What is wrong with these people?

Attached: white liberals discrimination.jpg (750x737, 50K)

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They know how racist white people really are.

based digit

The NPC meme was literally one of the most true things the internet managed to shit out.

They don't do it for the benefit of others. Their "moral benevolence" is purely self serving.

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based and bluepilled

What is that supposed to mean?

Sheltered upbringing. Weak parents. Strong media influence. Too much freedom. Never told to shut up. College.

The "A" section alone would take a week.

They're too sheltered to know what makes white people racist.

Because blacks have a inside view on how other blacks act.

Doesnt cost them anything


Nice meme.
*tips fedora*

Because they are the racist white people.

That’s because niggers don’t realize how bigoted most who’re people are. I mean black people

>What is wrong with these people?
Narcissistic mental health condition formerly known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Attached: case_of_the_munchausens2.jpg (750x751, 113K)

Fpbp checked and kekd

COUNTERPOINT: Black people hate niggers too

its a mental disorder, scientifically proven

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Theyve been conditioned overtime to get a rush of oxytocin and dopamine. Theyre stupid junkies basically.

>what's wrong with these people?
Bad parents
Replacing God with the state and
Exposure to communist in college that ends with massive debt and no prospects (because they all major in being a communist)

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>falling for clickbait

Assblasted faggot detected

edgy alt right faggot detected

It just goes to show who (((they))) target the most with propaganda.

The difference is people glorify fags and as fucking while being white is considered negative by liberals

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From what I've seen most people are neutral to positive about gay pride. Anal sex isn't usually mentioned though, and I've literally never, ever heard anyone talk positively about STDs.
Being white isn't considered negative by everybody btw. It's mostly butthurt SJWs that shame people for being white.

Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters

Ami on the Street: Are voter ID laws racist and suppress the black vote? Satirist Ami Horowtiz goes to UC Berkeley and Harlem to find out


This is the funniest poll I've ever seen. Is there anything more pathetic than pity?

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This is why it hit so hard.
It really hit the nerve.

It's cancerous bullshit.

Codependent with no one close to use as an outlet. Women are wired to care for children. Leftism screws with that wiring so that even white liberals with children will place the comfort and safety of strangers ahead of their offspring.

>Anal sex isn't usually mentioned though,
Of course it isn't, if it were then support for gay pride would plummet precipitously. That's why they shill the "love wins" meme so hard, to focus people on an illusion and ignore the fact that the homosexual life style revolves entirely around sex and not love as heterosexuals understand the word.

When I first heard about the NPC theory/meme 1.5 years ago it immediately clicked with me. There is so much truth to it, and does such a great job of conveying the message that I immediately loved it.

I was not surprised when it caught on with the masses. It truly is one of the most honest and enlightening memes ever

They just haven't met niggers. Niggers understand why people hate them.

Faggot. He didn't make a fedora-cringe comment.

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Relationships today in general have drifted towards the habit of casual sex rather than emotional and sexual intimacy with a long term partner. Same sex couples aren't necessarily any less capable of forming long term bonds.

Can confirm

Because leftists are the racists. They work very hard at deflecting that to the right though. Its really fucked up. There would be very little racial tension if they just disappeared overnight.


This, they only do it to feel good about themselves. It's selfish, putting their "niceness-to-"minorities""-ometer above everything else. In the end, they treat brown and black people as if they had Down's syndrome, which is infinitely more "racist" than how the average Jow Forumstard treats arabs, spics, part-nog mutts, and/or nogs.

t nonwhite white supremacist

Dems support and encourage sjws and their policies

We are all racists inside...
Leftists are the ones thinking about it though and make all the wrong conclusions because they can't see that they a lying to themselves.

>Aristotle, Shakespeare AND Beethoven
>a single people
Fucking mutts.

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White people are insane

a people = white people
'people' in that phrase is not referring to the individuals listed afterwards...

>white people
>a single people
Fucking mutts.

They are extremely racist themselves but project that into others to maintain their moral high ground. "acuse them of what you do and call them what you are"