It's true, after the Dems get BTFO in the midterms there will be mass suicides across the country in the coming days and weeks and months. Prepare yourselves now.
Democrat Mass Suicides Start Tomorrow
Alternatively the butthurt on here will be equally as satisfying
Team chaos. Fuck everyone
Red storm red storm
and what if not? You forget that it can be other way around
Digits reminder that Kek is a god of chaos and not a deity of your beliefs.
I sincerely hope so.
gonna laugh when tomorrow everyone is going to be shitting their pants and crying that the Dems cheated somehow.
>Dem mass suicide
Nah, I'm actually happy considering whites are becoming a minority, Trump is the last Republicuck president and then after him America will be blue forever, thanks to demographics and your shill at power!
Both sides have a slew of children who can't handle when they lose or don't get what they want
It's embarrassing, if these people really respected the integrity and honor of the Right wingers of the past they'd see that they can't act like a bunch of babies. Whining and moaning and complaining. They're no better than the sjw liberals if they do that.
That's not a bait you dumb retarded cunt, it's the truth, whites become a minority and then America is our.
by KEK let it be true
that would solve a lot of problems
If you don't like white people then why not go the length and move to Africa or something? Why stay in a white country, I don't get it.
Digits reminder that a republican win would cause the most chaos in the short run, dem win for long term chaos
A pearl clutching rino graph fag
Moderate “conservatives” are more likely to commit acts of terror because I posted a graph with my reply I hope you die in a grease fire you gutless faggot
someone saw themselves in the criticism and threw a temper tantrum
it's ok, want your blanky?
I'm curious, what makes you think that the dems are going to get BTFO across the board? Seems to me you are operating on pure emotion rather than facts.
Facts: it’s the economy stupid
Facts: the Trump economy is the best in 40 years.
>team chaos
lol that will happen when the Republicans get a supermajority and can kick Jews out of the country by Constitutional Amendment
>stop being a sissy kike faggot
i like that