This is the real reason why "they" are pushing race mixing

Ok, redpill, the real reason tptb are pushing race mixing is not because "Jews want whites extinct".
It's actually a much simpler reason,
Alot of the conflict in the world is caused because people are different and have different desires. A world with a mixed up one world race would have much less conflict to the point of true utopia.
When will U.S and U.K ever go to war again?
If there was one singular race, then alot of the divisions and tensions would disapear, even the religous tensions would disapear..
The only other way to reach a singular race is through Killing off everyone else and this is a crazy super violent trajectory. Race mixing is the truly peaceful way. A way that would take many decades but would minimize violence.
If you were a world leader who cared for his people then you would pick this choice.
Jow Forums unfortunately fails to see this simple genius path.
It' similar to the south park episode where the parents of the Jewish kid are planning to circumcise him, the boys misunderstand and assume that they want to chop off his weewee. Jow Forums is the kids who have misunderstood why mommy and daddy are doing what they are doing. They are doing it because they love baby.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's the dumbest shit I've read for at least a week. Go read about history of conflicts.

>Brazil is such a peaceful place

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whats it like being retarded op?

Yeah man. That's why no war has ever happened between people with the same ethnicity. Dickhead.

Even with all this nonsense racemixing, there are billions of each race, and they generally are attracted to their own race. It’ll never happen

Why aren't the kikes mixing their race? Nice try shekelberg.

instead of breeding EVERYONE with EVERYONE how about just the people who are not ugly or criminal?

I need a bigger picture. not an 8kb ant file.

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You are 100% correct OP this is why Brazil is an incredibly peaceful society. It is also the reason why bringing more arabs to Israel is necessary, if the jewish and arab populations intermingle to the point where they become indistinguishable the middle east will be at peace. Thank you bumping an awesome thread

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It may sound like a hippy's dream but it is rooted in science. Peace through love

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ROFL White guy has his hands on the black woman while the Black guy hover awkwardly next to the White woman who also seems to be more interested in the Black woman than the Black guy.


He is not wrong. Hippies didnt wave wars dont they? If everybody had sex with all races we will be less violent-

Which is a total fallacy, race mixing will not stop wats because we are sadistic pieces of shit that will be violent for the slightly differences. Stupid idealists, just like Marx.

I'm not saying it's perfect but it's a step in the right direction

Its because brown people are easier to control than Whites. Niggers are basically livestock.

This is what the dumbest globalists believe.
Saw & read a whole bunch of stories about how brazil was a model country for the future. Especially since they had such a vibrant food culture.

With forced mixing we will become as bad as the worst genetics in the pile. White genes are the first to go after a few generations.

You idiot, they don't care about wars. Wars can be very profitable. Everything is driven by money. They want open borders so they have an infinite supply of cheap labor and don't have to pay tariffs. They want to eliminate races and cultures so they can more easily sells products, you don't have to worry about a target market when everybody is the same.

>If there was one singular race, then alot of the divisions and tensions would disapear, even the religous tensions would disapear..
Read Freud's "Narcissism of Small Differences" and then get back to me.

The elite's dream is a rootless populace of low-IQ consumers that they can rule over.

>Alot of the conflict in the world is caused because people are different and have different desires. A world with a mixed up one world race would have much less conflict to the point of true utopia.
NORTH/SOUTH KOREA (and japan if you like)
and last but not least....
seriously why do people spout this point?

a lot of people are just mad because they don't experience sex or intimacy

Unironically believing that everyone will merge into one homogenous people... At best all that is going to happen is there will be a whole bunch of new mongreslized groups with their own identities. Year 2118 will see quadroon Democrats attacking the racist Hapa Republicans.

Yep liberia sure is a peaceful country.

OK, we'll start by mixing all Jews out of existence. Deal?

