How do you raise a family without tying yourself to the depreciation asset that is a woman?

How do you raise a family without tying yourself to the depreciation asset that is a woman?

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You can just focus on yourself, and work your way up to a job that'll make you a shit ton of cash. Then, you can either find a worthy woman who makes as much as you, fuck her and bust in her and have her pop out a baby... Or, skip the woman shit and just adopt a kid(s) if you don't want to deal with a woman at all.

Inthink raising your genetic child is a valuable part of having kids.
Keep your first plan, but instead of finding a woman who makes as much as you, you marry a woman that is going to be a house maker and a mother.

The ultimate in cuckery

If you have money hire a surrogate

>skip the woman shit and just adopt a kid(s) if you don't want to deal with a woman at all.
this doesn't preserve your bloodline, for most of you it doesn't mean shit but some of us have inherited traits that come from our unique genetic heritage


forced meme, doesn't exist except to serve as a taxable entity.

>How do I raise my children if my wife is getting uglier?
elaborate on your niggerdom, OP

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but niggers will outbreed you,you are only prolonging the suffering of sentient life

Just make yourself attractive, worst case scenario is you fuck after work while your fat housewife frets. Best case scenario she sees all the women throwing themselves at you and gets her shit together to try and stop you cheating. There's also always surgery and gyms and personal trainers and dietitians. If you have some fat slob at home it's partially your fault for letting her be one. Buy her a gym membership, be in control of the money and only buy healthy amounts of food.

there is objectively no reason to get married in 2018 unless you are ugly

He looks like he's depreciating too.

doesn't matter how well she stays in shape, women age like milk. further, if you marry a woman and do that she will likely divorce you and be given custody of the children and you will be saddled with cripplingly unfair alimony and child support. that's the 'patriarchy' we live in.


Lmao who cares about bloodlines and genetics?
Raising the child has more of an impact than what genes the kid is born with (obviously a healthy kid that's not retarded is what I'd be inclined to adopt).
Shit, give me a black kid, indian kid, or an asian kid, I don't care. I'll still raise them in a way that will allow them to strive in the future.
At the end of the day it's your kid, and that kid is gonna see you as the person who raised and cared for them. Bloodlines don't mean shit at that point.
Besides, if you really want to talk about genetics and bloodlines, look around you.
I'm sure we all have relatives out there who you probably don't even know of, and I bet they're having kids of their own, preserving your bloodline without your help at all.
And if that doesn't help, then go to a sperm bank and unload gallons of cum to ease your worries of bloodlines.

Some of you faggots are just going to have to accept that women get fat after having kids.

Get over it: there's nothing wrong with a woman being fat after she's had your children, in fact you probably wouldn't notice this fact if it wasn't for the curse of facebook which gives you a day-by-day look at how your wife gets fatter.

Nobody noticed this in the past, because nobody bothered to photograph every facet of their daily lives.

tl;dr most women get fat after having kids, and the ones who make an effort to get thin are looking to get someone else... so beware.

Lol enjoy raising jamal's kid that will grow up to not think of you as their real dad, faggot

Not if you want to build a legacy.
Nowhere did I mention looks. I'm talking about the huge financial risks that getting married these days convey. Learn how to read, fucking retard.
Niggers are parasites. A few with the right uprising will still rule above all the niggers in the world even if they outbreed you.
Already doing this. Never really had a problem getting girls, but lately I realize that none of them have really made me happy. There's always some sort of stability problem with them and they dramatize everything. I'm just sick of having to guide women in their 20s as if they were still going through puberty. I only dated Jow Forums girls that had family values and even those are a mess. It also doesn't help that now they think they are strong independent women when in reality they are incompetent for anything other than giving birth.

It won't be "jamal's kid", it'll be my kid.
The kid may not see me as the biological father, but they'll see me as the one who raised them. Which, again, has more of an impact of genetics on the kid.

It is over.

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tom has scientology on his side maxing out his thetans tho so this isn't really fair.

So much wtf. She was so fucking hot in that movie.

Marry an Asian woman. They're beautiful into age and they earn high salaries and have great work ethic.

lol Women told men that money wasn't everything so they'd have a chance in the work force.

Dude.... what the...

just learn to love in all aspects, even if things dont go your desired way

you get married to a 20 year old in your 40s like a real man

if you get married to a girl that isn't at the very least 12 years younger you are a retard of epic proportions

i dont understand ...was she lacking ...

What’s wrong with you? Divorce is easy. Take care of the old bag and kids while fucking hotter younger women.

That assumes you are even marriage quality yourself.

If you have a decent career, $, and/or community status it's easy af to have mistresses

You get married to a woman from a good family to have a respectable heir to carry on your name. After that you can ignore her and fuck all the boipussy you want, that's the aristocrat's way.

Good luck with that. Most women loathe old cock and constantly ridicule it to their friends.

No, that's the faggots way

>marriage material
>capable of sustaining any kind of human intimacy


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>divorce is easy
Right, after she gets the house, the car, custody and a fat check each month

What's the point of raising a kid if it isn't yours? You are a next level cuck if you do that shit

Leo isn't exactly his younger self. He's aged pretty meh. The only thing is he hasn't gotten fat.

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buy what appreciates, rent what depreciates.

She's like 7 years older than Cruise

Marry someone down to earth, don't marry Caroline to start

Not every woman can age like Christie Brinkley but Jesus fuck.

She's 61. Tom Cruise is like 55. Might not seem like much but it is a difference. That's granny age.

>you will never stick your face in Rose's fat brapper

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I got bit hard by this meme. She doesn't work and I can't even have kids cause me balls don't work.
>inb4 "surprise" pregnancy

that is an absolutely horrifying transformation

>dating one of those "high powered big earner" women

May as well just clip your nuts now senpai