Is bestiality proof that sex with kids is ok?

I fucked my dog since he was a puppy and he is still like any other dog. None of that "hurrr durrr I'm a victim call the police"

Animals can't consent of course but it's still ok to fuck animals according to Jow Forums so why can't we fuck kids who can talk?

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You crossed a line you can never uncross

>I fucked my dog since he was a puppy
why hide your flag if you're just going to tell us you're Canadian anyway?

Kill yourself.

show flag and nobody will get hurt

well you can kill and eat animals but you must not fuck them
shame on you

Fuck you

You can't kill and eat dogs though.

I can tell from the post that you are Canadian

If you're married to the

> kid

then sex with the kid is the natural way to multiply

this is part of

> be fruitful and multiply

if you aren't married to the kid, then it is sin to have sex with the kid

> so why can't we

God isn't a dictator, that isn't how sin works.

>be woman
>bend over
>dog initiates sex

Only women are morally justified in fucking dogs. Bestiality is wrong and an abomination if you're a man.

>it's still ok to fuck animals according to Jow Forums
Since fucking when, cunt? Are you just making things up to suit your weak ass argument?

Flawless logic. You win the prize.

>Animals can't consent of course but it's still ok to fuck animals according to Jow Forums
Why do you degenerate faggots make shit up? Last time I checked, Jow Forums wasn't Canada.

>Only women
You're a fucking retard.

>Whip my dick out
>Kid/dog initiates blowjob

>not using a Canadian flag for this post

tell em chinese , eh

see this thread

Oh, Canada. You used to be polite and friendly, and always have bacon to spare. You'd drink for fun, and enjoy rocking out to dadrock way before the dadrock meme was a thing. Now look at you.

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show your flag muhamabar

sex is good brother

All life is reducible to physics, meaning that free will doesn't exist. Therefore rape is morally fine since you literally can't help yourself.

What I'm saying is if you find the loli it wasn't my fault.

>Using a leaf poster to generalise Jow Forums
Your attempts to shill/slide are fucking pathetic, you dumb kike.

You wouldnt fuck spinach either

I'm pretty sure there's zero proof that sex is somehow traumatic for people. Violence attached to it is. But the violence is only attached to it when it's a crime. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. As long as it's a crime, it's violent, as long as it's violent, it's traumatic. I've been happily fapping and looking at porn since about 6, never felt like it was traumatic in any way. But if some whore of a women sucked my dick by force, that would be traumatic. However, if it was an arrangement I myself agreed to, I think I would've been very happy about it. I don't understand how this position is controversial since I'm pretty sure everyone can look back and see that they would've also been very happy about an arrangement like this.

there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults, as long as it's consensual.

>animals can't consent
Except they can. A kid is not going to spread their legs, look at you with lust, and beg for you to fuck them. Animals will give similar signs, though.

Unironically neck yourself you perverted kike.

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You of course **can** do that, and fathers and uncles do it all the time and never get caught. You can even kill them. If you don't get caught, then its okay.

Consent? Please.

We will hunt you down and erase your kind from the face of the earth.

Find the other half of your brain and then come back here.

>I fucked my puppy


>it's still ok to fuck animals according to Jow Forums
No it's not.


Also sex with children is bad even when they want it because they have too little experience to grasp what is happening.

>women are morally justified in fucking dogs
Maybe morraly justified in terms of dog's consent when not using strapon or sth like that, but it is still disgusting.

What next Canadafag? Animal brothels? Incest Dad-daughter marriages? Homosexual marriages?

I just hope you were trolling all along and you understand how disgusting this topic is.

You've come to the wrong place you sick filthy degenerate.

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>/pol calls others degenerate
that is hilarious

>normies only response is an insult
Right back at you.

go fuck your mother you freak

>No it's not.
>Maybe morraly justified in terms of dog's consent when not using strapon or sth like that
Make your mind up dipshit.

Were you a kid? Did you not look at porn? Stop pretending we were all angels from heaven who turned into humans at a certain point. We're sick fucks from the start and you know it because you're also presumably human.

Fucking leafs and their shenanigans, I swear to God.

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>please take my child to rape and murder as a sacrifice for Satan
t. far left
>my daughter is the purest angel ever created and i will chop off any dick that ever touches her
t. far right

Hello Barry after you fuck your dog do you still fuck Michelle?

Kill Yourself kike-loving degenerate.

Outside the obvious shills, /leftypol/, and usual weeb shitposters most of Jow Forums isn't degenerate. But please consider suicide user, you'll do humanity a favor.

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Says fucking who ...?

Big red pill: everything you enumerated in the "what's next?" category was a real thing in post-wwi Germany, courtesy of jewish mercantile classes.

The law?

>see this thread I created earlier? That means Jow Forums agrees with me because I agree with myself

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Fucking animals makes you a filthy degenerate abomination who would be systematically shunned if you ever told anyone that irl and arrested in most of the civilized world. Fucking kids gets you the bullet or the rope or gassed. I really don’t care how pedos die as long as they’re dead.

>not using a Canadian proxy

I made my mind the first time you illiterate.

Women bestiality may be morraly justified when its the dog who initiates the act, which doesn't affect the fact that it is not ok to fuck animals according to Jow Forums even if its a woman fucked by chihuahua.

No wonder my Grandparents were disgusted with them.