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Let's assume that it would happen and all people would become a mixed race.
Would it stop violence or wars ?
No absolutely not, what it would do is prevent the forming of what we call civilized nations. Ethnicity is the number one unifying factor when a group of people form a social contract.
A identity less mass of mutts would simply lack the necessary identity to create a stable society.
That is one of the reasons why Africa is at all times such a war torn shithole.
There are very few African nations that have a sense of national identity, a strong feeling of belonging to a respective group.
Take a look at conflicts like in Sierra Leone and you will know this to be true.

I want to wage wars on all the unibrow people OP.

Brazil has other social economic problems
It will take decades and massive social engineering but it will come to pass.
Jews are one of the most diverse groups in the world. You have black Jews, Arab Jews, White Jews.
Eugenics on a global scale would be a catastrophe.

is it necerraily bad to have a more peaceful popullation

A single world race would just make the populace easier to enslave, true diversity delays the one world government of the anti-Christ from coming to fruition.

>Eugenics on a global scale would be a catastrophe

Eugenics got us pre-migrant invasion Sweden. It was pretty comfy.

Implying that violence and war is a bad thing.

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Then we would lose all identity and still have wars over borders and resources.

pretty cool meme flag

I would like to move to Isreal, but they don't allow non jews to move there. Why is that?

this is not true at all,

in africa, different people of very similar race still fight for reasons and arabs keep fighting under other reasons than race....

Also if everyone suddenly became the same race we would still slowly but surely evolve differently in different areas since the earth is too large for every single human to travel across all of it all the time

>Alot of the conflict in the world is caused because people are different and have different desires
Quiet the opposite my dear brainlet.
Go read Freud nigger.

what are you 12?
people fight over wayyyy more than just race.
if we all were the same race people would still fight.

>to the point of true utopia
Wrong. It destroys races/subspecies, which is genocide, and causes all sorts of health and mental problems. Lowers IQ, too, which is extremely important in an increasingly complicated world. Temperament is a significant problem, as well. Plus, y'know, it's genocide, as I pointed out.

>When will U.S and U.K ever go to war again?
There's now constant conflict, tension and misery for whites in these countries and it's scheduled to get MUCH worse. You're completely wrong.

>If you were a world leader who cared for his people then you would pick this choice.
NO, they'd just stop fucking with white people. A leader that wanted anything good would, y'know, actually push for good and defend good people. Anyone pro-black, for example, is evil. They're basically real-life demons. Forcing anyone to ever be around them is evil. Forcing anyone to breed with them is evil.

>genius path
It's the worst path imaginable. Nuclear war would be better. Seriously.

You have a very childish way of looking at things; very simple, ignorant and delusional.

Lol, wut science? Post proofs!

>Goy you see it's all about peace and being equal

> one race utopia
> medieval Europe was full of wars and all white

Of course, look at north korea and south korea. 100% difference race right? Shut the fuck up you moron.

They are.

Why multi cultural society are more violent ?

>OP pic
>saving a thumbnail
brainlet confirmed

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I hope you get raped by a pack of wild niggers

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>Alot of the conflict in the world is caused because people are different and have different desires.
English and Scottish people have lived together for centuries and we still hate eachother so what you makes you think we'll get along with a nigger from the other side of the planet?

So you are advocating for radical non-diversity? What's all this about diversity, then?

>Brazil has other social economic problems
yeah, fucking niggers and pardos, it's just a coincidence that whitest states are the most peaceful right?

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Looks like a boy, dropped.

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>f you were a world leader who cared for his people then you would chose to destroy them in the name of insane utopianism

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>implying a lack of violence is so wonderful that it's worth going extinct for

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Your idea is absolutely fucking retarded. The end goal is the white race going extinct even by your own retarded logic the reason doesn't fucking matter. A one race world doesn't mean peace. You think if everyone was a shade of brown Christianity, Judaism, and Islam will just suddenly stop killing each other. Islam will not stop until you are converted or dead regardless of skin tone.

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>If there was one singular race, then alot of the divisions and tensions would disapear, even the religous tensions would disapear..

Yeah just wipe out any diversity and you create a utopia. You're literally just saying Hitler was right.

