking yes, pulling no.


Married women, yes. Single women, no.

>Feminism is a self-correcting problem. You get power -> you import savages -> savages take your power away.
Cool. You only lose civilization and technology in the process.

>lesson learned


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Well, if you don't want that, you'll have to fix feminism yourself.

If she was an anime she wouldn't have skinned cat knees.

>another cow tit worshiper instead of preferring nymph-like classical beauty goddesses


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>dumb fuck
>following the rules of a language
Pick one you ignorant buffoon. Languages were standardized for a reason, they evolved because rural peasants had no education. With today's technology there is no excuse to not speak properly. Words fall in and out of use, and slang does play a factor, but to flagrantly disregard any kind of grammar is an entirely different beast. To do so only confirms what an ignorant nigger you are


You earn voting rights by being married and having at least one child. So no more Merkel, Macron, etc. suicide politicans.

its insane how ugly her sister is compared to her. Lauren said all she does is smoke weed and party all the time though.

Mother or not, women are emotional beings not rational. Logic and arguments are two cents for them if any around politics, even so they just don't care about it because politics will lead you to discussion and rethoric which is extremely painful for them.

Thanks a lot Marxist Jews

Your picture looks nothing like the degenerate in OP, though.

>lesson learned
you would think after Romans we would learn something

>women shame/blame men for this
you are right there

I would disown this whore if she was my daughter. If she was under my roof she would be beaten

>fucking things up
Like creating pretty much everything you own?
But on the other hand we did let women vote.


wait, nigger is a world filter now?!

0 voting rights, they will regret their degeneracy when they become commodities again

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>Open toed shoes
>Toenails aren't done
>Pale translucent skin

This chick is busted and overrated on this board.

No, just a typo. I meant to write "in nigger".

She is fine you fag.

Onlt the intelligent ones

Paco, your taste in women is shit. She's the most basic bitch Canadian chick I've ever seen.

only reason I opened this thread desu senpai

disgusting roasties sticking their asses out like some nigger baboon
this is NOT attractive and if you think it is then you've become full cuck

No, and the voting age should be raised back to 21 and literacy tests allowed.
Because women, young and stupid people shouldn't vote.

>Should women have equal voting rights?

I think it was well established here that women should not even have rights.

I bet you like traps and trannies too

i love the way you fuckfaces bend and shape the definition of a cuck to fit your argument. stay mad incel

probably kisses them on the lips too.

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>the definition of a cuck
You're a leaf, so I'm confident they all apply to you.

yes sound rebuttal you dumb little shit.

You are the epitome of emasculation. Judging by toenails done and shoes. I only saw a smiling young and curvy girl. What is not fine is your flag, Fag.

She looks like a whore

not in those shoes

Women shouldn't vote, nevermind "equal voting rights."

Canada is beyond hope.

Did you say your mom wasn't as pretty as her?

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Thank you Austria. Very redpilled of you to post it.


I prefer both of her friends


These cuties get full rights.



no, but those women should have my cock equally inside them

Can you afford them?

probably, but it wouldn't be worth it for that money i'm guessing

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