Wow, i didn't expect this hard headedness.
Ok fine, to all those disagreeing, what olution do you propose.
What's to stop Muslim nation from deciding to Jihad Finland and conquer it, thus creating a new world war.
What's to stop the continued migration of black from Africa into Europe,
What's to stop the high tenions between neighbouring countries all over the world.?

Look at South Africa, look at Syria, Look at the racial tension and political divide in America.
You can not solve large problems like this without some sacrifices. I f you believe "muhh white purity" is more important than world peace then you are misguided.
We have greater frontiers like the moon and beyond which we can't conquer fully without unity

you are under the delusion that conflict disappears if a people are of one kind. Go look at Chicago black on black murders to help you with you delusional mental illness. thanks.

becase of reistance to peace by "muhh race realism"

You dumb fuck people still have nations and ideas, there's almost never been an actual racewar.

because you will have black dna

>what olution do you propose.
One that doesn't lower the average IQ several deviations, you dumbshit.

Europeans had infighting for years
Asians had infighting for years
Arabs had infighting for years
Africans had infighting for years

>all of Africa is black, totally plagued with civil war, mass rape, genocide, and religious extremists
>all of South America is brown, totally plagued with civil war, mass rape, genocide, and religious extremists
>all of Africa is black, totally plagued with civil war, mass rape, genocide, and religious extremists

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>What's to stop Muslim nation from deciding to Jihad Finland
Fingollian Charles Martel and his miraculous memes
>What's to stop the continued migration of black from Africa into Europe
If you didn't let them in they wouldn't be coming.
>What's to stop the high tenions between neighbouring countries all over the world.?
It must be hard being a NWOfag and being terrified that war is about to break out between Australia and New Zealand

To fathom what a powerful person is scheeming first you need to stop thinking like a retard.
There's a dozen plausible reasons for it and yours is not on the list.

>acquire aggressive genetics
>become less aggressive

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Flip flop kingdom is nice blace.

yeah only if everyone was a delusional fuckwad satan worshiper life would be ez

After ww2 when Jews were almost kicked out of Germany the Jews became wise and decided if whites, blacks and browns fought each other instead of uniting against Jews like god intended then they could come out on top again. Like they did in ww1

And on what moral grounds do jews justify purely experimental social engineering that they conveniently exclude themselves from?

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The whites kill everyone else option is better because it doesn't lower the average IQ and greatly reduces the global population as needed.

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>Hippies didnt wave wars dont they?
Basically all ex-hippies are pro-war. They are literally the generation who immediately instituted the permanent war state as soon as a generational turning ushered them into power.

Oops, meant to put Middle East in one of those, but you get he point. Go back just 100 years and the same could be said about Europe and North America. Humans always find something to fight about. It's in our nature, and no amount of kike inspired breeding program will change it.

Your one world government will NEVER work, unless you find a way to destroy the differences between all countries, all languages, all religions, all sexes, and all colors. This is the true ultimate goal, to water down and neutral the things that give us diversity, that define us, that give us identity. Because without an identity, we would have nothing left to fight for. And of course, the (((elites))) will graciously lead us when we have forgotten what we are.

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Blood. Lots and lots of blood.

Very good troll. You even managed to insert the idea that circumcision, like race mixing, is what our parents want for us even though at first glance it seems harmful, it is about the greater good and we are too naive to understand it's purpose.

What does one of your books say? "A single thread in a tapestry cannot know that it is a mere part of a grander design"

>there won't be any conflict if we're all the same race

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Only the dead has seen the end of war. Color is not the only motivator of war most wars throughout human history was the same race fighting each other over land, power, etc... Race barely makes the top 5.

There's always that one 'true redpilled' guy in this board daily. No faggot.

>not because "Jews want whites extinct"
>If there was one singular race, then alot of the divisions and tensions would disapear
You fail to realize that this is essentially the same thing, even if the motive is slightly different. And it's not just Jews; all egalitarians and humanitarians, in asserting that everyone is equal in order to minimize conflict, simultaneously support the triumph of their own culture over all others that disagree with theirs. This is not a good thing though, because conflict is the secret sauce of life; without it, there is no music, everything is mediocre and predictable and boring.

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>A world with a mixed up one world race would have much less conflict to the point of true utopia.
But you never get there.
Jews aren’t really rushing to brown themselves. So what you’d have assuming the plan is fulfilled is a bunch of mutts and a race of whitish Jews, not a single world race.
And even if Jews did brown themselves it wouldn’t matter, because the world’s problems are not in fact caused by idiots irrationally hating one another simply because their skin is a different color.
Blacks fight other blacks, see Africa and Chicago tribe and gang wars. See Latin America cartel wars. See muslim wars. See Asian wars.
Even in secular multicultural America you still have divisions between blacks for example or are very dark skinned or who have lighter skin, each resenting and mocking the other over it even if they don’t openly align in war tribes over it.

Point is there is no world where you make everyone cosmetically identical and somehow achieve peace this way. In fact differentiating oneself from others based on appearance is pretty important for individual development. And multicultural societies empirically are more violent criminal lower development and less happy.

So you just cause problems with no payoff

As a 33 years old boomer, it's somewhat horrifying to realise many of you have grown up in diversity so much you believe this is even a topic to be entertained.

We find differences in each other no matter what. Nature wants competition, alphas and betas and omegas fighting each other in various ways to seduce a mate and perpetuate their genes.

I grew up in 99% white areas. We fight each other just fine. You can look at East Asians, they fight too. Africa? Don't get me started.

The vast majority of conflicts through history have been between genetically close people. At any scale. The multiculturalism we live now is an aberration caused by our technology, not the reason for behaviors as old as our existence as a species.

less aggressive than the original niggers
look at obongo
half-jew, half-niggest, and he's a total fag

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Try again. Jews have been mixing since fucking Goodfellas.

It won't work, people will just find the next thing and attack by it.
Here in brazil for example, the color of your skin don't matter that much, but your lisp/accent do a LOT.
If you sound like a nordestino, you're fucked in the southern states.

>They are doing it because they love baby.
they're doing it because they're stupid members of a death cult

fuck your acceptance of human mutilations

>There are no wars in Africa
Hell, even after the bantu successfully genocided most of the other races on the continent they still can't stop fighting each other

If all the races and peoples of the world intermingles and procreated eventually the world would become all white.

I agree with OP. Anyone who disagrees is a bluepilled brainlet.

Remember Hitler knew this and advocated for a world of combined cultures.

>Alot of the conflict in the world is caused because people are different and have different desires. A world with a mixed up one world race would have much less conflict to the point of true utopia.
bull fucking shit. take the dinka and the nuer. they're essentially the same people. same ethnicity, same language, they only differentiate themselves through tribal markings. and they're at war.

post vids faggot OP

>religious tensions would disappear
are you fucking delusional?
once everyone looks the same, they will force everyone into one theology.
religion is one of the major aspects of why people cannot get along,, almost nothing to do with how people look.
fuck off OP shareblue motherfucker.

Look at racemixing in Brazil, it was about white men having sex with non-white women, so their mixed offspring mostly assimilated into white culture.

But still they have more than 60 thousand homicides per year, less than 1% cases being solved by police that are called racists even though most of the police force is black or brown working class people tired of crime.

This is your diversity, they have an Iraq War of body count per year even though they have gun control.

Race mix all you want, and you'll get a group of people with similar DNA characteristics who can find some way to hate certain members of the group.

No matter how extensive the race mixing becomes, you'll never drive out the evolutionary reaction to the "other". Humans are tribal and even if we are smart enough to perceive each other as from the same genetics, we would just discriminate based on something else, like location.

Then you get Africa, which is made up of very similar DNA trait populations, but yet they kill each other mercilessly.
You're not seeing the big picture here, there is no end game to race mixing. Blacks hate light skinned blacks. Whites hate even mixed """"whites"""" who share similar culture some of the time.

Unless you can evolve the human mind to be aware enough to recognize a group larger than a tribe of 200-500 as their own people, you'll never achieve anything by making the world brown.
Far less actually, than if you segregated people to their own countries.